A Healthy Competition

A Healthy Competition

Competition. A word Harry Potter thought about all the time. He was always ready for a good competition. Quidditch was his thing, the thing he was good at. He was the star, and girls all over the school loved it. He could have any girl he wanted. Except for her. She was different than the rest. She wasn’t impressed by his flying, and didn’t seem to care about his looks or his personality. Frankly, she didn’t seem interested in him at all…at first. He just had to play it cool, and show his real self, and she was his. She was amazing, and intrigued him so the point of almost madness. She was fun to be with and beautiful, unlike all the girls before.

Competition. A word, and thing, that Ronald Weasley like to avoid. He got nervous with confrontation, and hated being caught in a situation where he had to fight back or attack or anything of the sort. That was why he hated most of the things he did with Harry and Hermione. The thing he liked the most was a certain girl whose affection seemed unattainable. She was smart and brave, witty and beautiful everything he could ever want. Only the thing was, getting to her this year, would be a competition.

Competition. A thing I, Luna Lovegood, never though I would find myself in the middle of. Two boys, vying for my attention, in what seemed to be a battle royale. Ronald, who was sweet and lovable, who would take me to Hogsmeade just to walk around and talk, who I could sit by the fire and study with. Of course there was always Harry. We, also, would go to Hogsmeade together, but we would sit in the tiny tea shop and breathe in the sweet nectar and steamed milk scents while simply staring into each others eyes. What we had seemed intense and passionate, while in the back of my mind, I often found myself thinking about Ron. There was just something about him, that every time I saw him, it made me want to fall off the edge of the earth, to disappear, because every time I saw him, I wanted to die, because I never thought I could have him.

It was that day, In a corridor off of the sixth floor, when I had to go up to class, and he had to go down, that he said what I always thought I wanted him to say to me. He told me that he loved me, and I knew. Instead of saying it back, I got up on my tip-toes and kissed him softly on the cheek and walked away. I knew I had gotten what needed to be said across to him and he did understand. He understood that he and Luna Lovegood were not meant to be. He knew that I belonged with someone else, and that Ronald Weasley was a very luck chap indeed. And Ron knew that too, it came out of nowhere, when I walked over to him outside of the classroom. I had wanted it to happen so many times before, but this time it was real. I dropped my bag, put my arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the lips. He grabbed me around the waist, and kissed me hungrily back, lifting me off the ground and spinning me twice. Everything was how it was supposed to be, and for a moment, we both forgot all about school and the world, and anything that had to do with anyone but us.
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This was for a writing competiton on another site and the promt was;; “…every time I look inside your eyes, you make me wanna die.”