Elven Chronicles Book 1: Into the Shadows

War Part II

"Alia?" Elendil peeked in to her part of the tent. He was determined to not let her freak out when he told her what he had to do.

"Elendil! Come in," she replied with a smile. Her burns were recovering quickly due to the seashells and her determination to get back to Kida's side.

"Hey," he tried to force the smile back, and she noticed.

"What the hell is going on?"

Boy does she have a way with getting to the point Elendil thought. Well, here it goes

"I am leading a large part of the army along with some of Kida's wolves around the flank and will be attacking them from behind. Please do not freak out on me." He tensed waiting for her to lose it. Her breathing quickened like she was being squeezed inside a box. Alia closed her eyes for a minute, and when she opened them, they were filled with tears.

"Fine. Take this and use it if you are about to die." She held out a white flat thing with a star in the middle.

"What is it?" Elendil looked confused.

"A sand dollar," she answered. "Smash it and something huge will happen. My father gave it to me before I left for the elves. It will help."

"I will stay safe. I love you. Please be careful for me, and do not do anything stupid." Without turning around Elendil headed toward the door. Alia just watched with tears streaming down her face.

I arrived at Alia's tent after the army had left. The attack was to take place in five days. When I walked in I noticed immediately that she had been crying for a while. I knocked and waited for her to notice me. She seemed to be in a daze, until I snapped her back into reality.

"Oh, hey, Kida. Sorry I did not notice you earlier. I was just thinking," she made an attempt to look happier. That attempt was not very good.

"I know that Elendil told you what he has to do, but do not worry too much. His father has the best gaurd stationed around him, and I am placing some of my wolves at his command so nothing bad will happen. Just get better."

"Easy for you to say. I will be ready for the final attack." She had a determined look in her eye and I decided it was best not to argue.

"Reports have come in that the black army grows stronger and the old ones are comming out from the depths of their own personal hell. We hope that they won't be here for the attack. No one is telling me much. Please tell me what is going on."

"Fine. You are the only one who stands a chance at beating them. You control the elements and you can bring lightning from the sky at will. You have the elves convinced that you fill the prophecy," Alia said this with a very grave face.

I knew this answer was coming. The army just looks at me all the time and waits for something to happen. I looked up at Alia and said, "Then, it looks like I have to go and kick some ass. See you later."

I ran.

Once, I was in the forest I broke down again and just sat staring into the forest. After an hour I heard them coming. I peered through the trees and saw them. There were about one hundred to about one fifty dark, evil creatures approaching me. I stood and braced myself for an attack. I flung myself toward them and gave it everything I have. I was a wirlwind of danger. I just started bending whatever element came into mind. Then, the wolves arrived and helped out. A second batch of wolves appeared along with elves chasing after them. One of them was Aaron. He fought by my side and the small battle was over in a matter of minutes after he arrived.

We all just took a breath while the damage was assested. No elves or wolves were killed and all of the enemy was killed. I had some cuts on my arms but did not notice till Aaron pointed them out and sent for a doctor for me.

"It is nothing," I told him. "I'll be fine."

"Yeah right. You look like you are going to pass out. Let me help you."

He lowered me to the ground while the others cleaned up, and anyone else wounded returned to base. I was feeling woozy, and my arm was bleeding heavier now.

"Don't move," Aaron ordered. He placed his shirt on the wound and applied pressure. It seemed like an vein had been slashed.

"Thanks," I said. "I'm not sure what would have happened if you were not helping out. People would probably be panicking over me."

"Anytime," he replied with a smile. I never noticed how good he looked when he smiled. The thought raced from my head as one of the doctors came and patched me up. After returning to camp, my father checked up on me, and the rest of the four days went by without anything major.

The day had arrived for the attack. My arm was still bandaged, but it was nothing crazy. I could see the light white scars covering Alia's body as she got ready to go. The way she moved proved that she was still really sore, but the doctors let her go. They probably knew that she would leave anyway. We placed all the weapons we could on us and joined the army outside. Elwen had grave news for us all.

"They managed to raise one of the old ones. Uthgar, master of the earth and sky, has arrived, and they are preparing for their final attack." He announced this with his gaze resting on me for a moment. Then, he turned to my father and said, "We need to attack with full force if we stand a chance."

My father and King Levan turned to the army and said, "We all will attack after Prince Elendil gives the signal. Get behind your commanders, mount your horses, archers at the ready, and follow us!"

The army cheered as I grew sick with dread. Alia noticed my nervousness and squeezed my hand. Aaron just gave me a smile like we were going on a picnic. My father and King Levan took the lead with me with the rest of the army ready to follow. There was a huge explosion behind the Dark army's camp and that was the signal.

"CHARGE! FOR THE ELVES!" Everyone seemed to scream at once and we were off. The enemy started to charge as well and both sides met and time just stopped. What seemed like a matter of minutes was hours. I was using my stave and bending in all directions. Elendil's army joined up forces and he fought beside Alia and I. I saw elves falling everywhere along with the enemy. Blood, horror, pain was everywhere I turned.

Then, the old one, Uthgar, arrived with a boom. Several elves feel all over the place and even the enemy cowered in fear. I pulled out my dagger and sent a bolt of lightning at him. He screamed and the ground shook. I realized that the only weak spot on him was his face. He moved too much for me to get a clear shot. About fifty meters away, I heard Elwen shout as he shook the ground back with all he had. Uthgar fought him and other earth benders came to help. As, I ran toward them, Elwen yelled in pain and passed out. The others grabbed him and pulled him away as they retreated. Elves, wolves, horses and humans fought in fear now. I figured out what I had to do.

"Alia!" I yelled over the chaos. "I need you to use all of your power and send a torrent of water at Uthgar's head. It is his weak spot."

"Got it." Little did she know that I was going to jump on it and nail him. She sent the water with all of her power, and I hopped on.

"KIDA!!!!" She screamed with every muscle in her body. I shot up and jumped off the water. I raised my dagger and willed all the lightning in the sky to come to me. It did and my body felt like it was on fire. As Uthgar made eye contact with me, I saw fear and sent the lightning at his face. There was the most inhuman scream I had ever heard in my life and it felt like my ears were bleeding. The ground opened up underneath him as he plunged into its depths. It was like the earth had swallowed him whole and I saw much of the evil army go down with him.

I now grew aware of the fact that I was falling toward the ground at record speed. I began screaming because my whole body was in pain like it was about to explode and felt . I felt to storng arms catch me as I slipped into peaceful darkness.
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Best chapter in my opinion. Comment!