If we go

Chapter One


I hated how people always made fun of me, just because I was different. Different how, you may ask. Well that’s up to you. I don’t see how they think me as different, I was human no? I know that all people are different, which is good, even great. We wouldn’t have some things if everyone were the same. Like the telephone or computer, if no one wanted to have a great imagination because they were all unimaginative, we wouldn’t have those at all. So I didn’t understand why they thought me as different/strange/weird. I wasn’t the type that you would notice first, or last. I was average, like most people.

All I know is that they started making fun of me just because I befriended the new kid Brendan. He came to school in the middle of term 2. We were in grade six at the time, which I thought was pretty mean when they teased me for being nice. Being nice is a bad thing? I thought constantly because of them, but soon I realized that they had always thought me as strange. When I befriended the new kid, it somehow triggered a neuron in their brains, saying that I should be made fun of. Why did I bother befriending Brendan anyways? Well that’s because I was new once, and no one would befriend me, so I knew I should do something no one else bothered to do for me.

Brendan was not the cutest guy you’ve ever seen. He was the only kid with acne in our grade, and which also made it worse was the fact that he had those braces with head gear. I didn’t really care if he was hot, I still would have befriended him, but probably all the other girls would have befriended him, so I probably wouldn’t even had had a chance.

Brendan was smart, much smarter than anyone in the class, by the end of second term he got an almost perfect average. I think it was around 98%. How he got his average, he asked the teacher to see his marks in number form, that how he calculated his average (in grade 6 we only get letters). He also secretly did mine (I had no idea how he got my numbers), and told me mine was around 88% which made me really happy.

We became best friends after that year and, well, the teasing became worse.
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Sorry it took long to post, school gives way too much homework.