Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

More than a memory. More like reality.

That name.

The next day I tried to avoid anything that would trigger these visions. I don't know why I tried because I still don't know what's triggering them.

I was at lunch. I tried my best to keep quiet. Even the slightest thought could trigger these visions and I don't want to see. I want to live this normal empty life...empty?

"Hey, Alex,"

I looked at Nate and Karen. "Yeah?"

"Wanna go to La Push?" she asked.

"Y.." trigger.

A vision. I was sitting here, talking with Karen. Then Tristan walks up to us!

We started talking to us. I don't know what he said but I turned to Karen. She started, paused then said yes. He smiled and walked off. We were laughing.

I turned to look at Edward and Bella. But something was in the trees. I got up to go look and the vision faded. Once again I was just sitting down, at lunch.

I got up and went towards the forest. Now I'm curious about what I saw.

I walked until the vision came up.

I saw myself walking through the forest. I was following someone. He kept walking but was doing so very slowly. He stopped when I shouted. I was saying something to him. He said something back. But the one time my vision had sound, this is what it said:

"You're Demetri, aren't you?"

That name. I know that name. It's important somehow.

He turned to me and started talking. He was mad. I think it was because I followed him. I don't know how I know that. I just do.

He was about to walk off but I, the real me, whispered, "Demetri..."

He turned and looked at me. This must not have been the vision. My heart stopped and I caught my breath.


The vision faded when he said my name. He was gone.

For some reason I wanted to go find him. What is wrong with me?

"Hey, Alex!" I heard Karen yell my name.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back.

I walked away from the forest thinking about Demetri. I don't know why but, when I learned his name, my day seemed to brighten. I felt...good. Not so empty but not so full either.

Before I went inside I heard someone whisper my name. I turned to the forest.

I could have sworn it was Demetri. I don't know why but he just seemed to be on my mind. Even before I knew his name.

That's when I knew my life will never be perfect. It was too empty. The imperfect life is what fills my heart. Demetri...
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I hope you guys like chapter two! Comments for chapters. If you don't comment, I don't update. =)