Elven Chronicles Book 1: Into the Shadows


I woke up with a terrible headache and my body felt sore all over. I was in some dark place covered in sheets on a bed. I don't even remember coming here. Then, I heard footsteps walking and entering the tent. My body tensed as I tried to locate my weapons.

"Kida? Are you awake?" It was my father.

"Yeah," I could bearly talk as that one syllable came out as a croak. "What is going on."

"Oh, thank God you are okay." He came and wrapped me in a huge hug. I still did not know what is going on. "You have been out for three days now. The war is over because of you."

"How? Is the Dark Army gone?"

"You took out Uthgar with your little stunt, and created quite a mess. There is a huge crater in the earth where you took him out. The army and wolves made short work of the retreating army. Aaron was the only one who heard Alia's screams, and he caught you just as you passed out. We brought you here, and you have been sleeping since. You just had some cuts and bruises. Nothing major. Mostly you suffered from exhaustion, and used up all your energy with bending."

"Oh. Is my dad alive?"

"Yes, I am right here," he came into the room with a look of relief on his face. "Everyone else who is close to you is fine too." He turned to my father and said, "The council is waiting for you. Aaron has been asked to look after Kida."

"We will see you later Kida," my father said. As they walked out of the room, Aaron entered with a huge smile on his face. I didn't realize until now how close we have gotten over the past month.

"Hey hero," he said. "It is nice to see that you have come back to us.

"Nice to see you too. Thanks for saving my life," I answered his cheerfulness with an easy smile. Already, I had begun to feel better.

"It was nothing. Anytime. You did a fantastic job out there. I have something to give you."

"What is it?"

He took some ashes out of his pocket and said, "Close your eyes." Of course I did and when he told me to open them there was a beautiful orange and white flower about five inches across laying in his palms.

"It is wonderful! How did you do that?"

"True fire benders can. We take ashes and create whatever fire lily we want. I made this one while thinking of you. It will turn to ashes or flower whenever you want. If you will it to it will find me in times that you are in danger. Also, it can unleash some mean power when you really want it to."

"Thank you. I will keep it always."

"I hoped you would." We continued to talk about the battle when my father returned with Alia and Elwen. Aaron left so we could be alone. Alia practically jumped on me while giving me a hug and half yelling at me. Elwen still looked exhausted from the battle, and I remembered then that he had passed out on the battlefield.

"Don't you dare ever do that to me again! I cannot believe you could be so stupid! I will kill you myself if you ever do anything so stupid again!" She said this with a smile and just hugged me some more.

"Sorry Alia, but I could not think of anything else to do," I answered her with a shrug. "Elwen, are you okay?"

"Yes, Kida. I used up all my energy and still have to fight to stay awake. I have to lay off the bending for a while," he answered. "I am just glad to see you awake as well."

" Thanks. Father, when can we go home?"

"We are burying the elves and wolves who have died tomorrow and we will leave the day after that."

"How many are dead?" I really did not want to know that answer.

"About 700 elves and 100 wolves. They will be buried right on the battlefield."

"May I go and see the wolves?"


Since none of them would let me out of their sights, Alia and Elwen helped me walk to where the wolves were staying. Their leader got up at my approach, and the rest of them bowed to me.

"Welcome back High Queen Kida. We are happy to see that you are safe," Lord Wolf said.

"Thank you Lord Wolf. I see that you all have been busy."

"Yes my Queen. We have taken care of our dead and would like to recieve your permission to return to our families. There are cubs to provide for and take care of."

"Of course you may leave. I just wanted to thank you for the help. If you all hadn't arrived, many more would be dead."

"Your welcome my Queen. We will leave now. If you ever need anything come find us." With that they left and melted into the forest.

The next day...

The army had gathered around the gravesite. The elves who died were buried that morning and we stood in silence to pay our respects. The Kings said something earlier and we all stood there and prayed silent prayers for those who died. My father ended the ceremony and then Elwen asked if everyone could wait for a moment. He closed his eyes and raised his arms, and then slabs of stone rose from the earth above the graves with the names of the elves who died carved upon them. We all just stood there in awe as Elwen walked away toward camp. I saw him stagger slightly, and realized he had taken a great risk in providing for the dead. Later, I found out that he passed out immediately and did not rise until the next morning.

Elves broke off in groups of twos and threes to pay last respects. I noticed a woman clutching a sword kneeling in front of a grave all by herself, and I waked over to her. I recognized Isabel, the woman who butted heads with Alia during the training sessions before the war. As I read the stone in front of her, I realized that is was her husband who she shead tears for.


She looked up and said, "Princess, I did not notice you before. Sorry."

"There is no need to apoligize to me. I just wanted to give you some comfort. No one should be alone now."

She sniffed and replied, "Thank you. My late husband liked you a lot. I don't know what I will do without him."

"Come with me. You look like you have cried too much in the last few days," I answered and knelt next to her and embraced her. We just sat in silence for a while, and just that made us both feel a lot better.

She followed me and looked much better. We split and I promised to stay by her side when we started our return home the next day. I am excited to go home. This war thing is not fun at all.
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Thanks for reading. This was just to wrap the war up. Comment :)