Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

More than a memory. More like reality.


Why the hell am I chasing a vision through the forest?! It's like I'm falling in love with him or something.

Wait. No! No no no! Don't think like that, Alex!

I went to the meadow. What the heck am I doing here. I always come here and no vision...


I saw something across the lake sparkling. I focused my eyes as much as I could. Demetri!

I started running through the trees.


"What the..."

I shook my head. So how did I know that was Demetri?

But then something seriously caught my eye. There WAS something on the other side.

I did what the vision did. I started walking through the trees.

When I got there, I saw a man staring at the water. Could it be...


As I got close he looked up and started looking around him. He didn't know I was actually here.

He looked through the trees and for a second I thought he saw me. He looked away then disappeared.

I gasped. "Where..."

He disappeared?!


I turned and fell back.

In the vision I turned and was surprised to see him right behind me. While I was trying to back up I tripped and almost fell. Demetri caught me and pulled me up causing me to slam into his chest. Out of reflex I wrapped my arms around him to keep from falling again. He quickly grabbed my arms and held me from his body at arms length.

He slowly let out his breath and stood there, holding me at arms length, his head down and his eyes tightly closed. His hands shaking, he slowly removed them from my arms and covered his face.He slid them down but stopped when his fingers got over his nose and he took three long deep breaths. Then his fingers intertwined together and he put his hands on his forehead.

"Why did you follow me here, Alex?" He said, not even bothering to open his eyes.

Um..." I started nervously playing with the end of my shirt. "I-I don't know..."


Oh my God. It's Demetri. What do I do? Do I go out and see him and ask him who the hell he is and why am I having visions about him?! Or do I just watch him like a creeper?

He looked up and turned his head to the forest, his eyes wide.

"Impossible..." He whispered.

I knew he was about to leave so I ran out.


He had his back to me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He didn't answer. He just shook his head.

I rolled my eyes. "Listen! I don't know what's going on right now but I think you can answer some questions i have!"

He turned to me. He started shaking his head in disbelief. He knows me somehow.

"I am unimportant." He finally said.

"Obviously you are!" I was getting mad. Why won't he just answer my questions then he can go on his bloody way!

"I shouldn't be here with you" he said as he started walking off.


He stopped and turned to me.

"You know my name?" He asked almost in a whisper. I thought I saw his eyes watering but maybe it's just the sun.

"Yes! Now tell me what's going on?! Why am I having dreams about you?!"

"You're having dreams about me?"

"Are you going to answer all my questions with a question?!?!"



"I have to stay away from you, Alex."

I sighed and tried to sit down using my hands but the bruise Tristan left on my arm started hurting and I ended up falling on my side. I sat up and lifted my bruised arm

Crap that Bastard left a bruise!


"See. I hurt you already."

"No, it wasn't you! It was Tristan!"

He furrowed his brows and looked at me. "What?!"

He quickly came and knelt next to me, grabbing my arm. He let go when I flinched. Then, slowly, he held my arm and looked at the bruise.

It turned purple! I'm gonna kill Tristan!

"And yet you still like him," he mumbled.

"I don't like him!" I said along with my vision.

"When you kiss someone, that usually means you like them!" He yelled back.

"He made me! That's how I got this stupid bruise!"


I shook my head.

"What happened?" He asked. He's concerned.


"Do you like me, Demetri?"

He looked up, probably shocked that I asked that question.

He looked back down and quickly shook his head. "No".

"Why'd you kiss me?" I asked. He knew where this was going, and he didn't like it.


"You said..."

I stopped when he quickly stood up. "I know what I said! And what if by some chance I Did like you? I'm not like Edward! I kill people to survive and I wanted to kill you!"

I stood. "But you didn't!"

He got close to me and I caught my breath.

"What makes you think I won't do it right now?"

"I know you won't"


"Because I trust you."

He walked further away. "You can't change who I am, Alex!" He said, grief overtaking his tone.

I walked closer to him. "Vampires are people too."

"But I've Killed people, Alex!"

I got closer, close enough the I could touch him. "But you can stop..."

He looked at me for a long time, his eyes were looking sad.


I looked up when he said my name only to have him kiss me.

Wow! He kissed me! Wait! I can't feel it this time.

It was passionate. I could tell. He kissed me like it was his last time.

"You're right, I do like you Alex. And I hate myself for it!"


I shook my head again.

"What's wrong?" He sounded really worried now.

I looked up at him.

"Now you really need to tell me who you are!"


There he goes again! Answering my question with another question! But I couldn't tell him I saw us in a vision kissing. I just couldn't.

"Just tell me! Who are you?!"

"No." he said. He was about to walk off but I grabbed his wrist. He was cold!

He quickly snatched away but ended up grabbing my wrist in the process.

He held my wrist for a long time. He lifted my hand to his face. My breathing stopped.

He closed his eyes and ran my hand over his face, by his nose, over his lips...

He opened his eyes like he had been snapped out of a dream. He dropped my hand and backed up.

"I shouldn't be here!"

"Why not?!"

He paused and started shaking his head.

"Ti desidero, cara mia. Ti amo..."


"Ti amo..." he said as he finally backed away, turned and ran off.

I was so confused. I know I like him. A lot. I liked him before I knew he was real. Strange, I know. But know. I think I may fall for him. I didn't want to but I think I already have...
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't tell people what that means! I'll update today again! You'll know trust me! DON'T.TELL.ANYONE!! Comment!