Status: I know I've been so delayed about writing this story, and I lost all of my followers because of that but I really enjoy writing this story so I'm gonna keep going. I hope you guys like it :)

Since When Do Things Not Go My Way?

Chapter 1

Hi. My name is Abbie Scout. I am 15 years old. Actually, I'll be 16 in two months. I've been planning my sweet sixteen since I was about five. I always imagined the biggest blowout party of the world. Something that my friends would never forget in their lifetime. Something they'd be able to tell their children about. And I only asked for one thing from my father. A sleek, wine-red, Ford Mustang. I used to have the perfect boyfriend, too- amazing smile, eyes that you could get lost in, great sense of humor, and very popular, just like I used to be. Another thing I had were awesome friends and a lot of them. I used to be the girl that everyone envied. Now...well let's just say that that all feels like some big dream; like it never really happened. I'm confusing you a bit, aren't I? You see, I used to be the girl that everyone else wished they could be. I was pretty, popular, rich, and got everything I ever wanted. When I was little, I even got that pony that almost every girl in America asked Santa Claus for. I was 'that girl'. The 'it girl'. The one everyone was so jealous of. And then the day came that all of that came to a shocking halt. For you to understand we're gonna have to rewind, say...4 months? Yup, only for short months ago. We're going to have to begin with the past. Don't worry, I'll tell you when we get back to the present. Let's start with the day that things started to go wrong.

"So, you meeting with the event planner today, Abbie?" asked my friend Marissa.

"Yup!" I said back, quickly reapplying my strawberry daiquiri scented lip gloss," I'm sooo excited. I have so many ideas. I mean like I said, I've been planning this thing forever." We walked out of the girl's bathroom and out into the bright, California sunshine, envy glares following us as we walked, a few of my other friends catching up, all listening intently.

"I can't wait till your birthday!" said one of my other friends, Steph," This is going to be the party of the century!"

"Oh, believe me; I know," I said back. I then saw my boyfriend, Ian, walking toward me. I walked up to him and swiftly kissed him on the lips. "Hey," I said, smiling.

"Hey yourself," he smiled back. "I got football practice, but you wanna catch a movie after?"

"Can't. I'm meeting up with the event planner tonight and who knows how long that's gonna take." I really had wanted to go out, but I mean, come on! I was trying to plan the party of the century here!

"Don't tell me your already planning for your sweet sixteen? Abbie! You still have six months," he said back.

"Hey! Like my mom always says, 'It's never to soon to be planning the party of the world'," I stated.

"Your nuts," he said back.

"I'll text you later! Have fun at football!" and with that he kissed me on the cheek, said goodbye and ran off to practice.

"You two are way to cute for your own good," said Marissa. The driver that in six months I wouldn't need anymore pulled up to take me home.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," I said, rushing off to the car," Hey Bill," I said to the driver.

"Hello Abbie," he didn't seem his happy self.

"What's wrong?" I asked. All he did was shrug. I had thought it was odd, but didn't question him any further, afraid of being insensitive towards him. I walked into my house to see my dad sitting in a chair near the window, his face in his hands.

"Hi daddy!" I said, figuring he was just stressed from work.

"Abbie can you sit down?" he asked

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No Abbie but this involves you just as much as it involves your mother and I."

"Who died?" I asked, not being able to think of anything else that could have been wrong.

"No one, sweetie, just sit."

I slowly sat down across from my father.

"Honey, I got I got a letter from the bank today saying very large sum of money was taken from our main account. Neither your mother nor I took out that money and no one else has access to that account. Someone, though got into it and we're not sure who."

"So? I mean how much money could they have taken out?" I asked thinking that it was just my dad's usual over reaction to things.

"Enough where it causes us a huge problem. We're going to have to work some things out with the bank, but we're going to have to move into Grandma and Grandpa's for a little while until this is all figured out. Some of your stuff will have to be left here and we are going to have to be very careful about money."

"Oh my God...wait...does this mean no party?" I said. Please excuse my shallowness. At the time, that was the only important thing to me.

"Well, your birthday is six months away. It could all be worked out by then."

"And if it's not?"

"Then no party"

"Oh..." I couldn't breath. I didn't know what to do. My whole world was crashing down before my eyes.

"I'm going to go upstairs," I said. My dad nodded. I could tell that he didn't know what to say. I walked up the stairs and into my room, closing the door behind me in a complete daze. I sat down on my bed and did the only thing I could do; I cried.
♠ ♠ ♠
And that's the fist chapter. Not sure what's to come yet but I've got a lot of ideas. :)