Sequel: From This Moment On
Status: Done!

Prisoners in Lust

Stay With Me

I love the way you make me feel
When you're asleep I'll take the wheel
Make sure to call when you get home
When you're driving on the road
I will come to you in need and I'll help you when I can
Oh when I can
Stay with me
Promise me you're never gonna leave
Stay with me
Lets try to be the best the we can be
Take our time
I'll come to you in need and I'll help you when I can
I will help you yeah

I stood on the side of the stage and watched the boy’s rock out. I love to watch them play because that’s when you can see the passion in their eyes the most. Zach would steal a glance at me every once in a while. I laughed when he tripped though. Only my baby boy.

They boys had a surprise for Zach planed. They had a cake for him and they asked me to bring it out for him after Amy, so I did. It was a pretty big cake too. Why these boys had to pick the biggest cake probably at the store, I don’t know. But that’s just the way they function and I sadly love them for it. So we all sang happy birthday to Zach as he winked at me and blew out the candles. Then all hell broke loss and we had a cake fight right there on stage. Leave it up to Allstar Weekend to start a cake fight. Zach had took his finger and got icing on it and smeared it on my check so I made Nathan hold the cake and took a nice hand full of it and shoved it in Zach’s face then Zach went to do the same to me and hit Michael and then Michael joined in and the next thing you know cake was flying everywhere.

As I walked off the stage, covered in cake, Zach started to talk to the crowd.

“Thanks’ guys for the cake. It task good.” He laughed as he was still watching me walk away. “Everyone give it up for my lovely fiancé for bringing the cake out and helping us out tonight.” Everyone cheered loudly. I don’t get it, these girls are in love with Zach but they’re completely okay with me dating him. Well a good percentage is okay with me getting married to him. It’s feels nice though. I smiled at Zach and shook my head. “Although I’m covered in cake now because of you, I love you. You are my world and I’m so glad that you’re here tonight.” The crowd was in awe. I screamed back that I love him then the boys were back on with their concert. I went into the greenroom to clean up. I ran on the bus to get a changed my close and washed my face. By the time I was done they boys were walking off the stage laughing.

“You’re amazing!” Zach walked up to me wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck.

“Are you already drunk?” I looked at him.

“No, you’ve been by my side since you got here.”

“True. Well then are you ready to get drunk?” I smiled.

“Because you insist that I get drunk on my 21st birthday, yes.”

“Come on, I’ve never seen you drink ever! You’ve seen me drink so it’s time for me to see you drunk.”

“Don’t remind me about you drinking.” He shook his head.

“Hey that one time at your friend’s house wasn’t my fault!”

“I’m not fighting with you tonight. Let’s go.” He put his arm around my shoulder as we headed for the bus. We were staying in a hotel tonight.

While driving to the hotel the boys took showers and changed. Zach came walking out of the bathroom in his oh so famous maroon sweater. I laughed when I saw him. He just gave me a look and I told him not to worry about it as I pulled on him closer by his shirt and kissed him. He is so cute in this sweater! So much better than those pictures all over the internet.

When we got the hotel we all filed out and into the rooms. We held the party in the conjoined rooms. Everyone was drinking and having a good time. Michael was really getting into it with Dillon and Zach. I just laughed and watch them take down shot after shot of vodka. Zach was having a hard time and kept coughing. It made me laugh even more. Then Michael got me to take a shot with them. Easy! Zach just looked at me odd. I shrugged my shoulders and walked away. A few minutes later Zach came up behind me and kept kissing my neck as I was talking to Cameron. He was so wasted by this point. It was very funny because he’s usually so quiet but he wouldn’t shut up and was being so loud. Everyone was laughing and having a good time so Zach and I snuck away from the party. And of course, like I said, we had sex. After we cuddled and fell asleep. It honestly was a perfect night.

The next day when I woke up Zach was already in the shower. I had the smart idea of joining him. So I walked into the bathroom and Zach just smiled. I rolled my eyes and opened the shower door walking in wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.

“Morning sexy.” He gave me a gentle kiss.

“Good morning.” I gave him another kiss. “Hungover?” I laughed.

“No, just got a little head ache. Nothing Advil can’t take care of.” He smiled.

“Wow, you’re tougher then I thought.”

“I didn’t drink munch. I had what 20 shots and one cup of the vodka and lemon aid.”

“It was 22 shots. One shot for every year and one for good luck.” I laughed. It was Michael’s falsify.

“I was 2 shots off, no big deal.”

“Do you remember anything?”

“Yes I remember everything.” He started kissing my neck.”That box of condoms Michael bought came in hands after all didn’t it?” He laughed. I just playfully hit him. Then we actually took the shower.

We were all just sitting on the bus burning time before the concert tonight. Nathan was sleeping. Michael and Cameron went out. Everyone else was somewhere around the venue. And Zach and I were lying in his bunk trying to figure out something to do.

“I want to watch Leap Year.” I suggested. More like commanded though.

“I don’t want to watch a sappy love comedy again.”

“Well I want to watch it!”

“Well I don’t.”

“Fine then I’ll just get Nathan to watch it with me.”

“You go do that!” so I hoped out of Zach’s bunk and shook Nathan awake.

“What?” he groaned.

“Come watch a movie with me and cuddle.”

“You know you have a boyfriend right?” he laughed.

“He’s being mean. He doesn’t want to watch a movie with me. Plus it’s our movie day anyway.” We had a tradition that me and Nathan would pick one night out of the week to watch a movie together and talk. Just like our lunch dates.

“Fine.” He got out of his bunk.

“Yay! I love you!” I gave him a hug and then we ran to the back room. I popped in the movie then walked back over to cuddle with Nathan. I love my best friends. But after a while Zach came walking into the back room.

“Oh look who it is.” I sat up. He walked over to me, bent down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered. I just looked at him then at the seat next to me indicating that it was okay for him to sit.

“Can I go back to sleep now?” Nathan asked.

“Yes.” Zach said. So Nathan got up and went back to sleep in his bunk. I cuddled with Zach. And I caught him laughing every once in a while.

“See this movie isn’t bad.”

“No I actually like this movie.”

“You’re mean sometimes you know that.” I had my head on his lap and I was looking up at him while he played with my hair. I loved it when he did that.

“I don’t mean to be.”

“Well you are. You’re supposed to just do whatever I say.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He laughed. Then we went back to watching the movie. This trip was turning out to be awesome. I really don’t want to go back to school.
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kinds really fast forward but i hope you all like it. HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY ZACH!!! :D