What I Can't See

What I Can't See

Everything in my life was great. I had awesome friends, an awesome family, a good school(except for homework). There was really only one downside in my life, Demetri.

Demetri and I had been friends since we were both one. He was my best friend. Then the year I turned eight, he started acting wierd. He had stopped talking to me for a little while. After a few weeks, I decided to ask him what was wrong. When I did, he yelled at me, called me names, and told me he never wanted to see me again.

I cried for days. I kept asking my parents why he was being so mean. I couldn't stand not knowing. My mom told me she didn't know, but she promised an answer from Demetri's parents. She never got it.

Niether did my dad. He had been asking for weeks. He never got his answer. And that bothered him even more. He was already mad about me crying and that's something he can't stand. Seeing me upset. On top of that, he didn't have an answer. That's one of the very few things he absolutly hates (other than me being upset and all). He was absolutly devistated.

That is, until I got over it. Then he decided that this was oneanswer that could remain a mystery. It made me happy to see him no longer angry about his unsolved puzzle.
I had made new friends, ripped up pictures and never looked back. I was ready to live the rest of my life without him. Until he tried talking to me again. But, I ignored him. It was for the best. And really, who could blame me?

Then after I wouldn't talk to him, he started to be mean again. I didn't let it get to me though. He wasn't my friend anymore. I didn't care what he said anymore. I wouldn't let him make me cry anymore. He wasn't important anymore.

Since then, I havn't spoken one word to him. Even my teachers didn't make me speak to him.(How cool are they for that?) It has been like he never existed. Until now.

Today I turned 16. Normally, this is a girl's happiest day as a teenager. But I am no fan of growing up.

Not only did I turn 16 but I also got put into the most horrible position possible. At least, that's what I thought.