My Desperate Endeavor To Find My Whoever.

Twenty Questions

"Aleeeeeeeex, I'm boreeeeed." I whined, as we sat there watching some mindless sitcom, his legs stretched across my lap.

"And what do you want me to do about that?" He laughed.

"I dunno. Ugh, think of something to do." I said, blowing my bangs across my face.

"Hmm. We could play twenty questions. That's a good way to make the time pass."

"That's actually a really good idea." I said.

He sat up next to me, and we began the game.

"Favorite city?" Alex asked me.

"Los Angeles, California." I said without a thought, "Favorite place to vacation?"

"Disneyland, duh." He said, and I laughed."Favorite song?"

"I like too many songs to make up my mind. But the one I'm obsessing of at the moment is Two Weeks by All That Remains," I said,"Your favorite song?"

"Like you I have no favorite. At the moment it's I Miss You by Blink182. Favorite...season?"

"Winter. The snow is always what I look forward to, plus that's when Christmas comes duh!" I said laughing.

And we continued quizzing each other back and forth.


"Favorite...materialistic possession?" Alex asked me, by now we had talked about pretty much everything possible.

"That's a tough one...probably my iPod, but my converse are a close second." I was running out of things to ask him, and fast. In the time we had talked I learned a lot of his favorites. "Same question for you."

"Probably my guitar, or my car."

I couldn't help but laugh, it was such a typical answer.

Things were quiet for a moment.

Our game of twenty questions was slowly making it's was tword one of truth or dare...except without the dare.

My mind slowly wandered to how I had lied to him yesterday.

As the silence grew, I found that with each passing second, I grew more and more guilty feeling. He has every right to know that it in fact was me he slept with.

And even more to that, I found myself wanting to tell him.

"So." His words pulled me from my thoughts. He smirked my way, and it made me weak in the knees."Do you find me attractive?"

I blushed as those words came from his mouth, but I kept my cool. "Yes, but you're my friend, so that's different." I smiled at him, soon enough a smirk made it's way there, in place of my smile."I'm curious though, do you find me attractive?"

I swear he turned pink, though his voice showed nothing besides it's regular tone.

He raised his hand, leaving it there for a moment, on my blushing cheek.

My mind was made up before his name even came out of my mouth.

"Alex?" I asked him, my voice barely a whisper.

"Yeah?" He breathed.

"Well..." A blush grew even more prominent on my cheeks as I prepared to fill him in. "I was-"

The door to the lounge opened swiftly, the noise in great contrast with out silence, making us flinch away from each other.

Jack was standing there, eyes wide as could be.

Who knew that the next words to come from his mouth, would make any hope of Alex liking me, would vanish into thin air.

"Lisa's here."