

Sadin of Tula yawned widely as he combed out his long, black hair, tying it at the base of his skull with a bit of leather chord. Checking the clock on his mantel, he spent a moment lamenting the fact that he had missed breakfast. He would have to charm the cooks into making him something if he wanted to eat before he began study of the wolf girl.

He fed his various parrots on their perches around his writing desk and rinsed his hands and face in the basin of his wash table before leaving the room, his mind going over the questions he was itching to ask the adolescent.


He paused as the man down the hall jogged slightly to catch up with him. “Yes… Jed?”

“I just heard…” Jedam of Krimm stopped to keep stride with Sadin as he continued to walk along the hall. “Back at breakfast with the blokes.”

“Heard what?”

“That you’ve got the wolf that’s been takin stock around the city.” The man looked like he was doing his best to hold back something he was more excited about than he cared to admit, pressing his lips together.

“That is accurate.”

“Well?” Jed grinned, shrugging expectantly. “Where is it? We’d all like… well- we’re just anxious to get at the beast.”

“Ah.” Sadin nodded, understanding the man’s polite beating around the bush. “Unfortunately, I cannot allow any harm to come to the creature in question.”

“What?” Jed’s grin widened. “You’re jokin me. You know the thing’s got to die sooner or later.”

“I would have agreed with you previously, but I’m afraid circumstances have changed.”

“Circum- hang on a second-“ Jed stopped him with a firm hand on his arm. Sadin blinked down at him calmly, waiting for the knight to continue. “I don’t pretend to know what you’re talking bout half the time- hell- most the time I just nod and smile when you’re talking. But one thing I do understand is that that overgrown dog has cost our people more’n eight month’s worth of meat for a family of ten.” He shrugged, his grin slipping now. “I dunno what you’re playin at- but it’s gotta stop. This thing has got to die. We owe it to the people.”

Sadin thought for a moment, then smiled pleasantly, making no verbal commitment either way. “Excuse me. I have to go have a word with the Lady of Blackcreek and her charge.”
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I'm not dead! It's a miracle. though, apparently, my inspiration is. Please let me know if you like it, if you don't, whatever! I really appreciate anyone reading this, I hope you know that. :) Alright- shameless begging for reviews over with. ;)