And We shall Dance with the Sun

And We shall Dance with the Sun

Her plaid shirt stopped right at her hip just brushing the top of her jeans. She had them rolled up to her knees so that she could cool her legs in the stream. The bright, yellow sunshine was beaming down on her making her white blonde hair glow. ‘’Come over here!’’ She called to me and I looked over at her. She was standing in the water while the sun was setting behind her, holding something squirming in her hands. I made my way through the grass towards the edge of the stream. I waded into the middle and stood beside her. ‘’What is that?’’ I asked her staring at the squirming yellow fish like thing in her hands. ‘’It’s a Plimplie!’’ She said, throwing it into the bucket in the grass. ‘’Do you want to catch one?’’ She asked me. ‘’Sure, I guess so.’’ I said, unsure of how this was going to go.

We were both in our early twenties, and all our friends were dating and getting married. Harry and Hermione were engaged, and we were seeing them that night. We were the only two of our friends who were still single, and I had been waiting for something. She took me by the wrists and bent down, putting them into the cool water rushing downstream. Another of the slimy yellow creatures swam by, and she quickly but gently followed it with my hands. ‘’Okay, now, quickly, grab it!’’ she said and I made a small lunge for it. I felt my hands grab it, but my foot fell over a rock, and I fell into the stream, taking her with me. My body twisted as I fell, and I landed on my back, just as she fell over my chest. She turned her head to look at me and simply laughed. ‘’Well, looks like someone’s being clumsy today!’’ she said, trying not to laugh at me. She got up and grabbed my hands to pull me to my feet. I smiled at her, pulling her into a hug. Once on shore, she grabbed her bucket and started walking back up to her house.

Once we reached the house, Hermione and Luna made their way over to the kitchen. Luna set her bucket on the counter and with a quick wave of her wand the Plimplies were rinsed and scaled. Hermione set to work the knives to cut the vegetables and the seasonings. Soon there was a pot of soup on the stove, and the four of us sat down to eat. She could definitely make the soup a lot better than her father could, and about halfway through the meal, we began to talk about Harry and Hermione’s upcoming wedding. I was asked my opinion several times, but I didn’t want to talk about it, so I looked out the window, and exclaimed, ‘’Oh, look at the time, its getting dark now. We should probably go.’’ Luna glanced at me and understood. We cleaned the dishes and were leaving when walked over. ‘’I told Harry and Hermione to go ahead, that I had something I needed you to do for me. I need to ask you something. Wait here.’’ She said, going up the spiral staircase and to her room. ‘’What is it? Is there anything wrong? ‘’ I said loud enough for her to hear. ‘’I need you opinion on something,’’ she said, coming down the stairs, barefoot, wearing and light blue halter top dress with black studs around the waist. She had a pair of black heels in her hand, which she put on once she reached the bottom. ‘’Well, what do you think?’’ she asked, taking a step forward and doing a turn.

She looked amazing, and all I could get out was, ‘’Whoa…’’ She smiled and adjusted the skirt. Smirking, she exclaimed, ‘’That’s all you can say? ‘Whoa’?’’ She smiled again, and I thought of something better to say. ‘’You look…amazing. What’s the occasion?’’ I asked. I couldn’t think of anything important coming up. ‘’Hold on, these heels are killing me!’’ she said, going up the stairs. She spoke to me while she was changing, ‘’It’s for a party, all the shops in Diagon Alley are celebrating the birthday of Mr. Diagon, the wizard who founded the street.’’ I should have remembered, I had worked at WWW for a little while, but then Harry and I had gone into training to become Aurors. ‘’Yea, I heard about .’’ I replied. She came back down, and we began to walk back to my house. ‘’So, I was wondering…if maybe…do you want to go to the party with me?’’ she asked me, stopping in the grass and looking me straight in the eye. ‘’Sure, I would love to!’’ I replied.

When I went to her house to pick her up, she had the same blue dress on with large silver hoop earrings. She walked over to the dining room table and picked up her purse which was the same exact color as her dress. We linked arms and turned on the spot, popping into Diagon Alley. We walked down the street and into Flourish and Blotts, where she worked. We greeted her friends and co-workers, going from store to store, and we ended up back in the street, making our way to the pub for dinner. From the magically placed speakers atop the store roofs a sweet melody began to play, and I turned to her, saying, ‘’May I have this dance?’’ She smirked and nodded, putting her bag in her shoulder, and placed her hand in mine, and I took her around the waist. We began to sway back and forth, and before we knew it, we were dancing all over the street. Taken in by the music, I kissed her softly on the lips, with the sun setting behind us. She smiled and whispered, ‘’I love you Ronald Weasley.’’ Kissing her again, I replied, ‘’I love you too, Luna Lovegood.
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For rhe same comp as before, with the promt of this ship.