Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

More than a memory. More like reality.


Well it's a whole other week. What happened last week you ask? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No going out and no visions. Boring.

"Hey, Alex!"

I turned and saw Nate walk up to me.


"I gotta know! Do you think Karen likes know, like a lot?!"

I laughed. "Why?"

"Because I really REALLY like her. I think I..."

"Love her?"

He nodded.



Nate walked up to me. "Hey, Alex. Can I ask you something?"


He paused, probably thinking how to ask.

"Do you think..." He looked around and bent down to whisper. "Do you think Karen likes me?"

I smiled. "Of course! Who wouldn't think that?"

I was laughing. He actually does like her. Perfect!

"Um...hey you guys."

I looked at Karen and smiled. "Hey Karen guess what?"

She looked between me and Nate and I knew right then she was getting the wrong idea.

"No listen to me!" I ran and grabbed her arms. "Nate likes you." I whispered.

Her face lit up and she looked down to hide her blush.

"he does?" she asked quietly.


It faded. Well I already know that vision. I was actually there. Why did I get to see that one again? Unless...

Karen came around the corner. Perfect.

I ran over to her and grabbed her, pulling her towards Nate.

"You guys have to talk." I said with the biggest grin on my face.

I went around the corner like I remember doing the first time.


Tristan was standing in front of me.

"Not right now. I don't have time for your games."

He smirked then leaned on the wall. "But I'm not playing. I'm serious. When are we gonna get together."

Was I seriously crushing on him when I was little? What was wrong with me?!

I stopped trying to peek at Karen and Nate. I stood straight and looked him in the eye, which was hard because he was a foot taller than me.

"Listen, we are never going to get together," I said, slow as if I was talking to a child. Which, in this case, was not too far off.

Again, he smirked then shook his head. "Alex, you know I really like you. Why won't you just go out with me?"

"Because, well, let's see. Oh yeah! I don't like you!"

I was about to walk off but he grabbed me.

Tristan pulled me back in front of him but didn't let go of my arm.

"Alex, you are really trying my patience."

"Tristan, let me go..."

"No. And don't get louder." He tightened his grip on my arm, and it made me wince in pain "We wouldn't want you to have to get a cast"

"Tristan, stop you're hurting me!"

I grabbed his arm trying to pry it off. No good.

The vision faded.

That's right. He gave me a bruise that day. But I don't remember...


"Alex, just say you'll be my girl. Or do you want me to tell Edward who was in your room that day."

Demetri? I know that's who he's talking about.

I looked up at him.

"You're bluffing" I said.

Why do I care if he was bluffing.

"I'll just describe him to Edward. I'm sure he'll have no problem knowing. Or I'll just let him read my thoughts and show a full visual image of the leech!"

Leech! That's what he said in the room when I found out he was a wolf! Demetri's a vampire!

"No! Please don't do that!"

"Say it!"

I hated Tristan for doing that to me. If this wasn't a vision I would punch him right now.

"No? Okay then..."



"yes..." I said looking down.

"Yes what?" He asked pulling my face up.

"I'll be your girl"

He smiled and kissed me. Ugh I bet his kisses sucked!

He moved and smiled, letting my arm go.

"I'll see you later, Alex"

He said as he walked off.

Outside I saw a tree fall. The roots were up. It uprooted itself?

Vision fade.

I ran outside. I need to know about the tree! Why it did that. Maybe...just maybe it would lead me to Demetri...

I went outside. Thankfully it was still there. It had a dent on the side.


I was examining the tree. Something wasn't right. Somehow I knew someone pushed it. I don't know how but they did!

"Demetri.." I heard the vision of me whisper. I ran into the forest.

Vision fade.

I went right where the vision was going. I had to find him! I just...I just had to...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys like this chapter! Please don't be mad that Demetri's not here yet! He;s coming I promise. I'm trying to speed the updates up for you guys so...Comment! Or I will get sad and not update...