Sequel: From This Moment On
Status: Done!

Prisoners in Lust


They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

“I’m going to practice.” Zach said softly leaning over the bed to kiss me goodbye/ good morning.

“Mmm okay.” I smiled still half asleep trying to get a grip on reality.

“I’ll be back by dinner time.” I glanced at the clock and realized it was already 11am.

“Okay.” I said as Zach leaned over for one more kiss. Then he got up and walked to the door. “Hey Zach.” He turned around to face me. “I’m really proud of you. You’ve come so far and worked your ass off to get to where you are today.”

“Thank you. I love you.” He said blowing a kiss to me then finally leaving. Now I was all alone in this huge house. I sighed and got out of bed.

I walked into the kitchen and saw waffles already sitting on the counter. Next to them was a cute little note from Zach saying that he made me breakfast. I could get use to this. So I sat there eating my waffles flipping through a bridal magazine planning my day out in my head. Then I got the smartest idea ever. I ran up stairs to get my phone. Why I didn’t just pick up the house phone that was next to me I don’t know.

“Good morning.” Kate laughed into the phone.

“What are you doing today?”

“Nothing why?”

“Good because you, me, Anna and Bridget are going to go out to lunch and go shopping for my wedding dress.”

“Okay.” She laughed.

“Be ready by 12 and I’ll come get you guys.”

“Got it. Bye.” I hung up the phone.

My wedding was 5 months away and the only thing left was for me to get my dress. It was depressing because even Zach had his tux. Then again I was the one who took him to go get it. But if I didn’t he would show up to our wedding in skinny jeans and a v-neck.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Come on!” I jokingly screamed out the window at them to get into the car. Then we drove off to a little restaurant in town.

“What kind of dress do you want?” Anna asked as we ate our food.

“I want a strapless princess dress but I want the corset to go a little past my waist.”

“Are you going to wear heels?”

“No, if I wore heels I would be taller than Zach. He’s only 2in taller than me.”

“Are you going to be Zach’s princess in a white dress with Chuck Taylor’s?” Kate laughed.

“Well, I’m not wearing heels so…” I couldn’t help but to laugh at the irony. Truth be told, it totally slipped my mind.

“You are such a loser.” Kate shook her head.

“I think it’s cute.” Anna smiled at me.

“Thank you! See I have it all planned out. I’m going to wear baby blue converse, the new bracelet that Zach just bought for me and I’m going to borrow something from my mom.”

“Are you excited?” Bridget asked. She was so cute.

“Yes, I’m very excited.” I smiled and blushed.

“Aw she’s blushing!” Kate felt the need to point that out to the world for me.

“All it takes is for someone to say Cameron for you to blush so I would watch it.” I joked as her face turned beat red. She hide her face in her hands as I just laughed.

“So Anna…you and Vic.” Kate said after she got herself together.

“Shut up!” now she was blushing and hiding her face.

“You two are so cute!” Kate gushed.

“Do you realized that IF you and Vic got married that me and you would be related making Cameron and Zach actually brother now and me and Kate legitimately related too.” I laughed out.


“This is so cute!” I grabbed the dress of the rack. I was totally in love with it.

“Go try it on!” Anna pushed me into the dressing room. After I few minutes I called her back over to zip up the back of the dress for me. Then I walked out onto the little platform as Kate and Bridget walked over.

“Brey that dress is perfect!” Kate smiled looking it up and down.

“I love it!” Bridget smiled.

“Get it!” Anna said. “It fits perfectly and it looks great on you. It’s it beyond perfect for words. Zach will drop dead when he sees you walking down that aisle.”

“I’m supposed to be getting married not attending my fiancés funeral.” I joked.

“So are you going to get it?” Bridget looked up at me with a smile on her face.

“Yes, I’m going to get it.” Then one of the clerks came over to us. You would tell by her face that she didn’t want us in there because she thought that we were just goofing off.

“May I help you kids?” she said with her arms crossed.

“Yes, I would like to buy this dress.” I smiled at her narrowing my eyes in on hers.

“That dress is very expensive…”

“I’d like to buy it.” I repeated myself getting very fed up with this ladies attitude. I’m not one to take people’s shit. Even if it coast me my perfect wedding dress.

“I don’t think you can afford it.”

“If you would like I can take my money elsewhere. But I am pretty sure that I can pay for this dress right now if you would like the money.”

“I’ll ring you up.” She rolled her eyes as she turned around to walk back to the front of the store. “When are you getting married.” She said looking at my ring as I pulled out Zach’s credit card. He had given me one of them so I could buy me dress so it’s been in my wallet for about 3 months now. It always made me laugh when I opened my wallet.

“In August.”

“Who is the lucky man?” she was being really bitchy about this.

“Zach Porter the lead singer of Allstar Weekend.” I smiled at her. Her face dropped. I guess she knows who he is.

“Are you kidding me? My daughter loves that band!”

“Oh no kidding!” I said sarcastically. Her mood suddenly changed and she was nice all of a sudden. Suck up!

“She is madly in love with Cameron.” I tried my hardest not to laugh and did everyone else. “Is he still dating that red head?”

“Yes, we are still dating.” Kate laughed out.
The lady handed me my dress in its protective bag and we walked out of the store laughing as hard as possible. We piled into my car as I drove them home. Today was very productive. And when I pulled into the driveway I saw Zach’s car. Oh no! He’s not allowed to see my dress! I took out my phone to call him.

“Hey sexy!” his voice rang through the receiver.

“Hi, um, do me a favor and go into the basement for me.”

“Why?” he laughed.

“Because I got my dress today and you’re not allowed to see it but I need to get it into the house.”

“Fine, but it’s only because I love you.”

“Zach you better be in the basement when I walk into that door. No joking around. I mean it.”

“I’m in the basement! Go put your dress away so I can kiss you.”

“Fine hold on.” I said hanging up the phone and slipping it back into my back pocket.

I grabbed my dress from the back of the car and carried it upstairs. I put it in the closet of one of the empty rooms, that Zach has declared our first child’s room, and locked it. Zach was not going to see that dress at all! And I know he would try to find it. I can’t keep it in there or Zach would find a way to break in. I’ll deal with that later. I turned around and walked back down the stairs.

“Is it all clear now?” Zach laughed as he leaned against the wall smiling at me.


“Good, now get your sexy ass over here.” He held his hand out for me to take as I reached him at the bottom of the stairs. I just smiled and grabbed his hand. He pulled me close to me gently kissing me then he started to sway back and forth.

“Zach there is no music.” I laughed.

“Of course there is.” He smiled and then started to hum From This Moment On by Shania Twain.

“I love this song.” I rested my head on Zach’s shoulder as we slowly danced in the foyer.

“Good because I was thinking that this should be our wedding song.” I pulled my head up to look at him.

“It’s perfect.” I smiled standing on my tippy toes to kiss him.

“Come on, help me make dinner.” He smiled grabbing my hand and leading me into the kitchen.

“Okay.” I said following him.

My life as of right now was perfect. I felt like I was living in a fairy tale. I kept waiting for someone to pinch me and wake me up but I knew that it was all real. I was so lucky.
♠ ♠ ♠

Thank you <3
Only a few more chapters left! Are you sad?
