Elven Chronicles Book 1: Into the Shadows


We fight tomorrow. We reached the battle field, and I could feel the excitement and fear in everyone rising. The battle field was about ten miles wide and twenty miles long. There were trees, small hills, and some small growth scattered around the area. For the most part, it was a pretty open area. I would be really hard to try a sneak attack on the opposing army. The small hills would be the only high points toward the other end of the field, but even they were not that good.

"Take a look at a field of death," Alia came up next to me. Sometimes I hated the fact she was so to the point.

"Yeah. Alia, I am a little afraid. I have made some great friends, and I do not want them to die tomorrow.Also, I really do not think I am ready to go. "

"I hear ya. I have seen a lot of my friends die before, and I do not plan watching anyone die. I plan on kicking some ass and leaving ASAP," she said this with a look on her face that scared me. She caught my eye and continued, "I don't like killing people, but if they threaten my friends they will die. By the way, you have impressed a lot of people out here and you will be fine. Besides, you have Aaron and I fighting at your sid the whole time."

I really liked Alia for her loyalty and bravery. I knew she was not going to let me out of her sight tomorrow.

"Princess Kida, Alia, the Kings are waiting for you back at the base," a gaurd called to us.

"Yeah, yeah, they can wait," Alia muttered.

We arrived at base to find the generals, some high ranking officers, the best benders from every element, my father and King Levan, the princes, and all of the humans. We all sat around a map of the area.

"Okay. This is how this is going to go," my father started. "The groups of benders will lead the first battle. They will be accompanied by soldiers and ranking officers. I will take the right side, Levan the left. Alia will be at Kida's side in the center with the humans, and the Princes will be on their flanks. The generals will be directing the second flight of fighters for the second attack. Any questions?"

I had one. "What do we do with the wounded on the field?"

"They have to be left with a soldier next to them," King Levan told me. The others seemed a bit surprised at my question, like it was a settled matter.

"No," I said. They all just looked at me and I looked them all straight in the eye as I gave my reasons. "I will not leave a wounded soldier with just anyone. They have to be taken undercover by some soldiers to the camps. If we just leave them out there too many people will die. I will pick all of them up myself if you all don't agree."

They all kind of looked at me with guilty looks on their faces for not thinking of a solution first. The first one to speak was my dad, "I will pick them up too." All of the village people agreed with me.

The Prince Aaron spoke next, "I'll pick 'em up too."

Soon, everyone saw my point and that was taken care of. A few more strategies were discussed and everyone left except me, my father, and dad.

"You need to stay by Alia tomorrow, please," my dad (Gabe) spoke first. He looked really worried and uncomfortable about the whole thing.

"If she tells you to run, run. Walk, walk. Play dead, do it. Understand?" my father looked really stressed out about this.

"I will. You do not need to worry. I will stay by her side until the battle is over," as I said this, they looked like they did not believe me. Good choice.

"If you do anything crazy, I will drag you home by your hair," dad warned. I knew he was half serious about that point.

I just laughed, and they joined me. We all turned in, and I waited for what was to come.

"Alia, we need to talk," Elendil walked into her tent.

"What? We need to rest. You shoud be at your base," she answered rudely.

"I know, I know. I need you to promise me something."

"I don't make promises. I always break them."

"Well pretend like you care about this one, Do not get yourself killed tomorrow. I'll die too." He looked her dead in the eye, serious and concerned.

She stepped back and thought about his request. She tried to seem indifferent to it and was working hard at not falling to pieces. "Fine. I will not get killed tomorrow at least."

He looked relieved. "Thanks. Sleep well." He kissed her on the cheek and left.

Please do not get yourself killed too. My heart will not survive this one Alia thought this as Elendil walked away.
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Sorry it is a little shorter. The next chapter will be filled with action. COMMENT! Enjoy!