What I Can't See

What I Can't See

Ava's POV

"How could you do this to me?!" I screamed at my parents. This was the worst possible thing anybody could do!! I can't wait to hear the explaination for this.

"We did what we thought would make you happy," my so called mother stated. She can't be serious! Who could ever be happy with this?!?

"Why would you ever, for one second think that this would make me happy? Don't you remember how many days I spent crying over him? Even if I didn't hate his guts, wouldn't you think I would want to make this kind of decision on my own? Last time I checked, this was my life! And I should be in control of my own life! If you really wanted me to be happy, you would have never agreed to this!" I yelled.

"Of course we remember. It's just that it had happened before the inccident. You see, when you were seven years old, you told me that you never wanted to loose him. That you wanted him in your life forever. And the way you two looked at each other back then just sealed the deal. We were against it at first but when you told us how much you cared about him, we just couldn't say no to it. Then the day when you came home crying over Demetri, we did evreything we could to stop the marriage. But everytime we asked them to help stop, they turned us down. On top of that, they wouldn't even tell us why. And unless all of the parents agree on the matter, the law can't be lifted," my dad explained. "We never would have agreed to it if we had known it would hurt you like this. We would never hurt you intentionally. We're so, incredibly sorry."

"Really? Well then my bad. I didn't realize how sorry you two were and that it would make it ok! My mistake," I said sarcasticlly, "How could you do this to me?!" I repeated. "It seems to me that your are not guilty about any of this. What does that say?"

"How could you possibly think that we don't feel guilty about this? We love you. We care about you and we want what is best for you. We are your parents," my mother stated.

"Real parents wouldn't do this to their child. They would let their children choose who they want to marry. They would be supportive in sittuations that are difficult for them. They wouldn't let their child suffer. Most of all, they would be taking action instead of doing whatever it is you're doing. You know what, do what you want. It's clear that you don't care how I feel. I guess I just don't really matter to you anymore," I said with tears already falling down my cheeks. "Just don't expect me to ever speak to you again," I finished. I decided to really let them have it. To let the guilt eat them from the inside out.

With that, I ran up to my room. My parents tried to tell me to wait and to listento them. But I wouldn't hear of it. I just went into my room and locked my door. That's when the waterfalls kicked in. Why did they do this to me? They say they love me. They say they care about me. They say they want what is best for me. Right now it all sounds like a bunch of b***s***! I havn't even had a bayfriend yet and I am already engaged! To someone that I hate!


Somewhere during the rant that went on inside my head I had drifted off into unconciousness. It was a nice, peaceful, dreamless sleep. Then my damn alarm clock had to wake me up at 10 a.m.

I woke up confused. But I was taken by surprise when all myemotions from last night rushed back into my body. I was overwhelmed with anger and sadness. It was an even fight to which would dominate. Eventually, anger won over in the end.

I got ready for the day with a scowl on my face the entire time. Then suddenly, my phone went off playing Just Dance by lady GaGa.

Just dance. Gonna be okay.


Just dance. Spin that record babe.


Just dance. Gonna be okay.


Dance. Dance. Dance. Just dance

It was my bff Emily. I picked up my phone. It said 'one new message.' I flipped my phone open.

Heyy girl.. u still down about the news??

Ya.. i so wanna kill them!!

Me 2.. i wanted him 4 myself... jkjkjkjkjk... eww... besides.. he's yours... congrats.. NOT

lol... at least u no how 2 try 2 cheer me up a little.

thx.. lol

ya.. hey ill ttyl.. i gotta go yell at them some more...

kk.. kick em in da ace 4 me 2... luv ya.. peace

dnt worry.. i will..luv ya 2.. peace

I shut my phone and stormed downstairs. As I walked into the kitchen to find a not in my parents place. I guess they couldn't face me until they thought I had calmed down a little. I picked up the note. It read:

Dear Ava,
We went out to breakfast with Demetri's parents to try and clean up the mess we have created. We are so sorry about all of this. I hope you will forgive us for what you are about to read. Demetri is coming over at 11 a.m. sharp to discuss some things with you about what happened eight years ago. Don't try to lock him out either. They have a spare key for emergencies. And I know we have never told you this but.. a long time ago we had secret passage ways put in between our houses. We will show you them later. He knows them and will probably be using one of them. Again we are really sorry about all of this. We will be back at about 11:30. We love you.
-Mom Dad

As I finished reading the letter, I could feel the heat rushing through my body and my face turning red from anger. If it were possible, I am positive that my blood would be boiling from anger right about now. Did they honestly expect me to talk to this jerk?! I think that right now I may hate my parents even more than I hate the jerk that I am being forced to marry. I mean come on! An arranged marriage!!! What kind of sick people would agree to such a thing? Oh wait.. That would be, my so called parents!!

Then, amongst all ofmy anger, I began to cry.

Then, I had a strange sense of Dey 'ja Vu. And a picture came to mind of a little girl crying. At first I didn't know who that familiar looking girl was. Then I realized, it was me, when i was eight years old.


"You're it," an eight year old Demetri said. I stopped running, turned around, and chased after him.

He wasn't paying attention to where I was, just to how fast he was going. I decided to sneak up on him from the side.

He didn't see me, so I ran as fast as I could to tag him. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop fast enough. I crashed into him. The next thing I knew, we were rolling on the blacktop and we ended up with me laying on top of him. We both got hurt really bad(for eight year olds).

We were carried to the nurses office where we were taken care of. I had to say sorry. Then we both fell asleep.

When we woke up, I started to giggle at the bandaid on his cheek. It said 'Barbie' on it.
Then he blushed and I giggled even more. Then his hands flew to his face from embaressment. His hand ended up hitting his face to hard. Then he began to cry.

I quickly sat up, wiped away his tears, and kissed him lightly on his cheek where the bandaid was.

"You're it," I whispered to my friend. Then he stopped crying and laughed with me.

What's wrong with Demetri. He won't say hi.

"What's wrong?" I asked him after school a week later.

"Leave me alone!" he yelled at me. "I hate you! You're stupid and I don't want to be your friend anymore! I never want to see you or talk to you ever again!"

I couldn't stop crying. My parents tried to figure out why I was sad. But I couldn't get it out until the next day. They tried to figure out what had happened. They never could. There was no answer. I just lost my best friend!


I had began to cry even more. It was an awful memory. That was the worst day of my life. Now, it's tied with the rest of my life! No. I won't cry. Not now, not ever. I promised myself a long time ago that I wouldn't cry over him anymore. I've trained myself to fight pain and I won't let this change it. I'm nearly immune to it. So why is this any different?

I decided to look at the time. It was just turning 11. So I went into the living room and sat on the couch.

Just then, I heard something move behind me but I didn't look. He came into view with a smile on his face. But that smile quickly disappeared when he saw me glaring.

"Hey," he said, "You don't look happy to see me?" it sounded like a question. I raised my eyebrows and he smirked, Ugh! I hate smirks.
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the one before this is the prologue. this is chapter 1.