Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

More than a memory. More like reality.


I went in my room and started getting ready for bed. I finally met Demetri.

I giggled to myself. I felt like a little girl with a big crush. I want to know what these visions are about now. They seem so real. If they were real what are they?

I thought came to me. After Tristan left the bruise I didn't know what happened until the vision showed me. I didn't know I went looking for Demetri in the meadow.

These aren't visions...they're memories!

I got out my phone. If that's true then...

"Bella? Can you guys come over here? I have to ask you some very important questions."

I waited until I heard their car pull up. I had already planned my questions. And they can't say it's a lie. I'll tel them about the visions later.

They came in and sat on the couch. I stood in the doorway of the living room.

"Now I want all of you to be honest with me. I'll know if you're lying. Trust me."

They all nodded. In my dreams last week Edward could read thoughts. I'd have to keep my mind clear.

"What are you? An don't say humans because I know you aren't"

Everyone's eyes seemed to pop out of their heads. Carlisle was the first to get his composure back.

"Alexandra, what do you mean?" asked Carlisle.

"Oh please don't do the answering a question with a question thing! It pisses me off, Carlisle Cullen! Now what are you?" I demanded, something about how I growled, how I held my posture, how they knew I wasn't joing, got Alice to spill.

"Vampires..." I heard Alice whisper.

"I knew it." I said coldly, though I was happy, it wasn't a dream...

"How?" asked Alice.

"I'll tell you later, after you answer all of my questions."

They seemed satisfied so I kept going.

"Who are the Volturi?"

"Rulers of vampires."

"What happened to me?"

Everyone paused. Oh no! No not! I need answers!

"What happened to me at the volturi?! Who is the boy who stared at me?!" i demanded, hitting my fist against the table, "No more damn lies I am tired of it!"

"How do you know these things?!" asked Edward simply.

"Dreams. My dreams are telling me about my past and I want answers!" I growled, "now."

"We can't tell you. They'd only come after you again"

I accepted that. I'll figure it out later on anyway. Now is the time for the big one.

"Who is Demetri?"

They stopped. They looked at each other. Not wanting to say anything.

"Please, tell me who Demetri is!"


"We can't." said Rosalie. "I'm sorry."

But I...

"Please, someone just tell me..."

"No." said Edward solemnly.

"I will have to do my damn work on my own, thanks for nothing!" i snapped.

But I love him!

I ran out. I'll find the answer on my own! Damn it! If they wont let me, then I will have to resort to doing my own damn dirty work!

"Alex, why this restaurant out of the rest?"

"Um...I just got a taste for this."


"Yeah, it is... good for tonight, is it not?" A trace of my English accent came out, and Karen smiled, holding hands with Nate.

I convinced Nate and Karen to come with me to an Italian restaurant. Why? Because I want to know what the hell Demetri said in the meadow! I was going to forget it but after the vision in the house, I definitely wanted to know!

The waiter came up to us and got our orders.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here. You two are on a date."

"No stay!" said Nate and Karen at the same time.

I laughed. "Alright."

After ordering and eating I went up to the kitchen.

"Excuse me?"

Someone turned to me. "Yes, Madame?"

"Do you know what this says?"

I gave him a piece of paper with the exact words that Demetri said in the meadow.

He smiled. "Oh you must be a lucky one!"

"What? What does it say?"

"Ti desidero, cara mia. Ti amo...It means 'I want you, my darling. I love you!"

My heart stopped. We...he...the visions. We were...together... he said that to me? I am definatly going to learn Italian!

"Who is the lucky guy?" asked the person. I gulped, he wants me... he loves me... he said so himself.... he loves me!

I didn't answer. I ran out the restaurant, leaving Nate and Karen behind, confushed. I had to find Demetri!

All of a sudden, a vision came to me. He was in the meadow, with someone. She had blonde hair and red eyes, like his. She was beautiful. Perfect.

I stopped. What if he's dating her? I was close to the meadow but I started backing away.

"Hey, where are you going?"

I turned and ran into Alice and Jasper. Damn it! I love Alice, but... her stupid visions....

"I was going to the meadow but I just...It's too dark and.."

"Stop lying," said Jasper. "Why are you upset?" he asked. I grimaced, damn his ability to feel emotions! Stop... calm down... don't cry...

I felt my eyes watering, betraying me and Alice came by me and hugged me.

"I don't know what's going on. I just feel so...strange! Who am I?!"

Alice looked around and pulled me into the meadow.

"Listen to me. I shouldn't tell you this but I will. You are everything that you have been. Except that we are vampires."

"I accept that part! It's this whole thing about Demetri that's killing me!"

"He's...well you're la tua cantante."

"What does that mean?" Yes, I am most definatly learning Italian!

"You're his singer. Your blood sings for him. But not only that, you're his love."

"That's what I don't get. I just saw him in one of my past vision things and he was with someone with blonde hair and red eyes..."

"Jane," Jasper said with disgust. "You two went on about this before. Alice saw it. Demetri doesn't like Jane. He hates her even more now."


"Because she made you suffer," Alice said. "He hates her very existence. Trust me. He loves you. That's why he was listening until he found out I knew he was there."

I turned trying to see him.

"Where is he?"

"He left."

I got sad again. "He doesn't love me. If he did, he'd be here right now."

"And he's back." said Jasper.

"But he can't be near you. If the Volturi find out they'll be after you."

I nodded.

"We have to get home."

They took me home.

"Take care, Alex."

I nodded and they left. I knew it. Demetri and I were together. The volturi split us up by making me forget him. My memories are almost back. Now, I want to kill this Aro guy, and personally rip him apart, limb by limb!

I took a shower, put on my night clothes and laid down. I felt a chill in my room and I heard someone come in. Demetri...

"Buona Notte, Care mia"

I fell asleep...
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw. She is getting her memories back if you didn't notice! Soon she will be able to have them all back...just not now lol Comments for chapter! and if it's not too much to ask can someone make me like a banner or something for this story. I don't really like the background...