Elven Chronicles Book 1: Into the Shadows


I was sitting up thinking about what the hell was going on. Alia and Elwen. They were a mystery. They look like the elves in the history book, they move faster than humans, and they have an aura about them that creeps me out. It seemed like they were waiting for me to do something. I was going to confront them tomorrow, and they better not even think about lying.

The next morning, my mother reminded me of something.

"Kida you have your lesson this afternoon," mother said.

Dammit I forgot about that.

"Okay, I'll bring the girls home and head out. Afterwords, I have to go into the forest to get some things."

Off I went to continue another almost normal day. By the end of the day, "normal" may not be the right term to use.

After school was over, and I took care of the girls, I headed to my first lesson.

"Hello, Kida, and welcome to your first lesson. You will address me as Master or Sir. Is that understood?" Master said this to me. He looks pretty serious. I had a feeling that he and I were going to butt some heads during my training.

"Yes, sir."

"Excellent. Now you will not need your stave for the next two to three weeks. You must build strength and patience during your training. For the next few weeks, you will report here at four o' clock. You will never be late. If you are late, do not bother to come. Do you understand?

"Yes, sir." I said this reluctantly. I hated it when people think that they can just boss me around. We were going to have a major problem if this is how it is going down.

"Okay, sit here with your eyes closed and your legs crossed in front of you. You will sit here until I tell you that you are done. Understood?"

"Yes, sir" I sat and closed my eyes.

After what seemed like days, (It was only and hour and a half) my Master came out.

"You may go home now. I'll see you back here tomorrow." Then he walked away.

I almost threw something at him. This was the biggest crap ever. I just sat on my ass for an hour and a half, and he just told me to go home! I will go with it for now, but sooner or later I will snap. I hurried up to go find Alia and Elwen. They were not going to give me any crap either.
"She is the one you want," John (Kida's Master) told his father.

"What did she do to impress you? You did not fight today. Right?"

"We did not fight. Kida stayed in meditation for the entire hour and a half. She did not argue, throw anything, or touch her stave the entire time. She has surprised me. Kida will become a battlemaster. I am convinced."

"Alia! Elwen! Where are you guys? I yelled this as I got close to our meeting spot by a dead fallen tree. I was almost afraid to know the answers to the questions I was about to ask. What if the answers were yes?

"Here Kida," they said, " What is the matter?"

"You both are going to answer my questions honestly, and I do not want any shit from either of you. Got it?" After I was done with my brilliant opening statement, Alia's eyes flashed with anger, and Elwen looked a little uncomfortable.

"What do you want? Do you really think we would lie to you?" Alia said this with hostility.

"Fine then. I will know if you are lying. I always know if people are lying to me. Are you two elves?"

They both let the shock show on their faces and then Elwen answered me.

"Yes we are elves. I now have a question for you: How did you figure this out? We did not think you would."

"I stole a book from the Battlemaster and came across some ancient history. It told of a time when the elves would trade with humans and help them through sickness. Then, it showed a picture of a man and he looked like you, Elwen. That is when I decided to ask and find out more about the two of you. Now, I have more questions: Are there more of you? Do you still live in the forest? Why do you not come around anymore?

"Well," Elwen continued," Yes, there are more elves in the forest. We live a little ways from here. We do not come out anymore because it was decided long ago that the elves would let the humans lead their own lives, and we would drift farther and farther away from you all."

"Oh, okay. Are there many elves?"

Alia answered this one," We cannot tell you information like that. You must not tell anyone about us. You would be putting us and yourself in danger."

"I would never tell about you because I do not want you to go away. You make me feel normal. I feel like I fit in when I am around you, and when I am at home I am just the eldest child that always has to take care of her family. It gets really old."

"We will not go away unless something dangerous happens," Elwen reassured me," I do need to tell you that there is one other person who knows about all of us meeting together."

"Who?" I asked.

"Our King, Leto. He asked us to keep and eye on you. We had noticed you were different, and you are. We wanted to learn more about you and the humans. He encouraged us to befriend you. Please do not think we are being your friends because King Leto told us to. We wanted to meet you in person."

"Okay. Can I ever meet him? It would be cool to see and know his face. Plus, he is a King. That makes it ten times cooler."

Alia replied, "I am sure that would be fine someday. Oh, and another thing, you must never try to find us. Where we live cannot be found by humans."

"Fine. Let me tell you about my training. I sat for an hour and half meditating. It was the stupidest thing I have ever done in my entire life!"

Alia burst out laughing and almost fell over. Elwen gave me a serious stare and said, " You must listen and continue your training. This is obviously important."

"I will. I have to go back tomorrow, and I will find out what is going on. See you guys tomorrow."

"Bye," they said. Their body language told me that they were going to go running back to their king to tell him what I had found out.

I wonder what else I will find out. This was getting interesting
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