Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

More than a memory. More like reality.

But it feels so natural!

I stood in my room. God this Demetri is frustrating! It's like...he's so important! But he's not in my life for real! Why won't he show up already?! Wait, why do I want to see him...?

"Ugh! You are pissing me of you know that!" I screamed, knowing he couldn't hear me. I wish he could. I couldn't take the fact that everything about him was so real. I just wish he was here so can yell at him about these visions and who he is. Who am I?! I can't be the same Alex I grew up as. If I was, I wouldn't have these visions. Well, do you hear a song coming? No, 'cause I am NOT like that, nor will I ever be!

Vampires? There are vampires?! Well, Jasper does have a southern accent, and if he has lived up here, all I can remember...

I shook my head, took a shower and went to sleep. I made sure to put my choker in a good place. Where did I get it?

My visions started seeping into my dreams.

I dreamed i was standing in my room. It had to be right after Demetri kissed my hand. But everything felt real in the dream. I could feel his kiss lingering on my hand.

Something was tapping on the window. I opened it.

Tristan? What's he doing here?

"Wait, I just want to ask you something."


"Hold on, back up really fast."

I backed up and next thing I knew, he was climbing through the window.

"What the...Tristan!"

He climbed in and closed the window.

"Okay now..."

"Tristan get out!" I growled, it is only a dream after all, i mean, nothing can hurt me... can it?

Wow this was so not a good time for my family to go on 'vacation'. Wait, 'vacation' why the quotation marks, and where have they gone?
"Listen, Alex..."

"No get out!"

He huffed and started walking towards me.

"Alex, Alex. I just want to say that I want you to be my girl."

What the hell is he talking about his girl? What is up with this dream?!

"No. Now get out!"

He kept walking towards me and I backed into the wall. Crap. He was now in front of me, his hands on the wall by both sides of my head.

"Listen Alex. No one seems to be good enough for you. But I am. No matter what you say, I am."

"Tristan leave! Please..."

"No. I think I'll stay."

He started leaning closer to me. This was different than when I was just with Demetri. With Tristan I am afraid.

"Oh, Alex." He sniffed me. "Ugh! You stink. Smell like a leech!"

"Leech?" That could only mean one thing. "You're a werewolf!" Stupid dog!

Werewolf?! Werewolf?! There are vampires AND werewolves?!?! Oh my God! What is going on?! Vampires, werewolves, crazy girl, Oh my!

He laughed. "Ah so what. It doesn't matter. What does matter is that you're my girl."

It does matter! He's a wolf! What the hell do I do?!

"No I'm not!"

He grabbed my arms, put them over my head and forced me to kiss hm.

WHAT.THE.HELL?! Eww, he smelled like a wet dog, he is a Horrible kisser, and eww!! He is disgustinog! Like I would kiss him?! Dog, no, I do not want to kiss you!

He stopped. "Ah see. That wasn't so hard." Um... yeah, it was...

"Tristan get out..."


He was about to kiss me again but I started yelling.

"Stop! Get away from me!"

Oh God he's gonna rape me! This dream is stupid and the bad part was it felt so real. So if he raped me i would feel it! HELP!!

"Shut up!"

I stopped yelling. Why did I stop yelling?! What the hell am I doing?!

"Now, all I want is for you to be my girl. That's all I want."

"Well I'm not so let me go!"

Where is Demetri? Why do I care?! What is going on in my freaking head?!?!

Tristan sighed. "You know, Alex. You will be mine, whether you like it or not."

The way he said it made my skin crawl. But what really got me scared was a growl that I heard. That is until I saw who it was from.

"Get.Away.From.Alex!" Demetri said between gritted teeth.

He came for me? The thought made my heart leap. Why? I really have no clue.

"Why should I?"

"You have no idea who you're messing with, dog." Dog? that is my line! Well, I can compromise, MUTT!!
Tristan looked like he was about to say something but then he stopped and stared at Demetri for a long time.

"What the hell?!" He said before he ran to the other window.

"Get out."

Tristan quickly jumped from the window.

Demetri went to it and closed it.

"Thank you, Demetri. I..."

He stopped me when he came right in front of my face. I forgot what I was about to say. Damn, his breath so cool, so sweet, so wonderful....

He reached up and touched my cheeks. His hands were cold and his touch sent sparks down my body. My breathing changed and he moved his hand to the back of my head. He wouldn't...He did!!!

He pulled me to him and kissed me. It was nothing like mutt, it was sweet, comfortable, like we were made for each other.... DAMN IT ALEX THIS IS A DREAM!!!! I dont care!

Oh my God he kissed me! I kissed back. Something inside of me was longing for him to kiss me. Like I was waiting all this time. God did this sound a little weird or what?

The kiss was passionate, he pulled me closer to him and my hands were crumpling the front of his shirt.

But then he used the wall to push himself off and stand on the other side of the room. He was breathing hard, like he ran a marathon.

"I-I'm sorry, I.." I started... though, I wasn't sorry at all, to be honest..

"No, Alex. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come here."

"You saved me twice. Once form the vampires and once from Tristan!"

"I still shouldn't have followed you!"

He shook his head and left.

I woke up, my breathing unsteady. I looked and thought I saw someone in the corner of my room. My head said it was Demetri but I still was cautious.

I reached over and turned on the light and looked back. No one was there.

I'm losing my mind...liking a vampire in my dreams....It's stupid! But it feels so natural!
♠ ♠ ♠
Well hope you liked it! lol Don't hate me and don't worry. Demetri will come back soon. Have patience and bear with me for just a little while longer! Comment, Enjoy it, subscribe!