Sequel: From This Moment On
Status: Done!

Prisoners in Lust


She's gonna move like the smoke in your lungs
And I'm dreaming I can feel it with the tip of my tongue
And tell me how you're feeling
We can touch the ceiling
Jump start my heart
Oh girl
I wanna know your love
I wanna feel your warmth on my skin
(so recklessly)

Zach POV

We were hanging out at our Engagement party. I was talking to the guys while Brey was with Kate talking to some of our girl friends. Brey was really trying to make new friends with the people I went to school with because she wanted to have people to talk to when she moved out here and was alone while I was gone. I couldn’t help but to feel horrible about that. I always felt bad for asking her to move out to Cali with me but it’s really starting to eat at me now. They guy could tell something was wrong.

“Zach?” Michael shook me from my thought.

“Dude you okay?” Nathan asked.

“Yeah I’m fine.”

“Liar!” Cam screamed.

“What?” I looked at him.

“I know what Brey said. She told Kate about it.”

“Of course she did.”

“What is going on with you man?” Nathan asked.

“Just going through a lot.”

“How? You are the happiest I’ve ever seen you because of Brey. You are engaged to her and you know that you’re life couldn’t be any more perfect.”

“I’m not saying that I’m not happy, because I am. I’m just feeling guilty for asking too much of her. I mean she has her whole life in front of her still and I’m asking her to grow up to fast.”

“You know that if she didn’t want to she would have said no.” Michael said.

“You know her better than anyone and you know that she would speak up if she didn’t want to do something.” Cam said.

“I know. She told me that she wants to move out here that she was just scared but it got me thinking and I realized that I’m taking her away from everything that she has ever known.”

“Zach you know that she loves you and that she’s doing all of this to be with you because that means more to her and anything.” Cam put his arm around my shoulder comforting me.

“I know.” I sighed.

“Why do you all look so depressed?” Kate walked over to us wrapping her arm around Cam and he took his off of my shoulder.

“We were just talking.” Cam said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

I wish Brey and I were like them. They never fight at all. Except for this one time recently but that’s a legit reason. And Kate can’t wait to move out here. She had no worries. But then again I wouldn’t change a thing about me and Brey. We are the ones getting married in 8 months. I looked over at her and smiled knowing that she was happy and having a good time.

“Zach!” I was shaking from my thoughts again. Kate was staring at me. “It’s time to open the gifts.”

“Oh god.” I muttered to myself. This never ends out well. I walked over to where Brey was and pulled her onto my lap kissing the top of her head. She smiled as someone handed her the first gift.

Well let’s just say that all these gift were the same as the gifts we got in Jersey. And once the gifts were done the party pretty much ended. We all went home. It was really late too so we had to be very quiet. But as we know I can never be quiet when I need to be. Everything I do seems to be ten times louder. Brey was laughing the whole time. When we got to my room I shut the door trying to not wake my parents from our talking. We were still wide awake.

“Unzip me.” Brey asked me grabbing her hair moving it out of the way. I slowly unzipped her dress kissing her neck. She was smiling as I did so. Once the zipper was all the way down and slid the dress of her shoulders and it fell to the floor as I turned her around kissing her lips.

“Zach.” She said in between kisses. “Not tonight.” I pulled away and looked at her.

“You Okay?”

“I’m fine just not tonight okay.”

“Okay.” I threw off my shirt and took off my pants putting them in my hamper and climbed into bed as Brey picked up her dress and put it back on the hanger and put her pajama’s on. Then she came and laid down next to me. Something wasn’t right.