Status: This is something my friend (samusdorothydarby) and I are writing and it's weird but cute. So enjoy!

Love Among the Pizza Boxes

Chapter 31: Shayla

The spandex feels weird on my skin. It feels like I haven’t done this in forever.
I hadn’t been running the past few days and I already feel like my muscles are wearing down and shriveling up. I start to imagine myself as my great grandma the last time I saw her. She’s 101. And still kickin’. Hallelujah! It’s miracle! Yeah… It’s a miracle that she still has enough sense to put on a diaper every morning. Then again. She has help for that.
I leave my house and head towards the park nearby. Destiny Park. Ha. Everything has to do with destiny now. Pfft.
It’s good to be out again and breathing and being perfectly functional. Or at least that’s how I see it when I run. It’s like because I can run and stretch my legs one in front of the other I’m somehow perfect.
I’m breathing in time to my keys jangling from my belt loop. I don’t have any music along. I prefer to listen to my breathing and the wind through the trees and the pavement and all the people sitting and talking on park benches.
I come to a halt at the big fountain directly in the center of the park. There’s no one sitting along the edges. Somehow it’s become a sacred place. A place where people can come and flip a hopeful coin into the water and close their eyes and wish. Wish for anything. And maybe someday it’d come true.
I kind of actually believe in it. I kind of believe sometimes that the wise, withered face of the old fisherman can actually see the pain in the world and maybe will be compelled to change it.
I have never thrown a coin into the fountain. I haven’t found anything to be important enough to use my wish on yet. I have always gotten the feeling that I’ll just get one. No take-backs.
Right now I’m a little skeeved out.
The statue’s staring at me.
With his eyes made of hard stone- and yet. They glimmer with world-wearied life.
And it’s creepy and I feel like it’s gonna start talking soon.
So I just turn around and ignore my goose bumps and keep on jogging through the gravel-laid path, admiring the big green trees along the way.
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Comments anyone?