Status: I know I've been so delayed about writing this story, and I lost all of my followers because of that but I really enjoy writing this story so I'm gonna keep going. I hope you guys like it :)

Since When Do Things Not Go My Way?

Chapter 2

I somehow managed to fall asleep that night through all the crying. I had never come down for dinner, hadn't done any of my homework, and had never texted Ian. The only reason I had even gotten up was that my alarm went off. I got up to look in the mirror and almost screamed. My eyes were red and I had beags under them from crying all night. My usually sleek, smooth blonde hair was matted and tangled. I had eyeliner and mascara all over my face. To sum it up: I was a complete wreck. There was no way that I was going to school like that. I then heard a soft knock on my door.

"Come in," I said.

"Honey, how are you feeling," sadi my mother's soothing voice.

"How do I look like I'm doing," I retorted angirly. I usually never got mad at my mother but I had so much rage built up that I really couldn't help but have the attitude.

"Listen I know this is hard on you. It's hard on all of us. But we're going to get though this. We're going to find out who did this and eveything's going to be okay again. I promise."

"Yeah? Well what about my party?"

"As for your party, it's going to happen no matter what. It just may not be with a planner and it may not be the party you've always dreamed of but-"

"Mom that's the thing. If it's not he party I've always dreamed of, I don't want it. And really come to think of it there's more important things I need to think about: I mean what are my friends going to think of me now? What is my boyfriend going to think of me now? This could ruin my life."

"Abbie, the people who are truly your friends will stay with you through this. And if Ian really cares about you, he will too.

"But what if they don't?"

"Then they never really were your friends, were they?

I shrugged. I didn't know what to say. I didn't believe my mother. I just wanted all of this to be a bad dream.

"Well you're not going to school. I assuming you did no homework last night?"


"Well, it's Friday. Just relax today. You have the weekend to do it. Ian called last night by the way. He wanted to know if something was wrong. You weren't responding to his texts. I just told him you were sick."

"Thanks Mom."

I smiled at my mother. Unlike my dad, who would have made me talk to my boyfriend thinking it would make me feel better, my mom knew just what to do.

"I'll text him after school. You mind if I just stay up here for a while? I'll come down for breakfast in a bit."

"Okay, sweetie. Hmm. I know dad wants us to be careful with our money bout you and me go to the spa one last time until we get this figured out?"

"You sure dad would be okay with that?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. But pne last time can't hurt."

"I love you, mom."
♠ ♠ ♠
Things are going to get a lot more interesting, you just need to wait a few chapters.