Sequel: From This Moment On
Status: Done!

Prisoners in Lust

Jump Then Fall

I had time to think it oh, over
And all I can say is come closer
Take a deep breath then jump then fall into me
Cause Every time you smile, I smile
And every time you shine, I'll shine for you
Whoa oh, I'm feeling you baby
Don't be afraid to
Jump then fall
Jump then fall into me
Be there, never gonna leave you
Say that you wanna be with me too
So I'm a stay through it all
So jump then fall

When I woke up I was lying in my bed alone. I heard muffled sounds from outside my room. I slowly got up and walked over to my computer desk to grab my pills. My mouth was throbbing and I needed my pain medication really bad. I grabbed my pills and walked out of my room to go get a cup of water so I can take them. My parents were sitting in the living room with Zach eating their bagels. I took my pills and out a slice of pizza in the toaster oven. When it was done I put in on a plate and sat in the middle of my living room floor. Zach laughed at me not only because it was 10 in the morning and I was eating pizza but because I was sitting in the middle of the floor while there was plenty of room and the couch.

Time went by. Kate went to California with Cameron and the rest of the guys while Nathan, Zach and I stayed on the east. Zach helped me recover every chance he got. Time was flying by fast and soon enough it was time for us to get on our plane to California. Zach was telling me all about the ocean and the sites on the West coast. He’s so good to me. I didn’t want to think about what’s going to happen to us when I go back to school and he stays on the west coast but I couldn’t shake it from my mind the whole flight. The minute we landed and I turned on my phone I got a text from Kate. She and Cam were here to pick us up from the airport. We got into the car and headed to Zach’s house first. I slept the whole car ride using Zach as my pillow since I didn’t sleep on the plane.

When we got to Zach’s house his parents came walking out the front door with open arms welcoming him back. I stood behind him with a smile on. Once his parents let go of him and turned and grabbed my hand to introduce me to his parents. The both smiled and gave me a hug welcoming me into their house but I couldn’t shake this odd feeling I had. It felt like I wasn’t supposed to be there, like it was all a big mistake. I didn’t want to think about it.

Zach led me up to his room to unpack. It’s wasn’t much. His parents got rid of most of his things in there so all he had was a bed and a dresser. As Zach unpacked his cloths I sat on his bed and rested my head on his pillows. I wanted to wake up and be back on the east coast. I had a really bad feeling that something bad was going to happen. Zach brought me back to reality when his lips collided with mine. I’ve missed the taste of his lips. My mouth still hurt and we hadn’t kissed in so long, it was way over due.

“That didn’t hurt did it?” Zach asked as he sat on his bed next to me rubbing my back. I shook my head pressing my lips together. “Good cause I’ve missed kissing you.” He leaned back down and did it again.

“Just be careful.” I said right before his lips touched mine. He nodded his head before going back into the kiss. I wish it lasted longer than it did but Zach’s younger brother Vic had walked in the room.

“Zach that’s gross! Come on close the door if you’re going to do that!” Vic laughed standing in the door way. Zach got up to hug his brother who just got back from school.

“I’ve missed you little bro.”

“Yeah I can see that.” Vic said looking over at me. I just sat there uncomfortable. Vic is the same age as me.

“Vic, this is my girlfriend Breyandra. Brey this is my younger brother Vic.” Zach said walking back over to me. I smiled and said hi as did Vic then he left closing the door behind him. “So where were we?” Zach turned to me.

“We were making out…but now we’re not.”

“What’s wrong? You’re not acting like yourself.”

“Maybe because I’m not myself right now.”

“Why? If it’s because of Vic don’t worry about it.”

“I’m the same age as you’re younger brother Zach. Don’t you find that odd?”

“I didn’t even remember about that till you said it. What is wrong?”

“Nothing, can we go now?”

“Fine but we are going to talk about this.” Zach followed me out of the house and into his car. The car ride to their friend’s house was quiet. By the time we got there everyone else was there. I didn’t want to be there at all. I really wasn’t in a good mood but I put on a smile and made it look like everything was fine. Kate and I got to meet all of the guy’s friends that they went to school with. Kate knew that there was something on my mind so she convinced the guys to let us go for a walk. Zach gave me a gentle kiss on the check and held onto my hand as long as he could as I walked away with Kate.

“Okay what’s up?” she said as we started walking down the street to the beach.

“I don’t know. From the second we got to Zach’s house something hasn’t felt right. Like I’m not supposed to be here, like I don’t belong.”

“I have the same feeling but it’s nothing. It’s just nerves of being somewhere new for the first time.”

“Kate both our boyfriends are 20. We are as old as their siblings. Isn’t that odd to you?”

“Yeah but it doesn’t bother me or Cameron. Why is it a problem with you and Zach?”

“Not with Zach. I just find it weird. Like I should be dating Vic and not Zach. I just feel like something bad is going to happen on this trip.”

“Try not to think about it. I mean look at the sunset. You can only see this on the West Coast.” We sat down in the sand. The beach was so pretty. The sunset was breathtaking. “You know he loves you.”

“What?” I looked at Kate as she casually just sits there looking out at the ocean as if the words she is speaking are no big deal.

“He loves you.” She turned and looked at me.

“How do you know?”

“He and Cameron were talking one night and he told Cam that he loves you. He’s planning on telling you but with the way you are acting I don’t think he’s going to tell you anytime soon.”

“You’re just saying that to make me chill out.”

“No I’m being serious. And I can tell that you love him too.”

“You don’t know anything!” I grabbed a hand full of sand and threw it at her laughing.

“I know more than you think. You and Zach are perfect for each other and you need to stop trying to push him away. Don’t be afraid to love him Brey.”

“I’m not afraid of anything!”

“Yes you are. You are afraid of getting your perfectly intact heart, broken. It’s going to happen one day anyway so just let him love you.”

“I can’t stop him from loving me, but I can stop myself from caring enough for it to hurt.”

“But it’s easier to just love him back, so stop fighting it. That’s why you think something bad is going to happen. You are going to push him away and then you’re going to get into a fight and never talk to him ever again. Then when you see him on TV or something you’re feeling all sad and depressed because you still love him. And you’ll refuse to listen to their music because you’ll know there are songs about you.”

“Okay you need to stop reading books!” I laughed as I pushed her. The sun was almost gone by now and it was starting to get cold. I realized how dumb I was being and how much I really wanted Zach next to me at that moment. Sure enough I got my wish.

“You okay now?” he sat behind me wrapping his arms around me kissing my neck softly.

“Yeah, I just needed to talk to Kate I guess.” I went to go look over at her but she had already got up and walked off with Cameron.

“I get that way too. Cameron is usually the only person I can tell 100% everything too and trust him. I mean I can tell the other guys but I can only tell Cameron the really awkward romantic things.”

“You are such a dork!” I leaned my head back wanting him to kiss me and he did. He knows me so well.

“I love you Brey.” He whispered. I turned my whole body around to face him with a smile on my face. I guess Kate was right for once.

“I love you too Zach.” He pulled me on top of him as we lay on the sand making out! But you see every time me and Zach try to have a nice moment and make out someone has to interrupt us. Cameron and Kate stood a few feet away calling out at us.

“Get some Zach!” I think I died when I heard Cameron scream that. I fell over onto my back laughing and Zach got up and started after Cam. Kate ran over to me and joined me in my laughing fit as we watched the boys run up and down the beach. Zach finally tackled Cam right into a wave. They both started walking back to us with open arms ready to give us a hug. Kate looked at me and we just ran to the boardwalk. We stopped when we got up there and looked back to find the boys still after us. So we took off down the road back to their friend’s house and hid behind Dillon, Nathan and Michael.

“What are you two doing?” Dillon asked as I sat on the ground behind his chair!

“Sh! We are not here!” Kate laughed.

“Where are they?” Cameron’s voice filled the air!

“What happened to you guys?” Nathan laughed looking at Cameron and Zach who were standing in front of them soaking wet.

“Do you guys want some dry clothes?” Their friend asked laughing at them.

“Yes. Then maybe our girlfriends would come out of hiding and be with us.” Zach looked around Dillon’s chair to meet my eyes. I just smiled at him and winked. I then realized that Zach had a little cut on his eye brow.

“Zach what did you do!” I jumped up.

“What?” he looked at me confused.

“You must have hit your head on a rock or something when you tackled Cam into the ocean.”

“Come on I’ll give you guy’s cloths and a band aid for that cut.” Their friend led the boys inside but Zach wasn’t letting go of my hand so he dragged me along with them.

We sat in the kitchen and waited for the guys to come back down stairs. Zach picked me up and sat me on the kitchen counter for no reason. I felt bad for sitting on this kids kitchen counter but when he came back down stairs he didn’t seem to care. He handed the boys cloths to change into and Zach a band aid. Cam went into the bathroom first to change and Zach handed me the band aid to put on his eye brow. I took a paper towel and whipped away the blood before putting the band aid on. I laughed at how funny Zach looked.

“You forgot something.”

“What did I forget?”

“You forgot to kiss it. A cut never heals unless it’s kissed and my cuts have to be kissed by the most beautiful girl I know who’s name is Breyandra.” He smiled.

“Oh really?” I laughed.

“I’m not kidding.” He was being cocking. I just laughed at him and kissed his little boo boo.


“Much.” Cameron walked out after that so Zach went in and changed instructing me to stay where I was. This kid bosses me around a lot. So I got up and went outside.

“I thought you were staying in side?” Zach said walking out the back door to the house.

“I decided to come back out since you told me to stay there.” I laughed.

“What is this opposite day?”

“Well I sure hope not if you told me you love me today.”

“That’s true but you also said it back so we would both be screwed.” Everyone just awed and I could feel my face getting red. Zach came over to where I was sitting and picked me p and put me back down on his lap. Show off.

“So Brey, when is you’re spring break over?” His friend asked bringing me back to the scary reality I was trying to forget.

“The end of this week. We go back the day before it’s over.”

“How are you guys going to keep this relationship like this?”

“Talk to each other as much as possible.” Zach said kissing my shoulder and gently running his fingers up and down my arm.

“Every single day, plus it’s not like we would be seeing each other every day anyway. He has concerts he has to go do and other stuff.” I looked down at Zach who had a fixed focused on the ground. I could tell he was thinking about something but I didn’t want stop him. Everyone kept going on in conversation talking about touring and stuff as Zach sat there not moving his focus.

“Hey want to get out of here?” after a while Zach came back to life and whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and stood up. Zach grabbed my hand as we said goodbye to everyone and left. We got into his car and just drove.

“Zach, where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” He said putting his hand on my knee gently rubbing it.

After a while we arrived at this pier. We walked to the end of it and sat there with our feet hanging off the edge. Zach kept his hand on my knee.

“You know I meant it when I said I love you right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I just want to make sure that you know I meant it.”

“Okay spill. What’s on your mind?” I brought up one leg and bent it in to face him and took his hand that was on my knee and started drawling circles in the palm of it.

“It’s nothing.”


“It just hit me that you have to go back to the other side of the country soon and I won’t see you for like 2 months.”

“I know. That’s why I was acting weird before. I didn’t want to let you in anymore because I didn’t want to get hurt when it came time for me to leave.”

“Everyone thinks this is just a fling that once you leave it’s over, I’ll go back to be single. But I really did fall in love with you. You are so incredible.” He took his hand and put it to my face gently rubbing my checks with his thumb. I just sat there and looked at him with tears forming in my eyes.

“I don’t want to go back home.” The tears started to fall down my face.

“Don’t cry, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He pulled me closer and stroked me hair.

“It’s not that you made me cry. It’s that when I’m with you everything is perfect. Nothing else matters. And without you I’m going to be so lost. I’ve spent my whole spring break with you! Not one day apart.”

“You’ll do fine. You have school to go back to and all your friends. I’ll be the last thing you think about in school.” He said whipping away my tears.

“Try the only thing I think about in school. I don’t do anything in any of my classed. They’ve become all jokes except like 3.”

“Well that sounds fun. But the good thing is you’re in school while I’m sleeping” he gave me a cocking smile.

“Shut up you dork!” I playfully hit him while laughing. He giggled a little as our eyes meet and we both got locked into the moment. This time there were going to be no interruptions.
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Hope you guys like it! <3