Status: Contest

Welcome to ASL, Bill Kaulitz



~*~3 months later~*~

I sat across from Bill, Judy by my side as he signed a few sentences about his day. He was getting better, learning a lot faster than others would have in the same situation.

I shook my head as he faltered over a certain sign, showing him in slow motion how his hands and fingers should move.

I watched him sigh; almost wishing I could hear it. Pushing the dark hair from my blue eyes I study again how he signed, nodding when he got it right this time.

Judy turned to me, signing to both of us, ”I’m going to get something to eat, would either of you like anything?”

Signing that I would like a water we both waited as Bill fumbled for the right sign. I smiled when he asked for soda popcorn, my verbal laugh making him look at me in shock.

Chuckling as well Judy showed him the right sign, then left to retrieve our orders.

Bill was still staring at me with wide eyes, starting to fumble over more of his signing.

”I didn’t know you could actually laugh like others,” I nodded when he frowned at the signed word ’others’, letting him know he signed it right.

I smiled, ”I still have my vocal cords, I can laugh and cry like anyone else. I just can’t form words due to the deformity in my ear development.”

He nodded, frowning over his next signing, ”Can I?”

”I don’t know, you’d have to ask Judy. You’re lucky to still have your hearing.”

Judy came back in, forcing us to get back to the lesson.