Green Day Baby

Cherished Face From Long Since Passed

The phone rings from the night table.

"Billie, pick it up," Adie groans. Wes that's right I married Adrienne. I roll on my side and grope for the phone catching a glimpse of my alarm clock which reads one AM.

"Bill I found her!" Tre yelps excitedly.
"Found who?" I mumble as I rub my face.
"Rosie." I sit up, after the evening when they took her away we never talked about her.
"What? Where?"
"Well I was surfing the net when I saw this advertisement for find your grad class."

"Uhuh," I grumble, knowing when he said surfing the net he meant porn. Ever since he and Claudia divorced I think he's been addicted to it whenever we're not touring.
"So I searched my year and didn't find anyone interesting, so then I searched my brother's year and found the name Salvador."

"And on her profile it said she lived with her husband, two kids and niece."
"You sure its her?"
"Well I emailed her asking if she had a sister named Adeena and if her niece's name was Rosie."
"I'm waiting for a response." I let out a sigh.
"Tre, this couldn't wait for morning?"
"Put your pants back on, wash your hands and read a book for fuck's sake," I say as I hang up the phone.

"Who was it?" Adie mumbles as I wrap my arms around her.
"What did he want this late at night?"
"He claimed to have found Rosie." I say inhaling the sweet scent of her hair.
"The baby girl we took care of way back when."
"Oh," she says as we drift back to sleep.