Elven Chronicles Book 1: Into the Shadows


Well my weekend was great, but now I am back into the real world. Monday morning seven AM and my youngest sister had jumped on my stomach and almost made me barf.

"Did you have a good time?" my mother asked at breakfast.

"I had a fantastic time. It is amazing there. Why didn't you go with him?"

My mother just stood there for a moment and then whispered," Because I was afraid."

She looked so sad so I decided not to press the matter.

"Wecome King Levan. I am honored that you could see me on such short notice," Leto told the king of the fire kingdom. It was now Tuesday, and he had to let the king know of his daughter. The King had two sons ages 89 and 91 the equivlent of ages 25 and 27 for humans. (Roughly)

"Of course. You said that it was important," Levan replied. "Now, what is it?"

Leto decided to say it quickly and semi-confidently. "I have a daughter. She is um... half human. I had her visit me over this past weekend."

"Oh wow. What is she like?"

"She is wonderful. Her name is Kida, and she is an extremely powerful air bender. She comes every Friday afternoon now. Would you like to meet her?"

"Why of course. How about you bring her to my kingdom? Let her explore a little, and I am sure the boys would love to meet her."

"Great, we will see you on Saturday afternoon."

Friday again. I could not wait for the gaurds to come. My training had gone well, and I could control the air with ease. It flowed around me when I thought of it. Also, I could write the elven alphabet. I had triple the work I had before, but we all have to deal with something.

"Princess Kida, we have arrived," my gaurds called.


Off we go again. My father met us just outside of the kingdom and asked me to join him for a walk.

"Kida, there is another elven kingdom about four hours west of here. I met with the king earlier this week, and he has invited us to come over there. Would you like to go?"

"Yes of course! I want to see everything."

"Great. Now you must learn how to ride a horse."

I almost feinted. I had to RIDE one of those things! This was not going to go well.

"Wecome Princess," the horsemaster said. "Let us find you a horse."

I looked around the stables. There were about one hundred horses in the place and most of them greeted me when I walked by. Then I noticed a beautiful black horse standing all by herself at the edge of their fenced in area outside. That was the horse I wanted. I looked over and noticed that my father looked very nervous. I told the lady that I wanted that horse and she told me to go for it.

"Come here horse. I won't hurt you." I approached the horse slowly and it started to back away from me. I decied to sit on the ground and wait for it to come to me. Then, I started to blow a breeze toward it to calm it down. My father and some other elves just watched me and waited for something to happen. And it did. The horse approached me and just laid down next to me.

"Well I'll be," the woman said. "That horse has never come near any of us voluntarly. Now you have to name her so that you can start to ride."

"What is the elven word for beautiful?" I asked.

"Beutille," my father answered.

"Then that is her name. Come along Beutille."

She did, and I was taught to ride in the next hour. I did not fall off or die, so I called it sucessful.

After we ate dinner, I asked my father why he got so tense while I was riding.

He looked very sad when I asked this question and answered, "My mother and young sister were killed in an accident. They were walking, and a crazy horse came around a corner and hit them. My sister was killed instantly and my mother died a few hours later. It was over forty years ago, and the horse was black. That horse you have brings back some memories, and I just get nervous."

"Oh, I am so sorry." I could not imagine going through something like that.

"That is alright. You better get some sleep."

The next day I was dressed in a nice blue riding dress and we headed off toward the fire kingdom. Alia, Elwen and about twenty gaurds joined us. The ride took about four hours, and we were greeted by some other gaurds. Then, we entered the kingdom. It was at least twice the size of my kingdom and the castle was a dirt red color. I noticed the royal family waiting at the foot of the steps for us.

"Welcome King Leto and Princess Kida. Greetings elves. Princess, this is the Queen Jade and my sones the Princes Elendil and Aaron." Both princes were extremely handsome with dark skin and light brown hair. Elendil had dark serious eyes, while Aaron had blue eyes and an easy smile. They all greeted us, and we followed them inside.

We got a tour and then sat down for an early dinner. The King Levan started to ask me questions.

"So Princess. Can you bend? How do you like the elves?"

"Yes, I can bend sir. I love the elves, and you have a beautiful kingdom here. I am so happy I got to come and see your kingdoma and learn more about the elves."

"Thank you. My sons can bend as well. They are fire benders. I was told that you were an air bender. Correct?"

"Yes, sir."

The rest of dinner was nice, but I noticed that Alia looked very upset. I was going to ask her why, but we had to go.

"Good-bye Princess," the younger Prince, Aaron, said. "Hopefully, we can see you again soon."

I really liked the idea that he wanted to see me. "Thank you. I will definately come back soon."

The rest of my weekend was pretty normal. I wanted to talk to Alia, but she was not around for my visit. I had some lessons and can speak a little elven. I have a long way to go.
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Hey this chapter was more of a filler just to get some main characters introduced before the story picks up. Comment!