
They've been called many things, and surrounded by tales of magic and mystery, but the truth about modern vampires is not nearly as dark, or as glamorous as the stories suggest. Living in secret in a barn on the outskirts of the Great Lakes port of Duluth Minnesota, a small nest of blood suckers live and hunt together in a loose sort of family.
But their carefully engineered lifestyle is blown apart with the arrival of Hunters (Normals with their hearts set on staking every Freak they can get their hands on), a mad scientist (who's latest discovery could mean a way out of their fringe lifestyle), and a threatening new gang of Freaks (who would like nothing more than to become the dominant species). As if that didn't complicate life enough, contact between Freaks and Normals are beginning to go beyond predator-prey relationships, meaning rifts between friends and new and dangerously fragile feelings between opposing parties.