Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

More than a memory. More like reality.

Crushing on a vision!

Ah, weekend at La Push and this stupid bathing suit that I despised so much. Perfect... the damn thing covers nothing and for a self-conscience freak like me... not good!

I was there with Nate and Karen. I stayed in the water. There's no telling what vision might get triggered out here. Luckily staying in the water worked. I stayed vision free. But I was kinda sad. I wanted to see Demetri...No! Stop! I can't think about that right now!

After the beach we went out to eat. We just ordered drinks. I was tired and ready to get home. I just needed to know something.

"Hey, you guys?"

They looked at me.

"Do I seem...different to you?"

They thought about it.

"Well you have been looking sad lately. Like you lost something." said Karen.

I knew it...


I got up and started walking home. I must have done this before because they didn't ask where I was going.

I walked down and felt someone following me. Trigger.

There was a man. He was following me in the vision. I started running but was caught by the guy in the front.

"Don't run, sweetie. We don't bite..." The one in front said.

"Much" The other added, now practically touching my back.

"I-I know what you are." I said trying to stop them.

"What are we?"


They stopped and looked at each other. "Now how did you come to that conclusion? Vampires don't exist."

Whoa! Is this some kind of joke? Vampires don't exist! Just like they said. But something about them told me they were lying. Something said they really are vampires... holey crap! I need to visit an asylum, visions, vampires, dreams, oh my!

The vision faded. I ran down the alley. I had to know what happened. Something about these visions...why are they here?!


I watched him sniff my neck. Yeah definite vampire.

"Ah, you smell delightful!"

I closed my eyes as he opened his mouth to bite me.

That's when I saw him. He came out of nowhere and grabbed the man from in front of me and pressed him against the wall.

"Tracker!" The guy said before he was thrown, literally, to the other side of the street.

He turned around.

I smiled. "Demetri..."

He turned to me, his red eyes seemed to glow in dark, and I could hear his growl from where he stood. He started walking towards me and I got a little scared. The vampire let me go and ran off.

The vision faded. Demetri...who is he? Why is he so important?! Yup, make an appointment to the nut house, with all the nuts and the squirells!

I shook my head and walked off. Hopefully another vision would come. I need to know who he is and why he is here...and why I care so much.

I got to the front of the house. I shouldn't walk home alone so much.


I was with Demetri. He must have walked me home. I smiled at the thought but pushed it away. He said something and i nodded. But then my heart stopped, both in the vision and real life.

He kissed my hand...I couldn't believe it. Part of the real me wanted to feel it. I wanted to feel his kiss...crap what's going on with me?! I'm crushing on a vision!

It faded. I went inside. No more...
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm about to update again tonight. I just didn't want to stuff all of this stuff in one chapter. Comment!