Everything I'm Not


"So, um, what did you wanna talk about?" I leaned against the wall as Zack led me to a dark corner somewhere in the venue.

"Jack told me something," he wouldn't look at me.

"What did he tell you?" I was getting really nervous by now, whatever Jack told him, it had to be bad. I mean, c'mon, it's my brother!

"That you, y'know what? Nevermind," he mumbled and walked away.

"What the fuck did my idiot of a brother tell you?"

"That you liked me," he looked me straight in the eye. My brother is a dead man.

"I do like you, Zack, why wouldn't I? You're my best friend," I smiled, hoping I could pass off Jack's little slip up for just a friendship.

"I mean like as in 'I wanna bang you' like me," I resisted the urge to burst out laughing.

"What?" I really hoped he would just leave the topic alone.

"Don't lie to me, Dakota! I wanna know!" he all but whispered. I knew I was in deep shit when he said my name. He never called me Dakota. Ever since we met, it was always Kate or Katie. Only once did he call me Dakota. That was when I accidentally broke his Blink-182 CD.

"I-I do like you, Zack," I sighed.

"As in-"

"As in I'm in love with you! All the girls you tell me about? They break my fucking heart! I love you so fucking much and then I have to listen to you go on and on about you love a different girl every fucking month! I don't even know how to explain how much it hurts me! I just," I sighed, tears slipping out.

"Katie," Zack sighed. Oh my God, he's going to tell me he loves me back. "I don't like you like that. I never have," he said quietly.


"I-I don't think I ever will, Katie," he looked at me sadly. "I'm sorry." I wish I could just go. Just go away forever. Never ever see Zachary Steven Merrick again. Ever again.
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Another one! Yay!!