Elven Chronicles Book 1: Into the Shadows


"We need to train benders if we are going to jump into a battle," I told my father this as we were eating a quiet breakfast in his chambers.

"Good idea. Who is going to teach everyone? I need Elwen and Alia most of the time, and I know the king needs his sons by his side."

"I will."

My father just stared at me like he could not believe the suggestion. Then he said," That is a pretty good idea. You may announce it during the little speech today Also, after your speech, you will meet with Elwen, Alia, and the Princes to train."

I left and got ready for my appearance. I dressed in an orange and yellow dress with my hair down and my crown atop my head. When it was my time to speak, the crowd silenced and waited for me.

"As my father just said, I can bend all of the elements. I am no High Queen or great whatever. I am a girl who is trying to figure out what is going on. I wish for you all to continue to call me princess. Now, if we wish to fight I need to find more benders. I will be having sessions later today and during the rest of the week. For those of you who think you cannot bend, please come and see me. I will try to teach you. Thank you all for listening and I hope to see you around."

The crowd started clapping for me as I left and changed into some comfortable fighting clothes. An hour later, I was down on the castle grounds learning some basics about all the elements. I learned control, how to start them without being handed the element, and how to use all the elements as shields. I was best with air of course, and fire is definitely the hardest element to try and learn. After a couple of hours, people started to come for training.

"Hello Princess," a woman spoke for them,"we would like to learn some bending."

"Alright, let's start with air."

I showed them how to position themselves, and then we began. After about ten minutes two of them started to bend the air. I had them write their names down, and they could leave. Next, we moved onto water. The woman who spoke and who I assumed to be her husband discovered their power in just a few minutes. They signed the paper and left. By then, more elves had joined and picked up at whatever element we were on. By the end of the day, I had found 5 earth benders, 20 air benders, 20 water benders, and 15 fire benders.

"Well done Kida," King Levan said, " This is very impressive. My son, Aaron will join you tomorrow to help."

"Thank you sir. If you will excuse me, I am exhausted." All the bending had taken a real physical toll on my body and my left side had begun to hurt again.

The rest of the next two days passed by quickly. Aaron and I found a total of 55 earth benders, 80 air benders, 75 water benders, and 100 fire benders.

"Now Kida, you have three days before we leave for battle. What are you going to do with the benders?" My father asked me this at a war council meeting after Aaron and I turned in the results.

"With your and King Levan's permission I plan on taking all of them out of their training and placing them in separate groups depending on what they bend. The Princes will lead the fire benders, Alia with the water benders, Elwen with the earth benders, and I will take the air benders. For two days, they will be taught as much as possible."

Everyone agreed with my plan and an announcement was made to all bending elves. The next morning I met with my air benders.

"Okay. I want all of you to form rows and stay about two arm lengths away from the person next to you."

We went through drills, techniques, and the basics. It was also a great opportunity for me to practice as well. I needed to be able to be the strongest one out there. After lunch we worked on controling attacks.

"Alright, form a huge circle, and I want you to come at me three at a time. You will learn how to defend yourselves, control the air, and attack. Let's do this."

We did this for three hours until I was exhausted, sore and satisfied. We ended earlier than the others because I had to go and check on the other groups.

"Thanks for the effort. Practice a little at home and I will see you at 8:00 tomorrow morning. Do not be late." They went away with smiles and thanked me.

I ran to the earth benders because they were the smallest group and would probably be done soon.

"Elwen, how is it going?"

"Excellent. They will be ready tomorrow." They demonstrated a couple of moves, and then I left to see Alia.

"No no no," Alia loves to correct people. " Like this." She was showing a man how it was done. His wife, the one who spoke to me a week ago, stepped in and started to fight with Alia.

"I'll show you how it is done you rude bitch," she said. She flung water at Alia who deflected it, and then the battle was on. I let them go until I realized that Alia was trying to hurt or possibly kill her.

"ENOUGH!" I yelled and flung a shield inbetween them. They flew back and waited for me to continue. "You will not fight each other please." I let the shield down and waited for a catastrophe. I knew that Alia would not go down without a fight, especally after words were exchanged.

"What is your name?" Alia asked the woman.

"Isabel. I am sorry for getting angry, and I should not have spoken to you like that."

"It is okay. I would have done the same thing," Alia replied with a smile. "You have some awesome power, and I should have recognized it sooner. I know I can be a rude teacher at times."

I watched for a few more minutes to make sure they were not going to kill each other, and then went to see the fire benders. They were doing very well. The Princes had them all preforming the art well, and there was nothing to say.

That night everyone told me what a good idea this was. Everything ran smoothly the next day, and they were ready to go.

That night my father came into my room and sat down next to me on the couch.

"Kida, you have done wonderfully, and I am very proud of you. We march the day after tomorrow and I wanted you to have this."

He pulled out a ten inch dagger with a silver handle. It had elven words on it that I could read. In English they read, "The brave shall conquer all." I could see that it was an ancient blade and had done some real damage in the past.

"Thank you father," I told him. " I will use it well."

"I know you will. Now get a good night's rest because you will need it for tomorrow."

He left and I thought about what was to come. Things are going to get really crazy and hetic now if not already.
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