What I Can't See

What I Can't See

"I guess somebody is grumpy today," he said using this strange baby voice of his. He looked like he was waiting for a response. I didn't give him one. He has tried to get me to talk to him before, so it's kind of a habbit when it comes to ignoring him. All of a sudden I was pulled from my train of thought. "So are we going to talk or just have a staring contest?" he questioned. It was then that I noticed that the entire time I was glaring, he was staring back.

"Take a picture. It will last a lot longer." Did he actually think that I was admiring him? Or was he just trying to piss me off? Either way, I am still not talking to him. I haven't said one word to him in 8 years and I'm not going to stop now.

"Just to let you know, I will stop at nothing to get you to talk. You do not know my limits. I don't think that there is anything that I won't do to make you speak to me. Absolutly. Positively. Nothing," he warned. I felt a sudden wave of fear over me. Then I remembered that he is a guy. A teenage guy. All he does is lie to girls. Then just as soon as it had come, the fear disappeared.

Just then he began to walk slowly towards me. I cocked one eyebrow. He still had that smirk and it was really starting to piss me off. Even more than I already am.(is that possible?)

He then reached the couch and sat down next to me. His eyes looked like they were boring into mine. I wanted very desporately to ask him what the hell he was trying to do because whatever it is, isn't working. But, I kept my mouth shut.

Then I realized what he was up to. He was going to try to make me yell at him because he is going to try and kiss me. He leaned in, closed his eyes. That was good in my case. I curled my hand into a fist, brought it back, and flung it forward hitting him right in the nose.

"Aaahhhhh!" he yelled. His nose was bleeding pretty bad. Then an army of guilt invaded me. UGH!!! Why can't I be mean? I mean come on! I feel bad for hurting the person I hate most in the world. I stood up and quickly ran out of the room to get a towl. I came back in and Demetri gave me a funny look.

I ignored the look and gently tilted his head back. I handed him the towl and started walking away.

"Wow," he said sounding a little surprised. I turned around and gave him a questioning look. "I thought you hated me. But now after you punch me, you come help me with a bloody nose. Either you didn't mean to punch me, you don't hate me, or you're just too nice to hurt me and stick to it."

I turned back around and started to head to the kitchen. The guilt was still washing through me. I decided to get something to eat. I was hungry. But I felt like I had to say sorry. I hate guilt. I put in some pop tarts and got a wet paper towl to wipe any dried blood. I walked back into the living room and threw the wet towel at him and he wiped the dried blood.

I sat down in a chair across the room and looked down at the floor. I could feel his gaze on me but I just couldn't bare to look him in the eyes. Is he mad? Do I even care? Did I nearly break his nose? Why is he so arrogant? Does he even realize that I don't want to talk to him, much less see him? Does he not get the picture that I hate him? He had hurt me all those years ago. Yet he thinks that there is even the slightest chance that I will forgive him? I'm not even old enough!! Did they ever think to make sure I love someone before they force me into a marriage? I swear, they are the most self-centered, horrible, non-caring people in the world! Right up there with Demetri! No. They wouldn't do that unless there was another reason. There had to be. I refuse to believe that they would marry me to this jerk. Unless all they want is money. Considering the fact that Demetri's grandparents are rich.(AN:they own a hotel business that is world-wide but Demetri isn't one to brag about it) No. They wouldn't do that either. Why-

Demetri snapped me out of my inner rambling. "I'm sorry." Didn't expect that, "about everything. About trying to kiss you. About every rude thing I have said to you. And most importantly, about how I had hurt you all those years ago. Could you ever forgive me? I truely am sorry. Please forgive me. I miss being friends with you. I know that that is no excuse for what I did. But do you think you ever could forgive me?"

Aaawwwweeeeee!!! That was sweet. But could I ever forgive him? I finally decided that it was time to look him in the eyes. When I did, I felt as if I might just drown. His eyes are so blue. They look as if with one glance, they could spin the world the other way. Strangely, I never forgot that. Only how overwhelming they could be, if he was filled with sorrow. But why would he be? Did he really miss being friends with me that much? My heart fell and ached to remove the pain that I had caused.

I suddenly realized that he was waiting for an answer. I still won't talk. He's not going to win me over that easily. But he still might deserve an answer. I shrugged.

"And yet you still won't talk to me. Even as obvious as it is that you don't hate me as much anymore you still don't know. What can I do to prove to you that I mean whatI'm saying? Oh wait, that's right, you still won't talk to me." He removed the towel since his nose had stopped bleeding and stormed out of the room. I could hear him thow the towel on the counter. I couldn't stand the pain he seemed to be going through but I don't know why. And I don't know what force overpowered me but I had to do it.

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chapter 2