The Way We Were

The Way We Were

He walked down the hallway, the shadows of the trees through the moonlight shining onto him. He ran his fingers through his shaggy black hair and took in a sharp breath as something moved just around the corner ahead. He sighed as a ghost came through the wall and right past him. He knew he shouldn’t be out this late, but he had to get away for a little while. They had been fighting. They seemed to be doing that a lot lately. He thought back to this afternoon.


‘’I’m going to watch the Quidditch practice, do you want to some Allison?’’

‘’I thought we were going to spend the day together? Do you have to go?’’

‘’Well, I promised James I would come to watch! We can still be together, we can just sit in the stands and talk. I told him I’d go, but I never said I’d watch!’’

‘’But we never spend any time together anymore. You’re always hanging out with James and Remus.’’

‘’Well they are my best mates…’’

‘’But WE never spend ANY time together! I’m your girlfriend!’’

‘’What are you saying? That because you’re my girlfriend, I can’t spend time with my mates anymore?’’

‘’Well maybe if you want to be with your mates so much, maybe I shouldn’t be your girlfriend anymore!’’

‘’Well, then maybe you shouldn’t!! There are other fish in the pond you know!’’


He had stormed out after that and she had looked like she was going to cry. Well, after all, she was the one who had wanted to break up. Why couldn’t she just let him be with his friends? Its not like having a girlfriend had to be his whole life! Its like she didn’t understand the importance of spending time with someone other than your significant other! He let her spend time with her girlfriends, but whenever he wanted to hangout with James or Remus, or even Peter, he had to change his plans so he could be with her. She always had to be the center of attention in his life. He had other friends that he wanted to be with. We wasn’t sure of where to go, it was late, but he didn’t want to be in the common room with her. He couldn’t stand looking over at her face and knowing he had lost her all because he wanted to be with his mates. He walked around aimlessly for another half an hour, thinking about being with her again. Her warm smile and her luscious dark brown hair that he could just get lost in. Her dark green eyes that always knew just what to say, and her soft lips that tasted so sweet on his. He found himself outside the common room again. He did not want to go inside. Sure, they had had some disagreements before, but this was their first major fight. He didn’t know what to do now.

Before, when they had fought, they would always come to some sort of agreement, and then everything would be okay again. But know he didn’t now what he was supposed to say to make things right again. He decided to take a chance at saving what they had, so he made his way over to the portrait hole, ready to give the password to the Fat Lady. ‘’Why are you out so late? You’re supposed to be inside or you might get in trouble!’’ The Fat Lady said to him. Normally he would come up with some well believed excuse as to why he was out so late, which he often did when he was pulling a late night prank with James. He let out a deep sigh and focused his pale blue eyes on the plump portrait. ‘’I’ve just been out for a walk to clear my head. Could you just let me in?’’ He asked her, telling the truth to the Fat Lady for the first time in a while. She could see that there was something wrong with the usually witty and energetic 6th year. ‘’Okay, sweetheart. What’s the password?’’ She said, giving a wink. He gave a weak smile and replied, ‘’Bertie Botts.’’ The portrait swung open and he stepped inside.

His eyes surveyed the room looking for the dark brown mane. He found her sitting in a high backed chair buy the window, the pale moonlight illuminating her profile. The fire was still crackling, giving a small P O P every now and then. The grandfather clock in the corner began to chime and she turned back to see what time it was and saw him standing near the portrait hole. She stared at him for a moment and then turned back around. He too looked at the clock. It read 10:02. He cautiously began to walk towards her chair, and came around the side to face her, leaning on the window sill. ‘’Hi Allison.’’ He said turning to look out the window. ‘’Hello Mr. Black.’’ She calmly replied. Mr. Black? She was so formal now? As if they had never met?’ Look, Alli, I just want us to talk again. Even if we never go out again, I just want us to talk.’’ he hoped he had said something right, but he couldn’t be sure for she made to change in expression to show that she had even heard him.

She sat for a long minute, thinking and then said, ‘’You know what? I think you’re right? I still want us to be friends, and we’ve had a lot of fun together, but I don’t think we should go out anymore. They say opposites attract, but we’re just to different to be together.’’ She stood up and gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his senses in her wavy brown hair. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe they could both find someone who was better for them. Coming out of the hug, he made his way to the stairs. ‘’Goodnight Allison Montgomery.’’ ‘’Goodnight Sirius Black.’’
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This was for a different comp on the same site, with the prompt of;; First Fight.