Elven Chronicles Book 1: Into the Shadows


My days had become monotonous. All I did was go to school, take care of my sisters, train, go into the forest, and do it all over again. At lest being with Alia and Elwen was fun. They taught me to fight better, find better food, and how to climb trees well. I caught more food for my family because of them.

"Kida, you have done so well during the past two months. I am very impressed," my Master told me.

I was done and this was the breaking point. "Is that a compliment? After two months of push-ups and weights and meditating, and all the stupid drills I did, you are finally acknowledging all that work? Thank you goodness! I thought you were just going to ignore me forever, and that I would never get anywhere in life. Thank you!" Yes I just let all my frustration out in one semi-respectful way. I think.

"Are you done?" he asked obviously amused. "If you are, we can continue. You did all of that to learn patience and understanding. You also are much stronger than many other people in the tribe. I am very proud of you and you will make a great battlemaster someday."

I almost choked. He barely said anything to me in the past two months, and now he was telling me he believes in me. I was stunned. It took a minute before I could finally say anything. When I finally spit some words out, they were nice.

"Thank you sir. I misjudged you a little. Forgive that little speech I just gave. Are we going to get into some real fighting now? I am a little tired of the usual."

"Yes it is time to fight. You will now come at four and will meditate for a half hour. Then we will start the next levels you are going to learn. You may go home now."

Well, nothing has changed. I still was dismissed with the usual ' You may leave' and so on. Oh, well, it would be weird if everything had changed at once. Off to see if Alia and Elwen decided to show off. They had been gone for the past week without a word. I was starting to think they had ditched me. When I showed up, they were there waiting for me.

"Hey guys. Where have you been?"

"Sorry," Alia replied," we were out on a mission for the King Leto. We forgot to give you the heads up."

"That's okay. I could tell you weren't around anyway."

"What do you mean? How could you tell that we were not around? Elwen asked.

"It is just a feeling I get. I can tell if people are walking toward or away from me, or if they had been around lately. It does not happen all the time, just at certain moments."

"How long have you noticed this, and have you told anyone?" he continued.

"Since I was little. I told my mom, but she seemed to get nervous and told me to stop making it up. I think I was eight, and decided not to bring it up again."

Alia stepped in,"Have you ever noticed anything else? Any other 'senses' or feelings?"

"Well, (I had never told anyone this) if I want a breeze to come it will, I cannot drown because I almost did when I was a baby, but my mother said that it seemed like I just floated on top of the water. She said it was a miracle."

Alia and Elwen exchanged a look. I am not sure what it contained though. Then, while I was itching my wrist, Alia noticed my birthmark.

"Can I see your wrist?" she said


She showed it to Elwen, and it looked like he grew a little pale. I was getting more curious now. We talked some more, but Elwen looked uncomfortable the entire time. We said our goodbyes as I turned to head home.
"She is elven and this proves it," Elwen told King Leto.

"Yes, it does," he replied carefully.

"Is she yours. You told me about that human that you feel in love amost seventeen years ago. Have you seen her since then?"

"No I have not seen her since...." He paused and took a quick breath. Could that girl really be his? That last night with Christina...

"Sir?" Elwen interrupted his thoughts. "Could Kida be your daughter? Could she be a bender? She has the same mark as you and now I notice, she has your eyes."

"Yes, she could be mine. The last night I spent with Tina, we, um, well..."

"I get it Leto. You need to meet her. We have known her for about eight months now, and this has confirmed that she is elven."

"Very well, Elwen. I will go to her tomorrow. I'll try to get to her mother first. If she is Tina, then we may have a new princess. Things could get really complicated from here."

"I'll stand by your side no matter what, Leto. Do not tell Alia about this yet. We need to confirm this. It is late. I'll see you tomorrow first thing."

As Elwen left, Leto realized his fear may be comming true. He also was not sure about facing Tina again.
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the plot thickens
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