Status: Hiatus

Livin' off the Party Scene

Lost In Stereo

The two couples made their way to their friends and band mates who were all standing together in the circle of people.

One guy with brown hair and a muscled figure holding a microphone had everyone’s attention. Once the four friends took their place on the circle, he began. “Hey everyone, thanks for coming out. I’m excited to meet all of you.” he happily said.

“Who’s that?” Kara whispered over into Godsey’s ear.
“Tim Kirch. He owns 8123.” He whispered back. To Kara this didn’t make sense, why didn’t he just come around and introduce himself individually to the groups?
“Oh. So what are we doing?” she asked again.
“Shh. Just listen.”

Tim finished up his introduction and started to pass the mic around to his left. As it travelled around the circle, everyone introduced themselves and what band they played in, or worked with. The bands that were there were This Century, A Rocket To The Moon, The Summer Set, The Maine, and of course The Season Premiere and My Girl Friday.

After all that was said Tim concluded this “ceremony” with, “Alright, I’m glad you all came out and I promise this will be the shit. Just hang in there while we finish setting up.” Kara was totally confused as to what was happening next, but decided against asking her friends because they’d just tell her to wait and see.

All the bands dispersed back to their vans after everything that needed to be said was said. There was a full stage being set up, and guys running around wiring up instruments.

“Hey.” Godsey and Kara waved towards their group of friends .
“Hey Kiddo.” Stephen Gomez greeted her, abandoning The Summer Set for a few minutes to hang out with his friends in The Season Premiere and My Girl Friday.
“Why are you here?” Josh from My Girl Friday asked her, fully aware that she was against this place from the start.
She made a face and pointed over to Godsey, “Justin made me.”
“Nice bro, you got a handle on your woman.” Logan, Godsey’s band mate approved with a smile.
“How many times do I have to tell you there’s nothing between us, and there will never be.” Kara retorted. “We’re just friends.”
“Whatever you say Kara.” Taylor jumped in. “I think he’s gonna win you over one of these days.” She added her own prediction.
“Ha ha.” Kara sarcastically laughed. “I love him, but as my big brother.”

The conversation ended there when the others got into their own side conversations. Kara watched the unknown boys set up the stage scene from her place in Godsey’s Indian-style seated lap on the pavement. Garza and the boys of The Season Premiere left shortly because they were the first bands going to play, and they had to get set up.

Kara and Godsey rose from their seats to join the forming mosh pit in front of the stage of all the people that introduced themselves in the circle; Godsey holding her hand tight, pulling her along the whole time. Kara was more willing to stand in the mosh pit because she was supporting her good friends; in her book right now was fully acceptable, but when those three bands were done then it was time for her to go.

The two swayed side to side at some songs and danced a little to others, Godsey not once letting go of her hand. At their third to last song, Sin City, Tim followed by Logan came over to them.

“Justin, you guys are up next.” Tim informed them, Kara looking over at Godsey’s sweet face which was a mix of sadness for having to leave Kara in the crowd of people by herself because the rest of their friends were either performing or checking their instruments, and giddiness that she will finally see them live with a huge crowd and on an actual stage too instead of from the confines of backyards and in-store acoustics.

“Ok.” Godsey replied.
“Come on J.J. let go of your whore, she’ll be alright by herself. We got a gig to play!” Logan tried to seriously say but a smile and a stifled laugh was betraying him.
“Thanks Logan.” Kara smiled sarcastically. Logan was the “baby” of the senior boys, and the jokester of the group too.

Godsey finally released her hand from his and followed Logan to the backstage area where the rest of the band was waiting for him and the end of The Season Premiere’s final song. Kara watched her best friend walk away and a wave of awkward loneliness washed over her. This wasn’t her scene unless she was glued to Justin’s side. He made her feel safe and secure.

My Girl Friday entered the now empty stage. When Justin got to the microphone, his eyes locked with Kara’s and he smiled his brilliant smile, causing her to react the same way. She swayed to their music, her eyes never moving away from Justin’s gaze towards her. He was comforting her from his place on the stage with just the intensity and loving devotion of his eyes.

“I’m taking a wild guess here, but, this isn’t your scene.” A male’s voice noted next to her, obviously talking to her because she wasn’t tightly packed in the group, more standoffish.
“You’re a good guesser.” She noted, her eyes never leaving Justin’s.
“Thanks. I’m John by the way.” He introduced herself, looking over at her; not bothering to offer his hand out to shake it because she wouldn’t even look his way.
“Kara.” She introduced herself informally back.
“So why are you here if you don’t want to be?” John curiously asked.
“My best friend made me come.” She told him simply.
“Who’s she?” He wanted to know, to see if he knew her, considering there were only about fifteen girls in the lot, give or take.
“The guy singing.” She responded.
John felt embarrassed. “Oh. He’s not a chick.”
“Nope.” She popped the “p”.
“He got a girlfriend?” John was trying hard to make conversation with the girl who he noticed was way out of her element and wanted to make her feel better, but she wasn’t giving him the time of day.
“Nope.” She stoically responded.
“Go for it.” He encouraged.
“What, no.” Kara understood what he thought was going on between Justin and her, and ripped her eyes away from Justin’s to look at the man beside her. He was lanky with long brown hair that could pass as a mullet with a few more inches of growth, bright green-blue eyes, a killer smile, and was very tall. Just from looks, to Kara he was total eye candy. “I don’t want Justin that way. He’s just my friend.” She defended herself for the second time that night. She really couldn’t understand how people could think she was with Justin; they were as close as siblings.
“You sure.” John wanted clarification.
“Positive.” She assured him, looking into his deep and hypnotic eyes. John smiled back at her.

“Kara!” she heard her name being called from behind her. She turned around and noticed that it was Garza and Taylor who were calling her.
John followed her eyes and stated, “You should stop by our van later and hang with the girls.”
“I really don’t want to associate myself with band sluts.” She blurted out without thinking, and totally regretted it.
John laughed. “They’re not band sluts, they’re Garrett and Kennedy’s girlfriends and they design all our merch.” He enlightened her.
Her cheeks were red from the embarrassment of her last statement. “Yeah, maybe if I’m bored I’ll stop by.” She nonchalantly told him.
“Kara!” she heard Garza call her again.
“I got to go.” She dismissed herself, turning around and jogging over to the couple.
“Nice talking with you, Kara.” John called behind her with a smile as he watched her thin frame jog away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Let me know what you think!

xoxo <3 Dom