Pain of Death

Seven Years Later

Lacey walked into English class. The teacher smiled. "And why are you so cheery Ms. Johnson?" She shrugged. "You're just my favorite student, Lacey. You give the literary arts that special something." Lacey smiled. In truth, he couldn't wait for Kathy Johnson to die. He would let her decide her own fate. She was in his circle of trust.He sat down in his seat and pulled out paper and a pen. The class filed in slowly. Everyone stopped talking as the bell rang. Ms. Johnson closed the door. A second later it swung open violently as a girl exploded into the room. She wore all black and had long straight black hair. Her bangs hung down in front of her eyes. One of her arm bands slipped and she pushed it back up. "Hello, I'm Ms. Johnson. Who are you?" The girl took a deep breath. "Ryan. Transferred yesterday." Ryan found an empty seat behind Lacey and spent the next five minutes kicking his chair. He turned around. "What can I do for you?" She let her arm band fall, showcasing the red cuts.
He locked eyes with her. "And?" She grinned. "How about you?" He shrugged. "I'ts a secret." She rolled her eyes. "Necromancy." Her head snapped up. "What? Is that a movie?" He shook his head. "Book. It's pretty good." He mentally cursed himself for being so open. "Um...see you at lunch, I guess." She nodded. He turned around an plunged back into Dracula.