Sequel: From This Moment On
Status: Done!

Prisoners in Lust


Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
Do you know you're unlike any other?
You'll always be my thunder, and I said
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors
I don't wanna ever love another
You'll always be my thunder
So bring on the rain
And bring on the thunder

“So tell me what happened.” Kate begged as we sat in our seats on the plane.

“Well you know that he proposed. I still can’t believe you were able to keep your mouth shut.”

“Cam helped me. Now tell me, are you going to tell you parents?”

“Not yet. Zach wants to tell them so I’m keeping to myself. And that means you can’t say anything too.”

“Well how are you going to hide your ring?”

“During School I’ll wear it on my right hand, pointer finger, and at home I just won’t wear it out of my room.”

“How do you think you’re parents are going to take this?”

“Probably kill me. But they’ll get over it.”

“Do you think that it’s going to work out? I mean the marriage.” I knew what she was talking about. Zach and I haven’t been dating for that long and we fight almost every day. Some days are just worse than others. When Zach is touring our fighting is worse. To think about the way we are now and then be married is a little out there but maybe if we are married things would be different. Maybe.

“Right now I have no clue. It couldn’t go downhill but we’ll just going to have to wait and see.”

“I guess.”

“So when is Camy asking you to marry him?” I joked.

“Not for a while. We’ve talked about it though.”

“Could you imagine you in my position right now? Coming home from spending the summer on tour with your boyfriend engaged. Your dad would flip out!”

“Thank god it’s you and not me.” Kate laughed. Her dad is very strict and only let her go this summer because he actually likes Cameron and most important, I was going.

Me and Kate spent the rest of the flight either, reading, sleeping or listening to our iPods. I, of course, slept most of the time. I could never get enough sleep. I’m like addicted.


“Babe I’m home!” Zach said walking into the house.

“Daddy!” a little boy ran down the hall and attacked him.

“Hey buddy!” Zach picked him up giving him a kiss. “Where’s mommy?”

“Outside.” The little boy said smiling.

“Outside? What is she doing outside?” Zach headed through the house to the back door that led to a sun room. “There she is.” He smiled.

“Your home?” I questioned putting down the book I was reading.

“I’m home to see my 3 favorite people in the entire world.” He said putting the little boy down and tickling him. Then he looked up at me and smiled. “Hey buddy, why don’t you go play.” With our saying anything the little boy ran into the back yard to play.

“He’s so cute.” I said watching him play. “Looks just like his dad.” I turned to Zach smiling.

“I’ve missed you.” He kissed me sweetly. “And I have missed this little girl too.” He kneeled down to kiss my overly large belly.

“Well we’ve missed you too. Your son asks where you are everyday.”

“What do you tell him?

“That you’re at work. He’s too young to understand that his dad is a big famous rock star. I do think that you should go play with him though.” Zach smiled and walked over to his son to play.

“That was weird.” I said to myself as I woke up.

“What?” Kate looked up from her book.

“Nothing.” I didn’t want to tell her. She would make a big deal out of it saying it was some type of sign. She’s crazy like that. “How long was I out?

“About 3 hours. The pilot said that we’re going to be landing soon.”

“Thank god!” I said a little too loud. “I’m so stoked to sleep in my own bed.”

“I know!”

“Your father is going to love that fact that we started running.”

“He’ll be shocked as hell but proud.” We both laughed.

“New year. New us.” I sighed and looked out the window.

“Home sweet home!” I said as we pulled up to my house. I was so stoked to be home. “I’m home!” I screamed pushing the door open.

“Oh! We didn’t lock the doors fast enough.” My dad joked sitting on the couch.

“Missed you too daddy.”

“How was it?” my mom asked sitting next to him.

“It was awesome! I had a lot of fun. Thank you for letting me go.” I hugged both of them.

“How many more fights did you and Zach have?” my dad asked.

“A lot.” When the boys had their Jersey show me parents same out to see us. Of course they walked right into one of mine and Zach’s fights. Everyone else was just sitting there. I told them that it was a normal thing.

“Well we’re going out to dinner if you want to come.” I looked like shit and was so full from eating out all the time but I didn’t want to say no. after all I just spent a whole month on tour with my boyfriend…fiancé.

“Yeah, just let me change.” I ran into my room and pulled out clean clothes from my dresser. Then I remembered that I didn’t call Zach to tell him that I landed although I’m sure Kate informed Cam.

“Ready?” my dad interrupted my thoughts.

“Yeah.” We got into the car. I texted Zach. “Hey. I made it home. Going out to eat with my parents. I’ll call you later. I love you.”

“Glad to hear that you made it home. Talk to you later. I love you too babe.”

“So what did you and Kate do while the boys were working?” my mom asked before eating her food.

“We just hung out in the hotel room or in the green room.” All the memories flashed through my head. Then it hit me. My mood dropped but I faked a smile for my parents. I was still really happy to be home.

“Did the boys have a show every other night?” my dad asked.

“No. They had a very odd schedule. Sometimes they got a long break.”

“Did you get a lot of time with Zach?” my mom looked up.

“Yeah. I was with him all the time pretty much. The only times I wasn’t was during sound check, the concert, and the meet & greets.” I started to get chocked up. I really miss him.

“Do you miss him?” my parents both asked.

“Yeah.” I tear slid down my check. I whipped it away.

For the rest of the night we just talked about anything but the boys. I was really starting to realize that I wasn’t going to see them for a while now. It’s hard to adjust back to the real world. When we got home I ran into my room and buried my face into my pillow. But I had not time to even start crying before Zach was calling me.

“Hey.” I tried hard not to let Zach Know I was upset.

“Hey babe! What’s wrong?” I guess I failed.

“It’s just now hitting me.” I whipped the tears away.

“Awe babe. Don’t cry. I’ll see you in a week.”

“I just miss you.”

“I miss you too. You are my fiancé.”

I just can’t wait to graduate and be with you all the time. I hate this.”

“I can’t wait to be with you all the time too. That’s why I gave you that ring. I love you.”

“I love you too babe.”

We stayed up till 11 talking. I miss having him next to me in bed. His arms around me made me feel safe. I loved waking up to him. But tonight I’ll go to sleep alone and wake up alone to go to school. Back to reality.
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