Sequel: From This Moment On
Status: Done!

Prisoners in Lust

Stay With Me

We simply fit together like a piece of apple pie
I will be vanilla ice cream
And I'll sing you lullabies
I will love you in the moonlight and I'll love you in the day
I love the time we spend
Like a watch from an old friend
I will help you keep your smile
Promise me you'll stay awhile
I will come to you in need
And I'll help you when I can
When I can
Stay with me
Promise me you're never gonna leave
Stay with me yeah
Lets try to be the best that we can be
Take our time
We always joke together
Laugh till we're rolling on the floor
I like the way you dance around when you're running for the door
I will come to visit you
Even when we're old and gray

I was walking into the air port on the phone with Kate. It was 10:30 on a school night and shockingly she was still up and better yet on the phone with me. She goes to sleep at 9 on school nights like a good little girl. But she snuck out of her room and was sitting in her basement, which had bad reception, and was telling me all these things to tell Cameron and to remind me about a whole bunch of other things. She nags me a lot!

“Kate! I got it! Go to sleep! You have to go to school in the morning.” I laughed.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving me alone.”

“I can’t believe you’re still awake right now. I got to tell Cameron about this.” I joked.

“I’m going! I’m going. Have fun, but not too much fun please. I’m not ready to be a godmother.” She joked.

“Hahaha funny!”

“Talk to you tomorrow.”

“Bye. Have fun in school.” And then she hung up. Now I was alone walking through the airport.

I went through all the security and got to my gate. I stopped to grab a snack and a bottle of soda real fast on my way to sit down. But right as my butt hit the seat my phone went off again. I sighed and took it out of my pocket. Man, I tired as hell.

“Hello.” I didn’t bother to look at the screen. There were only a handful of people who would be calling me at 11 o’clock at night.

“Did I wake you up?” Zach’s voice softly rang in my ear.

“No, I’m just really tired.”

“Then why are you not sleeping?” he laughed.

“Because I was waiting for your phone call.” I joked.

“Where are you? It’s so noisy.”

“Not really…” my eyes crew wide. Oh shit! If someone comes on the overcome I’m dead!”

“Yeah it is.” He laughed.

“I’m in the movie theater…” I didn’t know what to say.

“Why are you at the movie theater?”

“Harry Potter duh!”

“Oh, you with Kate?”

“It’s a school night. No I’m with my friend Grace.”

“Oh well, I’ll let you go so you can watch you’re movie. I love you.”

“I love you too birthday boy.”

“One more hour till it’s my birthday.”

“Well to me it’s your birthday right now.

“Bye, love you.”

“Love you too.” Then I hung up right as the lady came on the overcome and called people to board the plane.

I didn’t get on my plane till it was 3 in the morning. Yeah I say there and had to entertain my half awake self for hours. But everyone had work in the morning and couldn’t take me to the airport. Whatever. I was so lucky and was sitting alone on the plane. I never like going places alone because I feel like a loser and traveling alone made me feel like a big loser. Plus I get paranoid about people. Like I think all old men are going to rape me. Yeah I’m weird and I know it but hey it could happen! I’m just being careful! But I slept the whole time. It was really cold on the plane too but that was a good thing. I took a shower before I left and straightened my hair and I didn’t want to get all sweaty and gross because I wasn’t going to be able to take a shower when I landed. Stefanie was picking me up from the airport and we were going straight to the venue. I was to run onto the bus and but my bags in the back and then go into the venue. We timed it so I would walk in while the boys were doing sound check. My dreams of Zach made me smile in my sleep.

The second I walked off the plane I called Stefanie. She told me that she was already here. I grabbed my bags and meet her outside the airport. She ran over to me and hugged me with a huge smile on her face. It’s been so long since I’ve seen everyone. It was a little chilly but still nice out, unlike Jersey.

“How was the flight?” Stefanie asked as she drove. We had 2 hours of driving ahead of us. Talk about dragging things out!

“I don’t know I slept the whole time!” we both laughed.

“Is that all you ever do, sleep?”

“Well since Zach is out on tour, yeah.” I joked. “No I had to stay up for 4 hours till my flight took off and I really only got a 2 hour nap after school so I was tired.”

“Tough live.”

“Just a little.” I smiled. “How are the guys? Are they having fun?”

“You know the boys, always joking around and acting like their still 10.”

“But we wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Not a chance.” She laughed. “Although…”


“Zach has been mopping around a lot lately.”

“Why? He seemed fine whenever I talk or video chatted with him.”

“Well that’s just it, he’s mopping around because he misses you. And with today being his birthday and him not knowing about this surprise, thinking that he wasn’t going to get to see you, killed him.”

“Well that’s why I decided to fly out here for his birthday. I didn’t want to miss it and I missed him so it really wasn’t a hard choice for me. And thank you again for helping me and renting this car to come get me.”

“You’re welcome. I’d do anything to have you or Kate around tour again. Being the only girl with ALL these boys isn’t always fun.” She laughed.

“Trust me I know.”

We spent the whole card ride catching up. I was so stoked to get to the venue! It seem to take forever to get there. We stopped at a Dunkin Donut’s on the way back too. Stefanie warned me that we were 25 minutes away so I did my make-up and brushed my hair real fast. I have to look amazing for my lovely fiancé’s birthday. Hahaha. Not like I was even dressed up. I was wearing skinny jeans, my Ugg boots, a black tank top and my blue, grey and black flannel shirt that was unbuttoned.

“Just walk all the way to the back and open the door and you can put your bags in there. We’ll deal with them later.” Stefanie said holding the door to the bus open.

“Got it. Thanks’.” I walked onto the bus. This was my first time on it. Man was it a mess!

“I’ll be in the venue. Just come in through the front when you’re done.” She shut the door and walked away. As I walked past the bunk’s I found Zach’s very quick. There was a bottle of vodka sitting on it with a whole bunch of other gifts from everyone. I laughed and opened the door to the back room. I put my bags against the wall then walked back out.

I walked around to the front of the venue and saw a handful of fan already hanging out waiting for the doors to open. That’s commitment right there, sitting out here at 9 in the morning. As I was walking to the door some of the girl recognized me and called out my name.

“Brey!” I stopped dead in my tracks. I missed fan recognizing me as Zach’s girlfriend. “Can we get a picture?”

“Of course.” I smiled and posed with the girls.

“Are you here for Zach’s birthday?” one of the girls asked.

“Uh, yeah. It’s a surprise he doesn’t know about it yet.” I laughed.

“Aw! That’s so cute!”

“Well I got to go girls. Sorry. It was nice meeting you.” I said as I walked away. The security opened the door for me.” I walked around the corner to where the stage was. They boys were standing there tuning up. Zach was facing Michael talking. I stood in the back of the venue for a second smiling then continued to walk forward. Everyone looked at me which cause Zach to turn around.

“Brey?” Zach squinted his eyes trying to see me through the lights that where shining in his face. “Oh my god!” he jumped off the stage and ran towards me. I had stopped walking and waited for him to reach me. Once he did he picked me up in a hug and spun me around. When he put me down he cupped my face and pushed his soft lips against mine. When he pulled away he rested his forehead on mine with a huge smile on his face.

“Happy birthday.” I laughed.

“I love you so much!” he pulled me into a hug. “Now I don’t want to do sound check.” He laughed.

“Go do your job you lazy butt!” I teased as he pulled me out of the hug.

“I can’t believe you flew out here.”

“Go warm up!” I pushed him towards the stage with a smile.

“Hi Brey.” Nathan screamed from the stage. I just waved at everyone and sat on the floor right in front of the stage just like I use to do with Kate over the summer. Zach laughed as they started to play the first song.

I sat there on my floor with a huge smile on my face. I was so happy to be with the guts again and I was most happy to me with Zach again. After today I’ll just have to wait 10 days to see him again rather than 2 months. Zach would wink at me every once in a while but his eyes never left mine. I could tell that practicing was killing him right now and it made me laugh. Once the boys where done they all jumped off the stage and attacked me. Nathan got to me before anyone else did.

“Breyandra! I’ve missed you!” He picked me up and spun me around.

“I’ve missed you too Nathan!” I laughed.

“Nathan doesn’t break her!” Michael came walking up behind him. Poor Michael doesn’t have a chance to ever get to me first with his asthma.

“Michael Martinez!” I smiled holding my arms open for him. He squeezed me really tight then let go of me to give me a kiss on the check.

“I’ve missed you baby girl!”

“My turn!” Cameron pushed Michael out of the way to hug me. He picked me up off the ground then put me back down. “Missed you.”

“I missed you too Cam. And we have to talk later.”


“Why else?”



“What did I do now!?”

“Nothing! She just gave me a list of things to give and tell you.”

“Oh boy!”

“You’re telling me! She called me at 10:30 while I was at the airport last night to remind me.”

“She was up at 10:30.”


“Holy shit!”

“Now if you guys don’t mind, I’m stealing my girlfriend!” Zach grabbed my hand and pulled me backstage.

“Where the hell are you taking me Porter?” I laughed.

“Back to the bus.”


“Because you are my girlfriend and I haven’t seen you in 2 months and it’s my birthday. I want alone time with you.” He turned around and stopped dead in his tracks pulling me closer to him. I just smiled as he gently kissed me and continued to pull me to the bus. He pulled the door open and dragged me inside. He pulled me all the way to the back of the bus shutting the door behind me. He pulled me closer to him as our lips collided. “God I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve miss you too boo.” He sat down on the couch and pulled me onto his lap as our lips locked again. I don’t know how long we stayed like that but I’m guessing it was long because Cameron and Nathan eventually came walking in to find us.

“Dude!” Nathan screamed!

“Zach really! She’s here for 2 seconds and you’re already sucking her face off!” Cam joked.

“Come on man! We have to do a web chat later in here!” Nathan whined. I just laughed.

“Oh how I’ve missed this.” I looked at Cam and Nathan as they smiled.

“I think I like it better when I visit you. You’re parents never walk into your room and interrupt us making out.”

“Because I’m so sure that’s what you two do in her bedroom.” Nathan laughed grabbing the box of condoms that was on Zach’s bunk and threw them at us. How did I not see those before? Who the fuck gave those to him!?

“I’m pretty sure we only had sec 3 times. Thank you!” Zach laughed back. Are we really talking about how much we have sex right now? Really!? Why are boys so weird! This is not okay with me!

“Are we done fighting now?” I said shooting a look at all of them.

“Sorry.” They all said in unison. Cam and Nathan left and I just looked back at Zach.

“What the hell?”


“This!” I took the box of condoms from him and held them up.

“Michael bought them and gave them to me this morning for my birthday.”

“His intentions being?” I hated it when the guys joked about Zach and I have sex. It makes me second guess myself. Everyone else always seems to be buying condoms and giving them to Zach.

“He was being Michael. He thought it was a funny joke. I already yelled at him for it. It’s done and over with.”

“How come no one does this to Cam?”

“Because Cam only had sex once and has no intention of doing it again anytime soon.”

“Oh and you do?”

“I never said that.”

“Then why are they harassing you?”

“Because I’m engaged. To be honest with you someone buys me a box of condoms ever month. It’s a joke they all like to play on me. They keep saying that they’re just helping me for when we’re on our honey moon.” He laughed a little.

“I don’t like you’re friends. Get new ones.” I pouted.

“I only wish I could.” He kissed my forehead. Funny thing is that Zach and I probably will end up having sex tonight too. Hey it’s his 21st birthday; of course it’s going to happen.

I was sitting in Zach’s bunk listening to the boys do their stickam chat. Then I got a phone call from Zach’s mom.

“Hello?” I answered the phone.

“Hey Brey.”

“Hi Mrs. Porter.”

“Are you with Zach?” she knew that I was coming to see him. Hell, she’s the one who gave me the idea.

“Yeah, he’s doing a stickam chat right now. Why what’s up?”

“Oh nothing, I just tried to call him and he didn’t answer.”

“That’s weird. He has his phone on him. He would have answered it.”

“It’s okay. Just tell him to call me back when he’s done. I need to say happy birthday to him and talk about Christmas.”

“I will.”

“Thank you sweaty.”

“You’re welcome. Bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up my phone and jumped out of Zach’s bunk. And stood in the door way. Zach looked up at me.

“You’re mom tried to call you. You need to call her back later.”

“Aw Zach needs to call his mommy!” the boys joked.

“Okay.” He smiled. I went to turn around and go back into Zach’s bunk when he called my name. I turned around to see what he wanted. “Come here.” I knew exactly what that meant. He wanted a kiss. I’ve never kissed Zach in front of his fan ever!

“Not a chance!”

“Come here.” I just shook my head. He gave me a look and then I just caved.

“Fine!” I leaned over and gave him a quick sweet kiss on the lips. Cue the ‘Ooo’s from everyone.

“Mm I love you.” He said pushing his lips together as I stood up straight.

“I love you too Zach.” I laughed.

“Brey everyone wants to see you! Come sat hi!” Nathan insisted.

“Yeah come join the chat.” Zach smiled. And just as I took a step to make a run for it Zach stood up and grabbed my waist pulling me onto his lap not letting me get up no matter how hard I fought. Everyone was getting amusement out of this. I always felt bad when Zach showed his emotions for me in front of his fans for some reason.

“I give up!” I threw my hands up in the air. Zach laughed.

“Good.” He kissed my shoulder then rested his hand on it.

“Hey Zach I don’t think you told the fans.” Michael spoke up. He was being quit on the chat today.

“Told them what?” he gave Michael a questioning face.

“About you and Brey.” He shot a glance down at my hand.

“Oh right! I don’t think I ever did. Man am I a bad person! “

“You’re a bad boyfriend too.” I joked.

“Watch it Turner.” He smiled. Using last names was my thing! I shot him a quick glare then he kept on talking. “This is Breyandra. You all might know her as my girlfriend that I love and adore.” My smile grew as I stared at the floor carefully listening to his words. “Well about, what 4 months ago?” he looked at me as I just nodded. “I proposed to her. So now we’re engaged and I guess I was too caught up in having to tell our families that I totally forgot to tell you guys! I fell horrible for forgetting.”

“You should feel bad!” I laughed.

“You should feel bad too Brey. You’re taking Zach away from all those girls!” Nathan laughed.

“Oh hush!” I smiled at him.

“Anyway,” Zach continued. “Since today is my birthday and I wasn’t able to come spend it with her she flew out her to spend it with me.” He kissed my check.

“How cute!” Cam laughed.

“Whoa! What was that?” Zach laughed looking at me. My phone was in my back pocket and it went off. Honestly these things always happen to me. My life is never boring.

“It’s Cameron’s lover.” I laughed as I took my phone out of my pocket seeing that Kate texted me.

“Hey how come she hasn’t texted me at all today?” Cameron said looking at me.

“Because she loves me more!” I laughed as I responded to her. She was just sending me stupid shit! But just like magic Cameron got a text from her.

“What is this!?” Michael sat up straight. “Zach’s got his girl here, Cameron’s texting his and we’re still single!” He turned to Nathan! I bet the fans are having a lot of fun watching us.

“If I wasn’t in love with Zach I would date you guys!” I smiled. Zach squeezed my waist a little. I looked back at him. “I said if I wasn’t already in love with you.”

“You’re mine and no one else’s!” he looked me dead in the eyes.

“Do I have a choice?” I smiled.

“Nope!” Michael smiled.

“He liked it and put a ring on it. You’re his!” Nathan winked at me. I just laughed as his really bad joke.

“This is why I love you guys!”

“Aw we love you too boo!” Michael laughed.

Tonight was going to be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is SO long! hope you like it! i just couldn't wait till Friday to type this up or post it! i had to do it now :D
hope you don't mind ;) Part 2 will prob be up Friday though
(16 pages 3,247 words!)