Sequel: From This Moment On
Status: Done!

Prisoners in Lust

The Way You Love Me

Ooh, I love the way you
Love the way you love me
There's nowhere else I'd rather be
Ooh, to feel the way I feel with your arms around me
I only wish that you could see the way you love me
The way you love me
You're the million reasons why
There's love reflecting in my eyes

“Breyandra! Wake up!” Kate said jumping on my bed. Anna was right next to her doing the same.

“Five more minutes!” I grounded.

“No! You have to get up now. We let you sleep as long as possible! Come on the hair dresser and make-up artist is already here! Get up!”

“That’s right I’m getting married today.” I said turning over with a smile on my face. Zach has spent the night at his parents’ house.

“Yes you are getting married now let’s go!” Anna laughed pulling me out of bed.

So I got out of bed and went downstairs to sit in the kitchen and get my hair and make-up done. An hour later I was done and ready so I put my dress on and was just walking around the house. I was so excited and nervous I just couldn’t sit still. If Puggy was here I would play with him but Zach took him to his parent’s house last night because Zach’s parents are going to watch him for us while we are on our honeymoon. Zach still won’t tell me where we are going for our honeymoon. He packed my bags for me and wouldn’t spill a word about it.

“Brey come here!” Kate called from the kitchen. She had just finished getting her hair and make-up done. “Drink this.” She handed me a soda.

“Caffeine is really going to help?” I laughed.

“Probably not but you need to drink something with sugar in it and this is all you have in their besides water.”

“What can I say Zach likes hi water.” I laughed taking a sip of my soda.

“Hey it’s time to go.” My mom said. I smiled and took a deep breath. Kate helped me put my shoes on and then we were out the door to the church. Yeah we decided to get married in a church.

When we got to the church I was snuck into a side door that lead right into a little room. I was hidden in there till it was time to walk down the aisle. Just me and my nerves all alone. Then my dad walked in with a smile on his face. When I was growing up I thought that my dad wouldn’t be there for my wedding because of how sick he was. It felt good to have him here to walk me down the aisle.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yes.” I said taking a deep breath and walking out of the room with my flowers in hand.

One by one I watched my bride’s maids walk down the aisle before me. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I was probably going to fall on my face! I know it! I’m such a clutz that it wouldn’t shock me. Then my dad nudged me back to real life. I smiled at him as we started to head around the corner and down the aisle. All eyes were on me but all I could do was smile and look at Zach. I could tell he was breath taken. I giggled a little and looked down for a second. When I looked back up Zach mouthed the words I love you. I smiled and mouthed them right back to him.

Once I finally got up to him my dad flipped my vale and gave me a kiss on the check then sat down next to my mom in the front row. I handed Kate my flowers and turned to Zach. The priest started talking and Zach and I kept exchanging looks and laughing.

“You look absolutely stunning.” Zach whispered to me.

“Thank you. And you look quit handsome yourself.” I whispered back laughing. The priest glared at us but kept talking. We couldn’t help but laugh a little at that. Everyone must think we’re crazy.

“I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” The priest finally said. Zach and I turned to each other.

“The best part.” Zach whispered before pulling me closer to him and kissing me. In my head I was laughing and I wanted to hit him but I couldn’t.

When we pulled away we just smiled at each other then turned to our family and friends who were all standing up clapping and cheering. I took my flowers back from Kate then Zach and I walked down the aisle as husband a wife. I couldn’t stop smiling. Zach and I climbed into the limo and drove off to the banquet hall where we were having our reception. Since we were the first ones there and everyone else was behind us no one saw us make our get away into the little side room.

“This is all I’ve been doing today, hiding in side rooms.” I laughed as Zach shut the door behind us.

“That and getting married to me.” Zach said walking over to me picking me up.

“Well that’s true.” I laughed pushing his hair back out of his face.

“Gosh I love you.” He smiled looking into my eyes as he put me down.

“I love you too.” He crashed his lips onto mine making it more passionate then before.

“If only I could kiss you like that in front of everyone else.” He laughed when he pulled away resting his forehead on mine.

“Well if it was only the guys and Kate you could.” I joked. Then Zach’s phone went off. He took it out of his pocket and laughed to himself.

“Speaking of.”


“Michael just tweeted saying ‘Congratulations to Zach and Brey. Hope you guys have a happy long marriage.’”

“Aw how sweet.” I laughed.

After spending on hour in that room just talking and making out it was time to join the rest of the party. So we walked out as the DJ introduced us as Mr. and Mrs. Porter. We had our first dance and cut the cake and all the guys made a speech. Then Kate and Anna made a speech along with both our parents. I smiled the whole night and my cheeks hurt really badly from it.

After the party Zach and I headed back to the house real fast to change and grab our bags to head to the air port. On the car ride to the airport Zach finally told me where we were going. It was Italy. The one place I’ve wanted to go my whole life. He was sweet.


Our wedding was amazing and we had an amazing honeymoon in Italy. We did what every newlywed did on their honeymoon. Spending those 2 weeks in Italy was something unforgettable. This marriage was going to be perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked it!
Thanks for reading an subscribing. <3 and the comments from my 2 lovely people!
Wedding cake: