Elven Chronicles Book 1: Into the Shadows

Alia's story

"Come follow me. I guess I have to be honest with you now," Alia said this while I was still standing there stunned. I started to follow her away from camp.

"Sit down. This will be a lot to take in."

"Can we start with the part that you are not an elf?" I asked her.

She sighed and started to tell her story:

"I was born to the King and Queen of the ocean. I am the tenth of ten daughers to them. My eldest sister is one hundred years older than me, and I am a little over two thousand years old. Before you interrupt, let me continue. I have been with the elves for about 250 years now. About that long ago, I lived with my family in the ocean in our palace. My father is the High King and there are many smaller kingdoms throughout the sea. I was part of the army. My father's pride and joy. My sisters and I were happy even though everyone knew I was my father's favorite.

My mother asked us to ask for anything we want. It was like her gift to all of us. My eldest sister, Pearl, asked for her own kingdom and lots of money. It was given to her. My other sisters asked for other items and pleasures. I asked to be an elf. I loved the idea of adventure and wanted to make my own way in the world. My father was furious, he told my mother no and that was it. I asked him and pleaded with him, and as ususal, I got my way. My mother then turned me into an elf. I wandered around for a while and started to get used to life on land. I disguied my eyes and my powers and fit in seamlessly.

After about a hundred years, I was settled in the fire kingdom and was very happy. I worked in the army a little and was in the castle a lot. I fell in love with the Prince Levan, yes the king today. We dated for about two-and-a-half years before we were engaged. During our dating, I told him who I was and brought him to the sea. I visited my family often due to my father's requests. I had Levan meet my family. My sisters and mother liked him, I think. My father did not. He said that Levan did not love me, and I should break up with him. We argued and argued and he told me not to come back, so I didn't. I have not seen him or my sisters for the past one hundred fifty years.

The month before we were to be wed, I found Levan kissing another woman. That woman is his current queen. I found out later after I left as soon as I could, that it had been going on for five months. I was devistated. I wandered around for another fifty years before your father and Elwen took me in. They gave me a home, and I flourished in the army. Then, I let myself fall in love again. This time with your father. He courted me, and I thought that I was going to be happy. I was wrong. He politely told me that he could not go on anymore. I thought he was single until I found you. Then, I knew just by looking at your eyes, that he fell in love with a human while I was helplessly falling in love with him."

I was listening so intently that I did not realize she was finished. She just sat there rubbing some tears from her eyes.

I did not know what to say an I found the whole thing really shocking. "I am so sorry. I cannot imagine a life like that."

"It is fine," she said. "Now you can see why I just can't fall in love again. My heart cannot handle it this time, and it has been broken too many times for me to turst myself."

"He really likes you. The way he looks at you is like there is nothing else going on in the world. He means it."

"I thought his father ment it too," Alia said with some venom. "The men in the sea used to take me out to dinner and tell me that I was the most beautiful creature in the world. Everything anyone has ever said to me was untrue."

"You cannot think that way. Try to give him a chance."

"We are in a freaking war. That cannot happen now."

"It could. What better time than now? Just keep your heart open."

"I cannot believe that I am taking advice from a seventeen year old. Thank you. This story cannot leave here. The only people who know are you, Elwen, Levan and your father."

"I won't tell anyone. You have to speak to Elendil though."

"Fine," Alia said reluctlently.

We walked back to camp, and I was called to dine with my father. I noticed that Elendil was waiting for Alia by her tent. After I walked away, I noticed that he started to talk to her.

"Hello Alia," Elendil noticed that she was on edge about something.

"Hey. Listen. I am sorry about what happened before. I just did not expect to hear it."

"I should have not been so foreward. It was very impolite of me, especally in a time like this. I am sorry.

"You are?" Alia was amazed that he would say this.

"Yes. I care about you a lot, and I wish that I did not hurt you."

The look on his face made Alia step back and think. She could feel her heart take a jump to a different level, and she did not like it at all.

"How long have you felt this way?" she asked him.

"For the past thirty years. Ever since you started doing more missions for King Leto. I knew that I wanted you to be mine." He looked into her eyes and saw them soften. Then, he leaned in and kissed her. She raised her hand to slap him and then put it down and kissed him back. She knew that he was the one, and that she had found her love. She knew it and hated it at the same time.

When I came back to see Alia, she was talking strategy with Elendil. She just gave me a thumbs up, and I turned to call it a day. We fight the day after tomorrow, and it is time to get some sleep.
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Hope everyone enjoys this chapter. It is definately one of my favs COMMENT!