Sequel: From This Moment On
Status: Done!

Prisoners in Lust

Fall Into Me

Whenever you are near
I feel like we could do anything
And I think we should now
We'll take the town
Your eyes tell me something
Afraid to misread
But if I'm wrong
What if you mislead me?
Still, it's worth the thrill
Somehow everything in me is aching
Just to hear your gentle voice again

I was blasting A Day To Remember through the house while cleaning. Puggy followed me where ever I went because he didn’t like to be left alone. I was only wearing and Allstar Weekend shirt and underwear with my hair pulled back into a lose bun. Hey I was home alone and didn’t care about anything. Zach was on tour and that house was still a mess. How that was even possible I don’t know but I needed to clean it. So that is how I am spending my Saturday, cleaning up this entire house.

I was making our bed when If It Means A Lot To You came on. I stopped for a second and smiled to myself. This was my favorite A Day To Remember song and Zach and I had covered it one time. We were all goofing off on the bus when Nathan started to play it on his guitar and Zach started to sing alone then I joined in for the girl part and they winded up recording it. That was one of the first night I was on tour with them.

After my flash back I went back to cleaning. But shortly after stopped to make myself lunch. I was going to make myself a fajita so I was cutting up the chicken and putting it in the frying pan, cutting up the lettuce and grading the cheese. Then Puggy started barking for no reason. I get easily frustrated when there is so much noise so with the barking, the music and the sound on the chicken cooking I wasn’t very happy.

“Puggy sh!” I said looking over my shoulder to yell at him. He was barking at the front door for some reason. Probably because he heard a car outside. “Puggy stop barking.” I said again not even looking back this time. And then he stopped. I went back to cooking.

Out of nowhere I felt a pair of arms snake their way around my waste and pair of lips gently kiss my neck. I took a deep breath scared for a second. Then I recognized those slightly buff arms that were holding me and those soft lips on my skin.

“What are you doing here?” I said turning around in Zach’s arms.

“We have 2 days off and I missed you.” He smiled looking me up and down laughing to himself. “I see that little rule I made is in effect.”

“Shut up!” I playfully hit him. “I was cleaning.”

“Half dress?” he laughed as I just rolled my eyes and turned back around.

“I’m making fajita’s. Do you want one?”

“Did you really just ask me that?” he smiled widely and sat on the counter across from where I was cooking.

“How’s tour going?” I said throwing more chicken in the pan and pulled out some bowls to put the lettuce and cheese in. Then I walked over to the table and started to set it while Zach just sat there. Lazy ass!

“It’s going really good. It’s just like every other tour. Goofing off and playing pranks.” He shrugged.

“What’s wrong?” I looked over at him.

“It’s just, I hate being away from you when we’re suppose to get married soon.”

“Suppose to? You make it sound like such a terrible thing.” I said putting the chick on a plate and putting it on the table as well. I looked down to make sure we had everything then realized I left the fajitas’ in the microwave.

“You know what I mean.” He jumped off the counter and followed me into the dining room.

“I know.” I said putting the plate down and turned around as Zach wrapped his arms around my waste again pulling me close. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked deep into his ocean blue eyes.

“I love you.”

“I love you too babe.” I stood up on my tippy toes to kiss him.

“When are you coming to spend time with me on tour?” He said letting go and pulling out my chair for me. Such a gentle man.

“Um…next week.” I said sitting down and started to make my fajita. Zach sat next to me at the ‘head of the table’.

“That’s too long.” he whined.

“Will you be patient?” I laughed.

“Well it’s kind of hard when I come home to find you walking around half naked cleaning an cooking.” He winked as he took a bite of his food.

“I swear if you keep making fun of me walking around like this I’ll wear sweat pants and sweat shirts from now on.”


“Well, keep it up and see what happens.” I smiled.

“You are way too sexy to wear sweat pants and a sweat shirt.”

“Eat your food.”


Late that night I was watching TV down stairs in the living room when I heard the faint sound of a guitar. Zach must have been upstairs in his music room playing around with cords. So I decided to go upstairs and see.

The sound got louder as I got closer to the door. And I pause a second before opening it. I listened to Zach’s gentle voice softly singing as he would stop every once in a while to write. I smiled to myself then slowly opened the door.

“Hey.” He smiled looking up at me putting the guitar down holding his arms open inviting me to come sit on his lap.

“That sounded great. Was it a new song?” I said sitting on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Yeah. It just came to me so I came in here to write it down before I forgot. Did you hear it?”

“A little bit. Am I not supposed to?”

“No, I mean, it’s okay if you heard it I just want to wait till it’s completely done to show it to you.”

“Okay.” I smiled. He never wanted me to hear a song he was writing until it was finished. But I always would sit outside the door and listen for a little bit. I loved watching/hearing him write songs. It was beautiful to me. It’s one of the reasons why I love him.

“I’m going to go to bed. Are you going to come anytime soon?” I asked.

“Yeah I’ll be there in a minute. I just want to finish and clean up.”

“Okay.” I gave him a quick kiss and walked out shutting the door behind me. Puggy and I got ready for bed. He had his own little doggy bed now that was right next to the bathroom door.

I was already half asleep when Zach finally came to bed. I had felt the bed shift and his arm wrap around my waste pulling me closer to him. He gently kissed right behind my ear and whispered goodnight into my ear before he fell asleep. I missed having him around especially at night when I went to bed. It felt nice to be back in his arms again. I missed him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hoping to end this by tomorrow.
Side note: Hey Princess will be ending soon also. But i will be posting another story once that is finished. Then I will start the sequel to this soon after that.
I hope you all liked this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you!