Status: Hiatus

Livin' off the Party Scene

Come One, Come All

“Come on, please.” He begged.

“No. Justin I don’t want to go.” She replied, staring at her computer screen from where she was seated in the computer chair at her white painted wooden desk in her room.

“Please Kara.” He continued to beg, rising up from his seat on her full sized bed and walking up behind her.

She heard his movements and spun her wheelie chair around, sternly saying for the final time, “No.”

“Why not.” He whined, he really wanted her to go with him. She’s never been there before and she isn’t doing anything but checking her Tumblr anyhow.

She looked into his eyes and sternly defended herself, “Cause it’s going to be a bunch of stoner band guys with their band sluts.”

“That hurts.” Justin was one of those band guys, just that he was more into making music and hanging out with his friends, than all the girls that throw themselves at musicians; not to mention that his band, My Girl Friday, was just formed a few months ago, so they really weren’t well known to the public yet.

“I’m sorry, but I told you when you started going there that I wanted nothing to do with it.” Kara answered, feeling herself give into the big, sweet brown eyes of her best friend.

Kara was one of those girls who was quiet and studious, no one ever expected her to become friends with the star wrestler who is a year older than her. Kara and Justin met when she was in seventh grade, him in eighth; she was sitting on the cement wall out front of their school waiting for the after school bus to come and pick her up, while Justin and two of his friends, Justin Garza and Stephen Gomez, where waiting as well. The guys noticed a group of boys along with some slutty girls around her age start to circle around her poking fun at the way she sat alone reading the assigned book, Hatchet, and the way she was constantly alone; except for the few friends her age that she did have, but weren’t present at this time. The older three saw how helpless she looked against the large group, and went over to help her. Being wrestlers, Justin and Justin quickly intimidated the group by just asking what was going on. The group was scared stiff, leaving Justin with the last word, “Leave her alone.” After that was said, all the little tough seventh graders skedaddled in all directions.

“You okay?” Justin asked her.

“Yeah. It happens all the time. I’m used to it.” She said in her soft voice.

“You shouldn’t let anyone push you around.” He told her, taking a seat on the wall next to
her. “I’m Justin by the way, Justin Godsey.”

“Kara Kligar.” She introduced herself.

“These are my friends Justin Garza and Stephen Gomez.” She lifted her hand up to wave to the boys who now stood in front of her, they smiled and waved back. “So what are you doing here this late?”

“Algebra review, test tomorrow.” She simply said, putting her aside.

“Fun, what grade are you in?” Godsey asked her.

“Seventh.” She replied.

“Oh, cool, we’re in eighth.” Stephen added in. She smiled at his squeaky voice. Stephen was nearing puberty, and he hated it. His voice kept cracking and he still wasn’t getting muscle; no matter how hard he tried.

“You want to hang one day?” Garza asked her. Something in the two Justin’s made them feel protective of her, wanting to befriend her and watch over her from the evil of other middle schoolers; such a strong feeling for such young kids.

The question caught her off guard. “Um, I don’t know.”

“Come on, it’ll be fun. We won’t bite.” Godsey coaxed.

“Maybe one day. I think I’d have to get to know you guys better though.” She confessed her standards.

“Will do.” Godsey replied. The bus pulled up and all of the kids got up and walked towards the large yellow vehicle. “This your bus?” he asked her, noticing she was following them.

“Yeah.” She nodded her head.

“Where do you live?” Garza asked her, sitting in the seat in front of the one she chose and turning back to face her, with Stephen next to him by the window, and Godsey across the aisle from her.

“Mason Court.” She said.

“That’s a block over from Stevie boy.” Godsey informed her with an enchanting smile.

“Why haven’t we’ve seen you before?” Garza asked, more rhetorically.

She shrugged and shook her head once, claiming that she had no clue.

From that point Justin Godsey and Kara Kliegar somehow managed to become great friends. Neither of the three boys or Kara really know or remember how they made a strong friendship, they all just remember the first day that they finally noticed her.

“Come on, Kara, one night.” He continued to beg, and she shook her head. “Please. Just this one night.” He got down onto his knees so his face was just a little lower than hers; causing him to look up and her to look down into his heart melting brown eyes.

“If my reputation is ruined, I swear to god.”

“What reputation.” He laughed, knowing that he finally won this battle.

“Exactly.” She spun her chair around to face her computer screen and scroll through her dash.

The two teens left Kara’s house at six in the evening, of course Justin drove. At the place, Justin parked the car a few feet away outside of the circle of vans and cars that was already there.

“Ugh, why did I agree to this.” She groaned and slowed her pace to a shuffle still following behind Justin.

“Because you love me.” he turned around and walked towards her, grabbing her by the hand and pulling her along.

“It’s a parking lot.” She observed with disgust, adding to her groans.

“An abandoned parking lot.” He added with a smile, knowing that in her eyes it was even worse.

“Oh that makes it so much better.” She rolled her eyes, giving up and letting Justin drag her to where they’re supposed to be going.

“It’s owned by 8123 management.” He started to explain, hoping that she’ll understand the significance and importance of this place. “And stop being so negative, just enjoy the music.”

“What music?” There was none playing, and that confused her, she felt like she was missing something big.

He continued to drag her towards the circle of vehicles. “You’ll see later. Come on.”

The closer they got, the sooner she noticed Garza and his longtime girlfriend Taylor standing behind their van and trailer waiting for their two friends.

“Hey Justin, hey Taylor.” Godsey greeted them.

“You came!” Taylor said excitedly towards Kara.

“He made me.” she pointed over to Godsey on her right.

“You on your way over?” Godsey asked Garza, pointing over his shoulder towards the inside of the car circle.

“Yeah. We were waiting for you. Everyone else is already here.” Taylor told the two, and all four of them started to enter into the circle.

“Where are we going?” Kara asked skeptically.

“The ceremony.” Godsey again grabbed Kara’s hand and led the way, following Garza and Taylor.

“Ceremony?” She was so confused, and to her the fact of a ceremony in this place was freaking creepy. She had no clue what it would be about or what would be involved.
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Review/Comment I'd like your input please and thank you.
<3 Dom