Sequel: From This Moment On
Status: Done!

Prisoners in Lust


The older that I get the less that I regret
And baby its cause of you.
Since the day we met you know I won’t forget
That baby my aim is true.
Oh Amy eh eh Amy you changed my life
Oh Amy eh eh Amy you make everything alright. (eh eh Amy)
She smiles like a new sunrise
Her funny laugh was so suspiring
But I can’t get her off of my mind
She lights up a room like a full moon shinning
I try to look cool but she’s not buying
Cause girls like these are so hard to find.
I know that it’s real.

We were all hanging out when Cameron got a text from their friend asking if we wanted to come over because he was having a party. We all agreed and took off. In the car we blasted music and sang along to it. We were all really hyper for some reason.

“Hey Chris!” Nathan said as we walked to the front door to Chris’s house. He was standing there waiting. We all said hi and went to the back were everyone else was. As time flew by more people showed up. Soon everyone was there. Kate and I wondered away from the boys to get a drink. We started acting very odd though. Then we found our way back to the boys after a while.

“Zach!” I screamed with my arms wide open.

“Hey babe.” He laughed hugging me. I pushed myself against him and collided out lips. “Have you been drinking?”

“Not one drop. I’ve only been drinking soda.” I said holding out my cup for him to see.

“Yeah this soda is spiked. There is vodka in it.”

“Really? I didn’t notice. That explains a lot.” I was being very sloppy hanging off of Zach.

“Chris, can I barrow you room to lay her down?” Zach turned to his friend trying to hold me up.

“Yeah sure dude. She’s wasted isn’t she?”

“Yeah her drinks were spiked.” Zach started to help me inside. It took forever to get me up the stairs. I kept failing. When Zach finally got me in Chris’s room I fell on the bed. I laughed and was pulling on Zach’s shirt to make him come closer.

“Brey come on.” He said pulling away from me.

“It’s the only way you’ll get me.”

“I’m not doing this like this.”

“Come on.”

“Brey no!”

“Fine.” All of a sudden I didn’t feel good. I sat up really fast and Zach knew I was about to puke. He grabbed the garbage can for me to puke in. it was nasty. Zach pulled my hair back in a bun for me. He treats me so well. I love him so much! I don’t know what I would ever do if I lost him. But next time if I’m going to get wasted I need to eat. Lesson learned!

Kate was down stairs passed out with Cameron taking care of her. She threw up after her second drink. I should have realized that the soda was spiked. I don’t know why I didn’t. I had passed out on Chris’s bed next to Zach. When I woke up though, I was in Zach’s room. My head was pounding a little and when I sat up the room was spinning.

“Good morning sunshine.” Zach leaned over the bed and kissed my forehead.

“How did we get back here?” I said putting my hand to my head.

“I carried up to the car and up to my room when we got home.” He handed me Advil and a bottle of water. “You are such a heavy sleeper.” He laughed as I took the pills.

“Shut up.” I threw the pillow at him and laid back on the bed.

“I would kiss you but you threw up last night and you probably have morning breath.” He laughed sitting next to me.

“You are so meant to me.” I buried my face into the pillow.

“Hey I took care of you last night and I still am.” He rubbed my bare legs.

“Whoa! How did I get into softy shorts?” I looked down at my legs just noticing that I magically had different shorts on.

“How do you think?” I just looked at him. “I did it when we got home.”

“Zachary Porter did you take advantage of me?”

“No but you did ask me to.”

“Did I really?”

“Yeah, when I brought you up to Chris’s room.”

“I don’t remember anything besides going to his room, puking and going to sleep.”

“Yeah, next party I bring you to you’re not leaving my side.

“Well I leave in 3 days anyway.”

“I don’t even want to think about that day. I don’t want you to leave.”

“I don’t want to leave either. Plus when I go back I have to go back to school.”

“That’s true.” He teased.

“Meany!” I crossed my arms and pouted.

“Go brush your teeth so I can kiss you!” so I got up and skipped into the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I came back out I jumped on the bed and blew in Zach’s face.

“Better?” I laughed as he flipped me down onto the bed.

“Much better.” He said climbing on top of my pushing his lips against mine. So glad I brushed my teeth.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is a little over due! sorry! :) but it's up now! hope you like it! comment! <3