Sequel: From This Moment On
Status: Done!

Prisoners in Lust


But we got bills to pay,
We got nothing figured out,
When it was hard to take,
Yes, yes, this is what I thought about.
Do you remember, we were sitting there, by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine.

“That goes upstairs in our room.” Zach said as I walked into the house. We were moving his things into our house. It felt weird but nice at the same time. The house was beyond perfect. And I was spending my spring break helping Zach pack his things and move them into the house. So it’s currently just his house. In 2 months it will be officially our home.

“Why do you have so much shit!” I puffed out a breath throwing the box on the floor looking up at the stairs. I really did not want to carry it up to the room.

“I’m sorry.” He smiled walking past me with more of his stuff.

“How did all of this fit in your little room?” I joked.

“Oh hush and just bring the box upstairs.”

“Fine.” I whined. But as I took one step up the stairs I winded up twisting my ankle. “Fuck!” I dropped the box on the floor again and sat on the stairs holding my ankle.

“What did you do now?” Zach said turning around.

“What do you think I did?”

“Come here.” He sighed walking over to me slipping one arm behind my back and the other one under my legs picking me up and carrying me to the couch in the living room. Then he went to get ice from the fridge to put on my ankle.

“Thank you.” I said as he handed me the ice.

“You are such a clutz.” He laughed kissing my head.

“Shut up!” I pouted. I have really weak ankles since I always twisted them in softball my whole life. Actually all my limes are kind of weak because they all in some way were damaged when I was little. But I have yet to break a bone.

“Ayo!” Nathan came walking through the front door with Michael, Dillon, Kate and Cam behind him. They were helping us move in which was much needed now since I couldn’t. Zach glared at me and laughed a little.

“What happened?” Michael laughed.

“She twisted her ankle walking up the stairs.” Zach smiled at me.

“Nice job!” Dillon laughed. Everyone was getting enjoyment out of this.

“Graceful Brey, very graceful!” Kate patted my shoulder laughing.

“Knowing me I’ll probably fall over my own two feet or my dress on my wedding day too.”

“I’ll make sure you don’t fall. I’ll be there to catch you if you do.” Zach said leaning down to give me a kiss.

“So sweet.” Nathan joked.

“I have the best fiancé ever!” I smiled.

“So cliché” Michael giggled.

“I know, but it’s still true.”

“Come on guys help me with the rest of my stuff.” Zach said as they started to walk back outside.

In a few hours they were done moving off of Zach’s stuff in. We ordered pizza and sat out on the patio watching the sun set. I was sitting on Zach’s lap just taking everything in. We’re on our own now.

“So Brey, when are you moving all of your stuff in?” Nathan asked taking a bite of his pizza.

“In June when I move out here.” I laughed.

“Are we helping with that too?” Mikey asked.

“No, I don’t think so.” Zach said.

After a while the guys went home leaving Zach and I alone in our new house. It was very quiet with only the sound of the TV. We were cuddles up on the couch with my ankle up still being iced.

“Can you believe it?” I said after a while.


“How far we’ve come?”

“I know. It seems like just yesterday we were sitting on the beach for the first time making out.” He smiled.

“It’s crazy how fast time flew.”

“Only if it could fly a little bit fast so you’re can be here all the time.” He kissed the top of my head.

“I know. I hate going back to the east and going to stupid school.”

“Hey school isn’t stupid.” He laughed.

“I’m just glad that I get to spend the rest of my life in the gorgeous house with the most amazing man I ever known.”

“And I’m glad that I get to marry you and life the rest of my life waking up with you in my arms.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Brey's outfit:

The House:

I think I'm going to end this story soon. Maybe a few more chapters. BUT I will be making a sequel! I just might not do anything with it for a little bit to try and spend time on my other stories. Thoughts?

Check out my other storied.
Thank you to everyone who commented! It means a lot! :)