Sequel: From This Moment On
Status: Done!

Prisoners in Lust

Uptown Get Around

so i spent today, just thinking of ways that i could
make that smile shine, cause shes sweet on me oh ill make her see
that shes mine, all mine.
so lets float float float away.
and you'll catch catch me baby.
so i hope you know ill never let you go away.
so I've been thinking that maybe baby.
I've been going a little crazy lately, yeah whatcha gonna do

“Go get dressed. Cameron is waiting for us.” Zach said as he pulled away from the kiss.

“Where is he waiting for us?”

“At his house. He promised to hang out with Anna and Bridget for the day and invited us.”

“AW! I would love to hang out with them!” I jumped up. I got dressed and ran to the car. Zach drove to Cameron’s house and when we got there the front door flung open as a little girl ran to attack Zach. Cameron walked out the door behind Bridget holding onto Kate.

“I think I have a new best friend.” I laughed as I walked over to Kate and Cam. “What are you two married now? You look like you’re watching your own child attack my boyfriend.”

“Shut up.” Kate said burring her face into Cam’s chest as he just laughed and held her closer. I’m going to have to go 3 whole months listening to her talk about Cameron 24/7. I think I should stock up on the duck tape now.

“So what’s the plan for today?” I looked back at Zach who was running around the front yard chasing Bridget.

“We plan on going to the beach for a little bit. Bridget really wanted to go today.” He turned to look at her being tackled by Zach. “I think you might have a little competition with Zach.” He laughed.

“Looks like it.” I laughed as they finally walked over to us. Bridget attacked Cam as Zach, who was now out of breath, put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my forehead.

“What are you guys talking about?” Zach asked looking at us.

“They were saying how Brey has some competition with Bridget.” Kate finally spoke. I think that’s the longest she’s gone without speaking.

“No one could ever take the place Brey hold in my heart.”

“That sounds like it came out of a book.” I laughed at Zach’s corniness.

“Well it probably was but it’s true.” He gave me a quick kiss. “No let’s go to the beach!” he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the car. Bridget followed us choosing to drive with us and not Kate and Cam. Ha she likes us better.

“Wait where’s Anna?” I asked as we started driving away from the house.

“Anna is with her friends. We’re going to meet up with her later tonight.” Zach kept his hand on this inside of my thigh the whole time. California is so pretty! The beach is so relaxing and ten times better than it is in Jersey. I wonder how that’s even possible.

Me and Bridget sat by the ocean making a sand castle while Kate, Cameron and Zach watched from farther back. Bridget was telling me about her family and all these secrets about Cameron. It was funny and cute at the same time. She told me how Cameron talks about marring Kate all the time and how he’s going to propose to her. I looked up to see Zach looking back at me smiling as Cam and Kate lay in the sand. I smiled back and went back to listening to Bridget as we finished the sand castle.

(Zach’s POV)

“She looks so cute with Bridget.” I watched as Brey build a sand castle with Cameron’s little sister.

“She’s very good with kids.” Kate said sitting up looking down at her best friend.

“I think Zach just found his baby mama.” Cameron sat up too pushing me while laughing at his own joke.

“Shut up.” I smiled and looked back at Brey. “She’s perfect.”

“I will admit that she is the perfect girl for you Zach. Just don’t be stupid and mess it up.” Cameron is such a good friend.

“She won’t ask for much. Just for you to be there for her and be loyal. It’s not like she will force you to spend all your free time with her. Just talk to her everyday and she’ll be happy.” Kate chimed in.

“I do love her. Honestly, I would never think about hurting her.” I watched her as she helped Bridget up from the sand as they took a few step back to admire their work. I got up and dusted the sand from my butt and walked over to her. She smiled as she watched me.

“Bridget go keep on eye and your brother for me.” I looked down at her and winked as she ran to her big brother. Cameron is a good big brother and definitely protects his little sisters. But I’m happy I only have Vic. That way I can spend more time protecting Brey. “Walk with me?” I grabbed her hand.

“Sure.” We started walking along the shore line in silence. I didn’t know what to say at that moment. She leaves in 2 days and I won’t see her till summer. Everything happened so fast and it was going by just as fast. But I know the time I spend away from her will go slower than ever.

“What would you do if I asked you to marry me right now?” I stopped walking to face her. My thoughts just came out like that. There was no stopping them.

“Call you crazy.” She laughed but she knew what I was talking about.

“I mean it.”

“I would probably say yes. As long as we didn’t plan on getting married for a few years.” I kissed her the second she finished talking. She makes me so happy.

“Would you still say yes if I had a ring the next time I saw you?”

“I would never say no.” I kissed her again.

“I love you Breyandra Turner.” I said as I pulled away resting my forehead on hers.

“I love you too.” Our lips collided again. When we pulled away I led her away from the ocean a little to sit down. Brey sat in between my legs and rested her head on my chest. “What is with all these questions?”

“I just want to know if you would marry me if I asked.”

“As long as I get to finish high school I’m down.” I laughed.

“God everything is going so fast. I wish the world would just stop. Freeze this moment right here were everything is perfect. Were I have you and you’re the only thing I’m worried about. Not music or my family. Just you and me in this moment.”

“You got to face reality Zach. I’m leaving in 2 days to go back to school. You have to go be a rock star. It’s the way our lives are. Just don’t go falling in love with another fan.”

“I could never love anyone else.” I held her tightly in my arms and kissed the top of her head. We sat there watching the waves for a little before heading back to Cameron, Kate and Bridget.
♠ ♠ ♠
This whole chapter is pretty much ideologue. Hope you don't mind. & I hope you like it!