Lovers and Friends

The Beginning of the End.

"You've got to meet her, you can't not do it! You're two of the most important people in my life. She'll like you, trust me."

Trusting you was never the issue; which in and of itself was a strange occurrence in my life, but that's neither here or there. I grudgingly replied with my fake agreement—I could never say no to you.

“Great! We'll stop by before we head out to dinner, speaking of, you should come with us, it'd be fun!”

I could just imagine her yelling NO inside—I agreed. I declined; you were actually a little saddened that I couldn't accompany you two. I never was a fan of being a third-wheel, let alone to spend time (a long period of) with someone I don't know—even remotely.

Mere minutes and you were knocking on my door; had time passed that quickly? I sighed as I put a smile on and opened the door. I took in your smiling face and turned my forced grin into a real one, the only one you can put on my face. You pulled me in to your arms and a bone-crushing hug (you always gave the best ones). I glanced over your shoulder at her and smiled.

“Hi, I'm Anne.”

She was judging me—comparing us. Five seconds and she had already passed judgment. I was prettier, she was slimmer. I was short, she was tall. I knew him longer, knew him inside out; she had the rest of their lives to learn more than I'll ever know about him. She knew I loved him once, I could tell by the look in her eyes. I'm a threat and that's all she sees me as. She doesn't care that you and I have been through thick and thin, we're close—too close for her tastes.

“I'm Natalie.”

He chose me. I could see that prideful gleam in her eyes. It was hidden beneath the fear that she held for our relationship. She feared that you and I are too close—she has a right to be afraid. However, she shouldn't fear, you did choose her. You love her, she loves you. Or at least I hope so.

You're rambling, something we've always done in each other's presence—I don't think she's a fan. Ten minutes later, in the midst of our conversation she took one last look at me, turned to you and said, I'm ready to leave when you are. You hesitated, just for a moment—she and I both noticed. She gave you a hard look and you turned to me, smiled and pulled me in for another hug.

“See you Monday?”

I smiled up at you and nodded. She narrowed her eyes—just barely—she would be on her way home. A summer apart—you're her fiancée—oh the woes of young love. She gave a brief nod in my general direction and turned to leave. You tossed a smile over your shoulder as you headed out behind her. I knew the moment you closed the door, it was more than just the entrance to my apartment, it was her winning.

And you would never know.