Needles and Pins

Needles and Pins

I saw her face. It was a face I loved and I knew, I had to run away, and get down on my knees and pray. That they go away, and still they begin, Needles and Pins.

It was that first day, on the train, when I had just met Sirius and we went to that compartment. She was sitting with Snape, avidly discussing which house she wanted to be in. Her flaming red hair and sparkling emerald eyes, and I knew, right there, that she was the one. I couldn’t show, right then, that I liked her, because what if she was in another house? I knew I was going to be in Gryffindor, because generations of Potters had been. ‘’You’d better be in Slytherin.’’ I heard Snape say to her.

Scoffing, I commented, ‘’I think I’d leave school, wouldn’t you?’’ I asked Sirius. ‘’My whole family have been in Slytherin.’’ He replied bitterly. Wow, Black might be a Slytherin. ‘’And I thought you were okay!’’ I said, smirking. ‘’I’m hoping to break the tradition.’’ He replied coolly. I looked over at her and she had a look of disgust on her beautifully pale face. She told Snape she was going to find another compartment. She got up gracefully and left, Snape following her like a lost puppy.

Then, it was our fifth year, and she smiled at me. It was a genuine smile. She might not have even known that I had noticed. We were at lunch, discussing Professor Binns’ essay for homework that had just been set. The essay was immense, nearly two feet of parchment, all on some silly goblin war that had taken place hundreds of years ago. It was pointless to write, really, but being the hard-working student she was, Lily, with the help of Remus, was telling Peter, Sirius and I the main points to include and how to arrange the information. ‘’You have to include the turning point in the war when the…’’

But I wasn’t paying attention to what she was saying. I was thinking about all the times I would hex Snape in the hallway and she would see me and tell me off. How she would yell at me, getting all fired up and her green eyes would flicker with passion. She was beautiful when she was angry, even more beautiful than normal. I zoned back in, knowing she would notice after she came out of her rant about the goblins. ‘’And you can’t forget the -- POTTER! Are you paying attention?’’ Crap, she noticed, and because I hadn’t fully come back from thinking, I was a bit slow to answer. ‘’Erm…yes teacher! Something about goblins?’’ I said, smirking. And there it was. She thought I hadn’t noticed, but I caught it just before my eyes fell to my plate of food. It was a sweet, genuine smile. There was a little bit of teeth in it, and they almost sparkled they were so perfect.

Coming back to now, I think about all the reasons I love her. The way her hair falls around her face, the way she smells so sweet, even when she doesn’t have any perfume on, her wonderful emerald eyes, that seem to know everything you could ever be thinking, and so many more things. I lover her more than anyone could ever know, and just to prove it, I say the two most important words a man could ever say, ‘’I do.’’ I kiss her soft, sweet lips and think to myself, ‘’Add that to the list.’’
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Fixed :))