Elven Chronicles Book 1: Into the Shadows


After this weekend, my mother came into my room on Monday night. She never comes in to talk to me because she is always busy with the other kids.

"Hey Kida. Can we talk?" she said. That made me nervous. Usually she just came right out and said whatever needed to be said.

"Of course. What is it?"

"Do you love your father, Leto?"

"Yes, I do, and I really like being over there with him. I am not going to leave this family though. I would never do that to you all. I promise this."

"Okay. I just wanted to be reassured. I need you around here. You keep everything together and without you, having six kids would be impossible. I love everything you do, and I know that I have not thanked you lately. I am so sorry for that."

I almost cried. My mother has not spoken to me like this ever, and then I realized how much I really loved her. "Thanks mom. I really love you too."

Of course that moment got ruined when someone screamed. We both looked up and I ran to grab my stave. My father was already out the door while my mother ran to grab all the kids. Outside in the middle of town, it was a war zone. There we black creatures everywhere. Some in the shape of humans, lizards, some weird looking thing and more. The men of the tribe were out with their staves and daggers fending them off. It looked like we were winning when some more arrived. Then, I joined the fight.

I came in screaming. I swung my stave using the sixteenth level moves and took them out left and right. They started to run away from me, when I noticed a classmate in trouble. He was surrounded by about five of them and he was bleeding from both of is arms. I jumped in front of him just as one of them attacked. I was able to fend it off when I saw a streak of blonde hair and my mother had joined the fray. She was screaming and smashing them left and right.


I would have laughed if she did not get punched right in the face, and she went right to the ground out cold. Time seemed to slow down, and I saw it lunge in for the kill. Before I knew what I was doing I jumped in front of her as my side from my shoulder to my ankle exploded in pain. I screamed and then everything went black.

I woke to someone saying my name, and it seemed like the entire left side of my body was on fire. I open my eyes and looked around. I was in my room but it seemed different, blurry and it was hard to get my eyes to focus. Then, I noticed that the left side of my body was bandaged up and there was all sorts of medicine in the room. My gaze stopped on my father. He looked like he hadn't slept for days.

I saw an immediate sigh to relief as we made eye contact. "Kida, thank God that you are up. I have to get the doctor. I'll be back immediately."

There was a cry of 'She's awake' and then about a minute later the doc came into the room. He is a great guy in his mid forties, with a lot of experience.

"Ah Kida. Welcome back. You have been out for about six days now."

Wow. That guy must of hit me hard

"Now," he continued. "The left side of your body was torn up. You have a gash about an inch and a half deep running from your shoulder to your ankle. You will have some serious scarring, and maybe some issues moving. From what I saw, no vital organs were hit, but you will have to do some rehab for your muscles. You did lose a lot of blood, but you waking up today confirms that you will live."

Great. Now give me the bad news.

"Unfortunately you will have to lay low for a while and try to let yourself heal. I will give you excersies to do and you will have to listen to me."

"Yes sir," I said. "Could someone get me some water?"

My mother got it for me and the doc left. She, my father, and Gabe were just sitting there looking at me with looks of joy mixed with concern. My mom kissed me and she and Gabe left the room. My father began to speak,

"Well I have to say that I was quite worried about you. I thought that I was going to lose you. There are hundreds of flowers in the backyard for you from the elven people. The King and Princes of the fire kingdom sent some, and they hope you make a speedy recovery. There have been more sightings of those monsters, and the elves have had a few fights. Nothing to major, but we are looking into it. Your elven teacher will be coming in a couple days to explain the history of the elves so you understand why there is concern. Also, this will keep you busy for the time being. For now, please rest and I will drop by tomorrow." He said this all formally, and I suspect he was trying to keep it together for my sake.

"Thanks for being here."

"Of course. I love you Kida."

Before he even left the room, I crashed.

I woke up a couple of hours later to the smell of soup. My mom and sisters were cleaning up the room, and my mom sat next to me and helped me sit up. There was a firery, shooting pain up my side and I gasped.

"Kida, what is wrong?" my mother asked with concern.

"Just a little pain," I told her through gritted teeth. "No big deal."

She fed me and exhaustion just swept over me again. Being injured sucks.

The next morning was like the last night. My mother came in mid-morning to tell me that I had a visitor.

"Who is it?"

"Kelvin. He says that he wants to talk to you."

He came in after she went to get him. He had a vase full of flowers in one hand and my stave in the other.

"Hey Kida. You saved my life seven days ago."

Then, I remembered why he would come. I jumped in front of him to save his life before my mother went down.

"Oh yeah. Um.. no big deal I guess."

"Of course it is. I just wanted to say thank you," he continued. "After you went down, something weird happened. There was a huge gust of wind, the earth shook, and it started to rain. The enemy ran away and almost everyone ran toward you. They brought you here, and I noticed your stave just lying there. I picked it up and cleaned it. Due to my broken arm, today was the first day I could come and see you."

"Thank you for taking care of my stave. I really appreciate it. "

"It was the least I could do. I'll see you around when you feel better."

"Bye. Say hello to everyone for me."

He left and the rest of the day was 'normal'. My dad, Alia, and Elwen came and visited for a while, and we talked for a few hours. Then, they had to leave. My father told me that my teacher would be by tomorrow for my lesson.

My whole left side hurt, and I felt like shit. I told the doc this, and he said it was normal. He also said that I could get out of bed in two days. I craved the sun on my back and the air flowing through my fingers.
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Hey guys. Thanks for reading. Please leave me some comments. I only have a couple. I need feedback!!! Enjoy. Updates might take a while because finals are approaching way too fast. I'll do my best though.