Elven Chronicles Book 1: Into the Shadows


The next morning, my father, Alia, some gaurds and I left for the village. We arrived midmorning to find my dad and thirty other men, including the leader, ready for action.

"Hello gentlemen. I am honored that you would join us," my father told them.

"Of course," Ethan, our leader replied.

My father and I left them waiting there as we said good-bye to my mother. She gave me a quick squeeze and whispered,"Remember your promise." I just hugged her back.

"Kida, could you leave the room please?" my father asked.

"Sure," I planned on evesdropping anyway. I went outside and stood under the window.

"I will keep her safe, Tina." my father said.

"You better. If she is dead and you come home, I will find you and kill you."

"There will be no need to find me, I'll kill myself."

"I love her. Keep her and my husband safe."

"I will don't worry. They will have protection."

"I love you too, Leto. Please stay safe for me. I would grieve for any of you," my mother gave a little sob after this statement. "I know it is not fair to ask you to say safe for me, but please do. I moved on, but you didn't. Why?"

"Because no woman was like you. I still love you too, but not like it was. I'll try and stay safe. Take care Tina."

"You too," my mother whispered this like she was afraid he was going to disappear. I did not realize that she still loved him some. I ran to the front just as my father was coming down the hall.

We met the men and started running. The elves were surprised that the human men could run the whole way, not as fast, but they still made in in decent time. They did not know that men sometimes had to run up to ten miles to find food in the winter. I found it kind of funny. When we arrived at the kingdom, I got them set up and comfortable. King Levan introduced himself and then we started to march the next morning.

We marched all day. It was boring as hell. Alia is stuck to me like glue, and I can tell that she is not happy about it at all.

"You can go somewhere else if you would like," I told her.

"If I do, your father would hurt me. He made a promise to your mom, and I intend on helping him keep it."

So, we just kept marching. We pitched camp around five and ate at six. Afterwards, the elves wanted to watch my tribe train, and they were having a grand old time doing so. Then my father told me to join them and show the elves what I can do.

"Come on Kida," dad said. "You have to practice."

I sparred a little and then we started to fight. It was me on two of the other men. I am almost on level seventeen, so I could hold my own. The elves were cheering me on the whole way, and when I won they just went crazy. They thought that it was the best thing that they have seen, minus the element bending thing.

After that, everyone went to bed. I noticed Elendil looking at Alia with a look of hurt on his face. I stopped by to see what was wrong.

"Hey, you okay?" Even though I did not know him that well, I thought I was the polite thing to ask.

He seemed a little embarassed that I had noticed something was wrong. He paused for a moment and then answered me, "I do not know. I told Alia how I feel about because I don't know what is going to happen. She just told me to drop it. She said that it was a silly time to say it and she did not want to hear it. I kind of want to chase her, and find out why and what I did to make her hate me."

"She does not hate you and I'll find out what is up. I will ask her in a couple of days. Promise."

"Thanks Kida. I appreciate it."

We marched through the forest the next two days at a steady pace. We still had six more days to march and in the meantime, I had all the benders practicing including myself. The plan was to have benders in every battle group. They were to use everything they had. I would be toward the front with Alia and the best bender for every element. Then, depending on how the enemy was set up, we would ajdust.

Two days after speaking with Elendil, I approached Alia about him.

"Hey," I said," What is up?"

"Same as yesterday. Why?" She honestly had no idea why I was asking.

"Well I noticed that you were upset yesterday. Elendil told me some, but I wanted to hear it from you."

She sighed and answered,"It is nothing. Just don't worry."

"Why don't you like him? What is wrong with him?"

She started to lose her temper. Luckily for her, we were alone before she drew to much attention to herself. "Nothing is wrong with him. I have had my heart broken too many times to fall in love again."


"Yes. My past is none of your busness." She said this briskly and sounded like she expected me to drop it.

Now it was my turn to get a little angry at her. "None of my busness?! I thought we were friends. You know everything about me."

"I am NOT like you. I am not an elf!" She exclaimed half in anger and half in frustration.

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