Every Star Has It's Meaning, You Burn So Bright

2 Hearts, 1 Star.

“You're building me up, you break me out, you're always right here waiting...” He sang twirling her around on the living room floor.

She giggled and spun around in a circle with a bright smile on her face as the CD played. Once she was facing him again he smiled and placed his hands gently around her waist holding her to him. She wrapped her arms around him as they started swaying to the music.

No matter what she did she couldn’t keep the smile off her face. Right now was one of her happiest moments ever; sure they were doing something simple as dancing in their living room, but she was with him and he was with her. That’s all she could ever want – all she ever needed.

And that went just the same for him.

He pulled away from her gently and softly spun her around again to the music as he pulled a small folded piece of paper out of the back pocket of his jeans. When she came to face him again he didn’t pull her close to him this time but took both of her hands in his. She smiled at him tilting her head to the side slightly. He chuckled and kissed her nose.

“You know how we made a deal that we wouldn’t to buy anything for each other for our two year anniversary?” He asked.
“Yeah.” She nodded smiling but curious at the same time.
“Well I did get you something, but I didn’t buy it.” He smiled.

She raised her eyebrows and blinked waiting for him to continue to explain more. He chuckled noticing the look on her face. He dropped her hands but one and placed the piece of paper in her palm. She looked at him confused; he just smiled back at her gesturing for her to look at the paper.

She looked down at her hand and unfolded the piece of paper. There right on the page was two hearts, side by side linked and a small star on right drawn in black pen. She gasped and looked up at him surprised, confused and curious to what it meant.

“It’s something random I drew yesterday morning at work when I was thinking of you.” He admitted shyly. “The left heart stands for you and the right for me.”
“That’s so sweet.” She whispered eyes shining. “But what does the star stand for?” She asked.

He shrugged his shoulders.

“Not quite sure, I just drew it there – adds to the cuteness I guess.”

She giggled and hugged him smiling.

“It’s lovely. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome hun.”

Memories like that were the ones she played in her head every day. She didn’t want to forget them; she didn’t want to forget him or the love they shared. She didn’t want to forget anything.

Lifting her body out of the living room chair she made her way towards the front door of what was their home and in a way still was. She swiftly locked the door behind her and pulled out the keys from her pocket as she shuffled towards her car with her head down slightly. She pulled the car door open and slid into the driver’s seat before starting the car.

The drive out the road was silent; it was always silent around her now. Everywhere she went people would stop what they’re doing and give her a sympathy look, look sad or turn away quietly. They all felt sorry for her loss but none of them knew what to say to her, so they stayed quiet. In a way she was happy they were quiet, it let her focus on her memories more.

Before she knew it she was there with the car parked in front of the gate and engine off. She shook her head lightly to clear her mind and grabbed the purple rose that was sitting on the passenger’s seat she had cut from her garden that morning. She looked at the flower for a moment before getting out the car and locking it.

She stepped through the gates of the cemetery.

Today would have been their 3rd anniversary since they started going out, but sadly in a way it didn’t make it that far. It was amazing how one accidental car crash could change everything and turn her world completely upside down.

She bit her lip to hold back tears at least for now as she walked to the familiar spot and stopped. She looked down at his stone that shone in the sunlight. Gently she bent down till she was kneeling on the ground and placed the rose with all the others. Her eyes trailed up to the writing and pictures that was carved into the stone.

Lifting her hand she let her finger trace around one of the love hearts there. That simple little picture that he had given her a year ago turned into so much more. It became their thing - their symbol. They used it so much and it meant so much to them she had placed in on his stone, just for him. It meant everything to them.

Her fingers trailed from the heart that he had once told her that stood for him and to the star beside it. For a long time that star meant nothing, it was just there with the two hearts, next to his heart...

She gasped and pulled away her hand from the stone and over her mouth.

It hit her like a ton of bricks – heavy and hard.

She knew what that star meant now, she had finally figured it out. He had always said to her an old saying that he knew of when they were watching the stars. He always said “every person can see different stars shine brighter than others; they say that those stars are special to that person. It can be their dreams, wishes, even lost loved ones...

Tears spilt from her eyes as she remembering that, just how he had said it and everything. That star was suddenly more special than anything; it had a meaning and a true reason to be there with the hearts.

The hearts showed them and their love.

The star showed that he was now her star that shone so bright.
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This was a compleatly random idea that I had last night before I went to sleep.
So i thought that i would write it down today and see how it turns out, which i think it turned out ok.
The lyics at the start is from Burn So Bright by The Sundance Kids which was what i was listening to when i started this. it helped me alot with the story idea in the end.
Comment please?