Sequel: From This Moment On
Status: Done!

Prisoners in Lust

Rock & Roll All Night

I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day
You keep on saying you'll be mine for a while
You're lookin' fancy and I like your style
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You show us everything you've got
Baby, baby that's quite a lot

The boys were staying at my house for a day. Then Nathan, Michael and Dillon were flying back to the west coast. Zach and Cam were staying for the a few days then flying back on the red eyes on the 23rd. They wanted to stay as long as possible.

They guys decided to throw Zach and I an engagement party while they were out here. They planed the whole thing out and had everything set up for the one day they were all in town. They invited all my close friends over to my house and got my parents to go out of town for the week. Kate was staying over my house for the night too. The only reason her dad let her is because it was my engagement party. Otherwise he would have made her go home. I had a long talk with him about how Cam has been good for Kate and how happy he makes her. He realized it and reasoned with them. He still is very pissed at both of them and doesn’t trust them but he at least is letting them be together now. Kate won’t be going out on tour with them anytime soon though.

“Oh yeah we are throwing you guys another engagement party in Cali too. That’s the day you come out on the 27th.” Michael said as he was helping set up.

“What!?” I said looking at him like he was crazy.

“Well this one is for you and you’re friends and the other one is for Zach’s friends.”

“Oh god!”

“And that’s when you get the rest of our gifts! We bought you guys a lot of gift! You get half now and half later!”

“I don’t even want to know.” I said walking away to find Zach. He was the only one that was making any sense to me.

“Hi baby.” He smiled wrapping his arms around me. I found him in my bedroom getting dressed. He still had no shirt on. He never seems to wear one in my house.


“What’s wrong?” he kissed the top of my head.

“This was just a big surprise!”

“Well they just sprung it upon me when we were on the plane. So it’s a surprise to me too. But we knew it was going to happen.”

“I know.”

“Want to know something?”


“6 months.”

“Oh wow! Six months exactly until I graduate.”

“And move to California with me.”

“We still have to plan everything! We have done nothing!”

“Tomorrow for sure! We will go find a wedding planner and we will plan everything out!”

“We can’t get a wedding planner in Jersey if we are having the weeding in Cali.”

“Well we can pick out everything here and ship it over to Cali. It’ll work out. Trust me. Wedding planners do this all the time!”

“And you would know!”

“Yes I would. I helped planned my cousin’s wedding when I was in high school.”

“This is going to be the most difficult marriage ever!”


“Because you’ll be on tour half the time and I’ll be at home.”

“You don’t have to stay at home. You can come on tour with me. In fact I’m going to make you come on tour with us.”

“I am going to go on tour with you but when and if I get pregnant I’m going to have to stay home.”

“Why?” he pouted.

“I can’t tour if I’m pregnant. And our kids can’t go on tour!”

“Yes they can!”

“Maybe when they’re of the age 2-4 but before or after that no!”

“Why not?”

“They need to go to school Zach! And you can’t take a new born on tour!”

“This sucks!”

“You’re telling me. Our kids are going to grow up hardly knowing their father.”

“I’ll make a promise to you right now that when we have kids I’ll never tour unless it’s in the summer time and they can come with us.”

“You can’t promise that and I won’t let you.”

“I’m not leaving you and our kids for months at a time. Touring like I am right now is going to stop when we have a kid.”


“No I mean it! I refuse not to be there for you and our kids, when we have them.”

“Stop talking about your god damn no existing kids and come party! This is YOUR party!” Nathan said walking past the door. Everyone was already here.

“We’ll talk about this tomorrow.” I kissed him real fast but tenderly. “Put a shirt on already and come out into the living room.” I let go of him and walked out of the room but before I got too far Zach had slapped my ass lightening the tension between us. I just rolled my eyes and kept walking.

“Hey look it’s the happy couple!” Dillon said as I walked out into the living room with Zach behind my buttoning his flannel.

“What did you guy have a quickie in there before the party?” Kate joked. So many inside jokes with that between me and her. I glared at her.

“No, I was getting dressed when she walked in depressed. We were just talking.”

“Uh huh sure, just talking.” Cam winked at us.

“Oh hush!” I shook my head at him.

Everyone as having a good time. We were all drinking and dancing around. Zach was hanging out with my really good guy friends as I was talking with my girl friends. Every once in a while I would glance up at Zach and catch him smiling at me. Then Michael announced that it was present time. Zach walked over to me and sat down next to me on the couch. Everyone else sat around us. Zach had taken my legs and put them on his lap and was the one opening all the gifts. I just laughed and kept drinking my drink. One after one all the gifts were pretty much the same. Sex items, condoms, lingerie, baby gift, and money. I have lovely friends. And the gift ideas were from the boys! Man am I going to kill them!

“Okay now Brey these are not to be worn casually around the bus. We know what they look like and we’re sure that you will looks sexy as hell in them but there is no reason to prove that to us. These are for Zach’s eyes only! He is the ONLY person allowed to see you in them. Got it!” Michael laughed. I threw the pillow at him.

“When I get married I will not be walking around the tour bus in my underwear at all! There will be no more at that! I will be fully clothed at all times!”

“AW!” all three boys pouted and Kate slapped Cam.

“What!? I never hit on her when she did it! But it was funny as hell to see Zach all over her while Michael, Dillon and Nathan hit on her.” He laughed.

“The only times you guys ever saw me in a shirt and my underwear was when I walked out of the shower and forgot my pants, when I was changing, and when I was too lazy to put pants on for bed. It’s not like I spent a whole day like that on the bus. It was only ever for a few minutes.

“It was still sexy as hell!” Michael admitted.

“Can we stop talking about my fiancé half naked? I’d rather my friends not be hitting on her at our engagement party.”

“Aw! Zachy is getting jealous.” I teased.

“Watch it Turner.” He smiled at me.

“I prefer Porter.” I smiled back. His eyes sparkled as I said it.

“You’re not a Porter for another 8 months.”

“Eight?” my friend Kayla questioned. She’s always lost.

“I move out to Cali in 6 months but we’re not getting married till August which is in 8 months.”

“That makes sense.” She laughed.

“I cannot wait to move to Cali!”

“Neither can I.” Zach said kissing my forehead as he pulled me onto his lap.

“What are your parent’s going to do with your room?” Kate asked.

“Oh they already told me that they’re getting rid of anything I don’t take.”

“Well that’s mean!”

“Not really. They’re going to get rid of my desk, dresser and my bed and their getting a king size bed to put in there with a little dresser. It’s going to be the quest room. Or in other words a room for me and Zach when you come visit.”

“That’s smart!” Kate laughed.

“Yeah I’m stoked for them to put that king sized bed in there! That twin one she has right now is not working out!” Zach laughed.

“Hey leave my bed alone! I’ve had that for half my life!”

“And it’s meant for 1 person not 2.”

“What you don’t like being close to me when we’re sleeping.” I snared at him.

“It’s doesn’t matter because we are always cuddling when we sleep but I always feel like I’m going to fall off your bed. Plus you have 2 mattresses making it so much higher off the ground.”

“Well I like my bed! You can sleep on the floor if you don’t like it.”

“I’m not sleeping on the floor! I’d rather be next to you feeling like I’m going to fall then not be next to you.”

“AW!” everyone chimed in. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him as he gently kissed my lips.

“I love you.” He put his forehead to mine.

“I love you too dork!” I let out a little giggle.

And then the party went on.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have no clue if this makes sense. lol :)
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
It's 1:42 am right now and I'm sorry if this is a little confusing...hopefully it's not...